Zela, Lacie, Crow, Yahweh, Franky, Blondie, Saul, Nazareth, Amylynn, Iona
Unique NPCs:
Title | The Showdown With Vegas |
Scene Synopsis | The group finds the Gadgetech factory, only to be ambushed by Vegas & co. |
IC Date | 16 February 2194 |
OOC Date | 4 August 2009 |
Logger | Pluto (oh god the spam) |
Wasteland: League City Ruins - Main Street Junction
Zela grunts in Crow's direction, before replying to Amylynn. "Dust storm to…far east. Headed north. Not going to…reach us." the Super Mutant replies. She then looks at Blondie. "Have you asked your boss?"
Lacie is rather doing the same as Crow, because all she sees is a Supermutant moving really, really fast and taking actions that might be considered aggressive. She gets low, gun in her hand, ready to shoot, and then recognition sets in. She sighs and swears, shaking her head…"That… was not a wise idea. You are lucky we didn't shoot…" She grumbles coolly, standing up again and reholstering her weapon but about triple as tense as she was before. And to think she almost seemed in a good mood.
"Thanks." Blondie looks to Amylynn, frankly confused by the girl. Whatever she is on, he would very much like some. It'd probably make this tense little meeting a little bit lighter. And when Crow whips his gun out, a subtle shift happens in the Ghoul's posture, and his own tarnished gun is unholstered slightly—but becomes released as the Brotherhood pair reset their own. He relaxes a touch and turns towards Zela. "He's disinclined for now, wants to continue to this factory." A hand is brought up to rub at the Ghoul's chin, another drag give to the cigarette, and a plume of smoke follows his next words. "He also mentioned the Ghouls up at Nasa are a tight-knit wad of assholes. They may need convincing to talk to you, so keep that in mind."
Franky has gone and made himself scarce for the moment shifty through the rubble of the broken home, the group be damned for the moment. "Where the hell did she put that thing?" Franky mumbles to himself while overturning everything that isn't nailed down. He stops to think, "…idiots.." A mumble as he turns and move to step outside the house and peer about.
Crow sighs. He opens his mouth, then thinks better of things, and closes it again. "So what exactly is your intent, mutant? I hear all these strings that you're attempting to pull, tech you're trying to acquire." He scratches under his chin, "It's all very interesting. Truly."
Zela grunts in Blondie's direction. "Unfortunate." she replies, before peering at Crow. "If you…had listened to me. You would know. I tried…to tell you. But you did not wish to listen to me…as a person. You walked away."
"Looks like a circus over here." Saul's comment is a grumble, his eyes sweeping around all the people gathered outside the house. "Everything okay? All quiet where I looked." The man settles beside the rest, hads dusting together, scrubbing at his jacket to wipe off whatever he'd been eating previously.
Blondie observes Crow a moment, before taking a step towards him. He lifts a hand to gesture at the Super Mutant. "Her name's Zela. She's looking for technology to research our genetics and how to improve the gene pool. Now, I didn't catch your name. I'm Blondie." He sticks out a hand lightly, looking atthe Brotherhood man with an expression of vague distrust.
"Her?" Crow seems genuinely surprised. Apparently he can't tell a super mutant's gender too well. Or maybe he just assumes they're all male. He recovers, regardless, paying Zela no heed at all. "Knight Crowley." In spite of his look of apprehension, he does lean over and give the ghoul a handshake. He's firm, but not too firm. "'Zela''s idea of 'improving the gene pool' probably has everything to do with trying to reverse engineer the FEV virus. I've already heard enough of his rhetoric. I can also connect the dots."
Lacie clears her throat rather strongly, "This is a nice debate and all, but we came here for a reason. I would like to get the hell out of dodge sooner rather than later, and sooner than the gangers who are on the trail of the exact same technology we came to find. So… Let's get out there, start combing the area for likely places it's hidden. It's in a warehouse, we know that. it must be in tact to be keeping it safe. That's got to leave out most of this town. Let's get searching." Lacie commands rather curtly, doing her best to sound firm on the matter.
Franky looks at the super mutant who's coincidently looking for tech way out here. "Right well, that's nice." Franky stattes aloud comment, "I don't know about you jackasses, but I'm not for sitting my happy ass here all day." He looks towards Nazareth for a moment then to Lacie as she comments. "It's in a factory..can't be too many around."
[GM] Plutonium will let everyone pose another round or so here, then… time to get yer asses movin', bootlickers!
"I work for the doctor, so I move when he moves and I do as I am told. You'll be talking to him if you want any help, because I've got to make sure nothin' out here eats him." Blondie says, grinning slightly at Crow's look of surprise. The shake is made firm when Blondie clenches down—not meanly, but in a very business-like way. "Nice to meet you, Knight Crowley. Your knight compadre was kind enough to give me a cigarette. You two seem like good folk, so I wish you luck in whatever."
"Fair enough." Saul's head arcs toward both Lacie and Franky, the man meantioning afterward, "If it's out there, I'll find it." He moves then, wanders to the house to fetch one last bag before making back toward the group. "Baring more storms." He adds that a bit late. "Shouldn't be a problem."
"You know…nothing of me." Zela tells crow. "And your bigotry…will someday destroy…your Brotherhood." She glances towards Blondie. "Watch out. If they are…present when you find what your…boss wants…there will be a fight for it. Outsiders cannot…be permitted to have technology in their…small minds. They steal it and…hide it."
Amylynn hurms with her arms crossed and pffts at Blondie "Hey I help guard you guard him…you make the big target to decoy from the boss, I shoot things attackin you. I'm part o the team ya know." she states matter of factly.
Amylynn says, "Wow they can hide technology in their minds…that is so cool! So where are their brains? Wait that means they are mutants to! -had to tack on-"
Crow nods to Blondie, still more or less not interacting with Zela beyond when he pulled his gun on her after she lept down, Hulk style. "Thank you. Be careful of 'her', though. You'll notice she hasn't denied it at all. It was only ten years ago an entire army of super mutants were trying to inflict FEV on everyone.." He adds, raising his index finger, "Ghouls can't be dipped, as far as I know. They're just slave labor and cannon fodder." He shakes his head, and casually wipes his hand off on his hip, "We should get moving. The sooner we finish this, the sooner we can get the hell out of here."
Frank gives a shake of his head as everyone has a fucking opinion these days. He looks toward Saul, "I guess we can leave these assholes here to talk politics. Seen Iona around or Yahweh for that matter?" He asks, motioning toward the city proper with his head as he begins to walk.
Lacie's not going to stand around and be insulted or distrusted any more. "Well, you're welcome to stand and debate on the morals of the brotherhood. I am going to do work. Those who care to join me are all welcome. We are a party in this now and we shall remain such." And with that last order, Lacie turns upon the ball of her foot and walks out into the street. She's patrolled the city enough days now to see certain things, and they were looking for a special location last night, so she's now doing her best to recall any in tact factory like buildings she passed.
"We'll see what happens." Blondie looks to Zela, though his voice is light there is a brush of tension that passes over it. He raises his voice slightly, though, and looks between the Super Mutant and the two Brotherhood Knights. "No use wondering what the future holds when I ain't got a crystal ball." He turns towards Amylynn and smirks at her. "Yeah, yeah, I know—you've got my back. Let's go find the good doctor and see if he needs anything." Then he begins to take large steps away from the group.
"Noone is free…" Zela replies to Crow. "When others are oppressed." Apparently thats her end of the opinion on matters, because she turns and follows after Blondie.
"Fuck I love military rations," Iona can be heard saying, well before she's even in view of the others. She scratches at her ribs rather unlike a lady, and lets out a belch. It seems that she's just woken up from yet another lengthy sleep. "'Ey, what's the fuckin' deal, eh?"
[GM] Plutonium says, "You all set out to explore the city, with the intention of finding the factory Grady was so kind as to tell you about."
[OOC] Nazareth says, "Didn't we have directions?"
[GM] Plutonium says, "Iona gave them to Ridley, who ain't here, and she failed the Intelligence check to remember them."
Yahweh wakes up, looking kinda groggy and rolling over on top of some empty bottles of alcohol. Picking himself up, he runs a hand through his hair, before reaching for a pair of shades hanging from his wifebeater… that aren't there. "I've got to get those back from Lace… fuck." he wanders out of the building he was holed up in, and moves to find the others. Mostly Franky and Lacie.
[OOC] Franky says, "Can I remember for Iona, Frank did notice she took a paper off of grady?"
[GM] Plutonium says, "Okay, let's move the OOC chatter to pub now to preserve everyone's (read: my) sanity, folks. Franky: That's between you and Iona. You'll have to try an Intelligence check if you did see it."
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Intelligence stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Intelligence stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Intelligence stat (7) and critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
"We seem to be…very lost." Zela comments as the group trudges down the city streets.
You paged Franky with 'You remember the general area it was in.'
You paged Crow with 'You remember exactly where it was. It's to the east, in the business district.'
[GM] Plutonium says, "It's up to all of you whether you go as one big group or as multiple groups."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Each group will need to pick somebody to make the travel/search rolls for them, though."
"Fraaaaaaanky!" Yahweh hollers at the top of his lungs, moving aimlessly through the area, "Where the -fuck- are you?" he scratches at his chest for a moment, and eyes the buildings around himself closely, in case he wakes anything up with his bellowing.
"Yes. We might want to split up." remarks Crow in a neutral tone. He sounds as though even responding to Zela takes some self control on his part. There's clearly some resentment involved. Or apprehension. He reaches for Lacie's wrist and gives her a nod.
[OOC] Plutonium says, "Okay. Let's all move over a tiche. Type 'e'."
Franky racks his brain as he walks the streets of bakersfield…err..League city. He looks back to behind him as he swears he heard his name called. "Alright, let me see your map Saul." He asks, hoping the guy still has it. "I recall the general the factory was in this general area..if that paper of Iona's was correct."
Wasteland: League City - Main Street/SH-3
Lacie was content to go on her own, but she gives Crow a brief nod as he takes her wrist and they all begin to head off, she mainly just wanting to get out of there and on the road to some sort of work being done. So she heads off with Crow, like last night, the brotherhood sticking side by side into the deserted wasteland…
[GM] Plutonium says, "Everyone: roll Perception at Hard."
[ROLL] Yahweh rolls his Perception stat (8) at a difficulty level of Hard. He fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Perception stat (8) at a difficulty level of Hard. He fails. (Roll Value: 8)
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Hard. He fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Saul rolls his Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Hard. He fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Perception stat (7) at a difficulty level of Hard. She fails. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Perception stat (8) at a difficulty level of Hard. He fails. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Perception stat (7) at a difficulty level of Hard. She succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Hard. She fails. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Perception stat (7) at a difficulty level of Hard. He fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Hard. She fails. (Roll Value: 4)
You paged Zela with 'As your group wanders, you notice signs that another party has recently come through the area, but you're not sure if they're still around.'
Zela glances around at the sand-covered ancient streets, and picks up the butt of a cigarette. "This is…still warm. Someone else has been here. Another….group."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Okay. Party leaders: roll Outdoorsman. Crow, you get to roll at Easy because of your crit success on remembering directions. Amylynn, you roll at Challenging (since nobody in your group remembered)."
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Outdoorsman skill (29%) at a difficulty level of Easy. He critically fails. (Roll Value: 6)
[OOC] Nazareth says, "Can I roll for that, PLuto?"
[GM] Plutonium says, "For remembering? Yeah, Naz, if Io's okay with it."
[ROLL] Saul rolls his Outdoorsman skill (91%) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 34)
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Intelligence stat (10) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 7)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Outdoorsman skill (47%) and fails. (Roll Value: 17)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Okay, guys. Crow and Lacie: You end up on the faaar side of the city, near an old strip mall."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Saul's party: You end up in the city's industrial sector. It looks promising."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Amylynn's party: You're near the commercial heart of LC, near what used to be downtown."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Ah, and lest I forget."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Weather!"
[GM] Plutonium says, "1 (Shitty) <—> 10 (Wonderful)"
[ROLL] Plutonium rolls one (1) ten-sided (10) dice. RESULT: 6
[GM] Plutonium says, "The weather is slightly on the overcast side, but totally tolerable."
The Ghoul seems to like clouds, thus his sunglasses have been propped up on his forehead. Blondie is behind Zela, holding up the back of the group. With a sidling walk and his gun unholstered, he has a hawk-like flickering to his eyes. They roam over the landscape with methodical repetition, and he seems to be lost in this. "God-damn I need glasses," he comments, "another group? … Ehngh." Blondie grunts, clears his throat, "we should pick up the pace."
"You know, Franky, this weather is totally tolerable." Yahweh states conversationally as they walk along, his shortened spear gripped in one hand while the other hangs onto his SMG, eyes scanning about the industrial buildings and surroundings as their group moves through the area. "Why'd we split up, anyhow?"
Crow is oblivious. Their surroundings look nothing like what he's expecting by now. They're standing near a Snack-O-Rama, a Deli, a place that claims to offer music lessons, and something called a "Taco Cat", whatever the hell that is. Truth be told, Crow doesn't even know what a taco IS. "I remember it pretty perfectly, from the peek I saw. This is the business district, right?" No. No it's not, Crow. Not even close.
Amylynn keeps moving forward "Factories…. factories…" she looks back "You know, I might have a easier time if we had real directions or a map… maybe a STD or a GPS." she pauses "The one that doesn't give ya warts and make yer pants smell funny." she looks around rifle up "Well this looks like downtown…now where would a factory be?"
Zela grunts. "Moving faster won't…help us." Zela replies in her gruff, almost shatner-esque voice. "We need to move…smarter. Lets go to the top of a…skyscraper and…look around. Tourist ones might have…observation decks. Even if we don't find the…factory. We may see something valuable."
Saul knows where he's going this time. No storms and no circles, and he evenually ends up somewhere that looks about right. His weapon is held in hand now, cradled in his arms as his eyes scan the streets. "Look good? Should be here somewhere." At the mention of splitting up, "Cover more ground. Bad idea for them."
Franky strains his eyes as he follows behind Saul, glancing back to Yahweh now and then in the hopes that his heart isn't broken for the lack of a certain Knight not being around. A sniff of the air as he watches the outline of industrial structures, he rolls his eyes as Yahweh asks the question. "Cause Spencer didn't like the odds." He comments, looking over to Saul as he says something. "See…odds."
Lacie frowns, continuing to walk along side of Crow…amusement crossing her eyes as they get BACK to the Snack-O-Rama…"I'm starting to think you have a fondness for this place, Pres. Good memories, hm? But no… this… this most certainly is NOT the business district. That's where you remember us going? I think we're way off trail…it's back there, somewhere. Last time I'm following your pretty ass." She teases lightly, giving his wrist a small squeeze.
Somewhere betweeen whatthefuckever street and arewegoddamngoingincircles parkway, Nazareth can be seen lingering dubiously on the fringes of his parties. This many people gives him a bit of an uneasy feeling in the city. Otherwise, he's in his usual spirit, trundling along silently behind the flock of wastelanders.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Party leaders: roll Outdoorsman again."
Iona follows behind Saul, Franky, and Yahweh, sandwiching herself between the men. There is not a chance in Hell she's bringing up the rear of the line. "Who the fuck is Spencer, your conjoined twin?" Iona asks once and for all, before she stretches her arms over her head and nearly begins to skip along happily.
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Outdoorsman skill (47%) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 36)
[ROLL] Saul rolls his Outdoorsman skill (91%) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 23)
[OOC] Crow defers to Lacie.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Roll Intelligence again, since there's a good chance you've confused yourself."
"Spencer needs to cool it, man. You haven't had that dinky old helm you were telling me about since before we were initiates." he glances toward Iona, then issues a bit of laugh, "Spencer's, ah… well. It's hard to explain. You stick around us enough, you just kind of accept it. That's what Spencer is, acceptance."
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Intelligence stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Outdoorsman skill (37%) at a difficulty level of Easy. She critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 32)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Saul's group."
[GM] Plutonium says, "You continue making progress; you move through the old industrial district until you reach a likely-looking building. Saul, roll Luck."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Amylynn's party: You manage to find the industrial district."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Lacie/Crow: You find your way to the industrial district as well thanks to Lacie finding several shortcuts through alleyways."
[ROLL] Saul rolls his Luck stat (5) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
Lacie shakes her head and turns on the ball of her booted foot, beginning to pick BACK through the streets, towards the industrial area of town. "No…if we're working on the directions you seem to remember…it'd be over here. You gotta start thinking with the head that is on your shoulders, dear." She comments behind her to him, smirking with a husky chuckle as she begins to weave through the city, occasionally taking a strange turn down an even stranger alley, but she seems to need to make up for lost time.
[GM] Plutonium says, "You think it's the right building. The outer doors, however, have recently been locked tight, and the windows boarded up."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Everyone: roll Perception at Challenging. Zela, you roll at normal."
Franky just has to sigh as Iona asks who Spencer is, he ponders on how to put this without blowing her tiny little mind…And much to Yahweh's help he sort of gets the idea. "Spencer is Spencer." Well that's not blatantly obvious! He seems to focus on the building in front of them thought, "Well…guess we should knock."
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Perception stat (7) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Perception stat (8) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 7)
[ROLL] Saul rolls his Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Perception stat (8) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He fails. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Perception stat (7) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She fails. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Yahweh rolls his Perception stat (8) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He fails. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Perception stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She fails. (Roll Value: 5)
"Hey, Franky…" Yahweh begins, speculatively eyeing the windows and doors, "Think you can get in there with my crowbar, buddy ol' pal?" he asks of his friend, "Fuck knocking." he continues to eye the outside of the building, "Crowbar's the best idea, s'far as I can tell."
"Oh, so that's how it's going to be, huh?" Crow grits his teeth, but more out of amusement and tension than irritation. There's almost a playfulness to his tone. He exhales, "Fine, fine. So maybe we should've made that left you were talking about in the first place." He suddenly asks out loud, "What the hell is a taco, anyhow?"
"Well," Saul proclaims once he's found his building, "Looks like it." His eyes sweep over the surface, the man taking one lazy walk along near the front before he returns to his party. "Rules of salvage," He intones, "One, don't use the front door." His weapon is raised, "Two, before you go into a place make sure you've got enough ammo to kill everything inside."
Blondie doesn't mind the large group for the sheer fact that that they have a lot of man-power. "Looks like the industrial district to me." He comments, though the Ghoul doesn't drop his focus from listening and looking for other … movements.
You paged (Zela, Iona, Nazareth) with 'You've all been noticing signs of someone passing through here recently. Footprints in the dust, a couple recently drank-out-of bottles, et cetera.'
Amylynn looks to Blondie and gives a smirk "Just need to know what to look for." she points to the distance "Think they might be that way. Ya know towards the old ship channel since alot of things came in and out on ships. Hmmm I wanna see a real working ship one day." she continues in the direction of the industrial sector.
"Good thing I don't use ammo," Iona asides to Saul. She lets out a brief sigh and reaches into her pocket, removing the switchblade that so often comes out to play. Finally, she peers at Yahweh and Franky. "Um, Spencer isn't one of your penises, is it? Because that is just BEYOND creepy. One of you guys a schizoid?" Iona licks her lips thoughtfully, hmmming. As her eyes pan the general area, she moves over to where a Nuka Cola bottle sits and picks it up. There's still a droplet left in the bottom, which she displays to her party. "We're not alone, or maybe we just missed someone."
As the party winds about the city, meandering towards the factory in a vague sense, Nazareth pipes up, "We're going to be ambushed." He's fairly non-chalant about it, and even continues walking as if the prospect doesn't entirely scare the piss out of him.
Zela grunts again as they approach the industrial district. "The other group came here." she comments to her party. "They are likely after whatever you are after. It seems an odd cooincidence." She picks up another cigarette butt.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Lacie and Amylynn, your groups ain't outta the woods yet. Roll Outdoorsman."
"Penises? Nah… all of my penises have normal names." Yahweh replies to Iona, "Spencer is just… Spencer, leave it at that, before Franky gets cranky." he moves after her toward the nuka cola bottle, "So… we're not alone because there's an almost empty bottle on the ground. You, uh, you sure on your logic there?"
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Outdoorsman skill (47%) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 43)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Amylynn, you pick up on Saul's group's tracks and find the factory."
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Outdoorsman skill (37%) at a difficulty level of Easy. She fails. (Roll Value: 11)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Lacie, you and Crow end up wandering around the industrial park for a while."
Amylynn waves her people on "And with my brilliant deductive reasoning, fair wind currents, and my special talent in the outdoors…we are here!" she pauses and turns "That and I followed their footprints…and the big factory looking building…" she smiles and looks to the group already there. "Allo."
Despite his predictions, the party has been fine so far. Now that they've finally arrived at what looks to be the place, especially given the familiar faces at the door, Nazareth picks up his step. He lifts the goggles up as he nears it, resting them on his forehead.
Blondie looks briefly alarmed by Nazareth's statement, and glances over both shoulders and around. "Shit, I'm going to get shot." He moves from the back of the group up towards Nazareth's right hand side. … checking his gun to make sure it's ready to party. Just in case.
Lacie frowns, having had a good run of luck before, but now it seems it's her turn to get turned around. She sighs, swearing lightly…"Do you remember what he said again? I swear it's around here but…" Lacie shakes her head, a few locks of blond falling free of the tight tie at the back of her skull…
Letting go of his SMG for a moment, Yahweh turns to hand his crowbar to Franky, "Open 'er up, Frank?"
[GM] Plutonium says, "You guys can try prying the boards off by rolling Strength at 'Hard'. The things are not only nailed in, but apparently there are also steel bars behind 'em that need to be pried apart."
Crow frowns a bit, "It is. In fact, it's that way." He points. Right at section of street completely impassable due to a freaking BUILDING having collapsed over it. "This is going just terrific."
Saul nods toward Iona, studying her bottle before he comments, "Hope you've got a lot of knives." After that he moves toward the boards, angling his weapon toward the door. "Go for it."
Iona just lets out a sigh. "Alright, fine…" She mumbles to Yahweh. "Franky gets cranky rhymed though. Has a nice ring. The next time we threaten someone, we oughta tell 'em to knock the shit off before Franky gets cranky." Iona reaches up to scratch at her nose for a moment before putting the bottle down carefully.
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Perception stat (8) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
You paged Franky with 'You find a vent that seems to lead into some kind of small crawl space. The cover could be pried open much more easily than the windows.'
[ROLL] Yahweh rolls his Luck stat (5) and fails. (Roll Value: 4)
A mutated pigeon shits on Yahweh's head.
Franky studies Iona for a bit then Yahweh as they discuss the inner workings of his mind. A shrug before he gets offered the crowbar. Slinging his rifle he takes crowbar, "I guess." He stares at the windows then the door as he thinks, "Let's have a look." He comments, moving around the perimeter of the building until the finds what he's looking for. "Found something." He states, motioning to the covered vent. Inserting the crowbar in one edge he begins to pry.
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Perception stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Perception stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
[GM] Plutonium says, "You both hear sounds from the other parties that make it easier to find your way. Roll Outdoorsman at easy."
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Outdoorsman skill (37%) at a difficulty level of Easy. She critically fails. (Roll Value: 11)
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Outdoorsman skill (29%) at a difficulty level of Easy. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 11)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Lacie starts to wander into a Taco Cat, but Crow pulls her aside and you arrive at the factory behind everyone else."
"Oh, great… now we're a rhyming ga-" he cuts off as a random mutated pigeon shits on his head. Grimacing, he begins to wipe it off with one gloved hand, "Fuckin' gross… fuck. Bet there's gonna be bears and shit coming after me now. Mutant bears who love the taste of bird shit." he falls silent as Franky makes his discovery known, and begins to move toward him, "What?"
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Strength stat (7) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Everyone from the second party (Amy's) - you get a turn this round of trying to get inside (or trying to follow the first party)."
TacoCat. It's a private place, at least. Lacie grins a moment, "You know, if we can't find them…" Just momentarily distracted by, well…things other than work, it seems. She leans against him for just a heartbeat, temptingly, a husky laugh crossing her lips.
Scree-clank! Franky pulls the cover off of the ventilation shaft he'd found with a loud complaint from the metal hinges. It looks big enough to crawl inside… barely. Inside, there's just enough light to make out a floor duct leading into some kind of small room.
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Lockpick skill (46%) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He fails. (Roll Value: 25)
Crow gives Lacie a wry smirk, "Would you keep your mind on business? No… over here. This way." He points down an alleyway. "Apparently we're either the last people to get here, or there's something worse going on. You hear that noise?" His gun was drawn, but now it's at the ready. He crouches, "Come on."
[GM] Plutonium says, "You pick away at the lock for a while with no success. However, you think you heard a couple of the internal catches click into place on certain numbers. Roll Luck."
"Yahweh… you're cute, but not as cute with bird shit all over yourself." Iona just shudders a bit and furrows her brows at the man, temporarily too distracted to focus on the task at hand. Finally, she snaps back to reality and glances towards the shaft. "I suppose you want me to go in there."
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Luck stat (4) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Next round, Naz, you can try at Easy."
Once he's near enough to the building and has taken account of other's attempts, Nazareth gives picking a shot. He's not the best but decent, though he possesses only a bobby pin. He sets to work on the lock immediately when he reaches the door, listening carefully as he works the pin into the lock mechanism.
"Never use the front door." Saul seems to be pleased with the discovery, though he doesn't let his weapon lower. He just watches the street, makes motion with his shoulder toward the new entrace. "Whoever wants to."
"Hell no, I want me to go in there and find something worth selling in this god-forsaken hell-hole." Yahweh tells Iona, chuckling, before he moves to highfive Franky, "Hey, I want my crowbar back, too. Find your own, chump."
Zela glances towards the ventilation shaft. "Wondeful." she says. "The front door will be…an ambush." she says. "It may be good to have…a distraction there. If you can get it open…I will provide one…while the rest go in the back."
Amylynn starts to peek around the sizes of the building, behind dumpsters and the like for another way in…. "Hmmm if I were a secret passage were would I hide…" she grumbles.
Franky gives a bit of a grin to his adoring crowd of party members as he prys that fucking vent with a heap of man strength…"Right well, here you go." Handing the crowbar back and pulling Sasha off his back and working the action. "Let's have a look see." A grin, as he begins to pull himself into the unforgiving space.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Amy, roll Luck."
Blondie briefly considers shooting the door.
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Luck stat (9) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Amy, you find a bathroom window that hasn't been barred, but it's still closed and locked."
Lacie withdraws her gun, crouching low as they make their way a bit farther down the alleyway. And then she truly sees the backs of some of the people's heads. She chuckles faintly, "It's the others. We got turned around a fucking TacoCat. At least they're friendlies. Mostly." Lacie admits quietly, unfolding from her crouching… stepping a hint closer to them all.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Everyone, roll Perception."
[ROLL] Yahweh rolls his Perception stat (8) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 8)
[ROLL] Saul rolls his Perception stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Perception stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Perception stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Perception stat (8) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Perception stat (8) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 8)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Perception stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Perception stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Perception stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Perception stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)
Crow nods, "We were inspecting the perimeter. That's why it took so long to get here." explains Crow to Lacie. Apparently that's the plan, anyway.
Above the sounds of everyone conversing, the sounds of… other people conversing can be heard from a few blocks away. Whoever's coming isn't trying to hide, and a couple of loud bursts of laughter can be heard echoing through the dead streets.
Amylynn sticks her head around the corner "Hey bathroom window…locked but hey probley not trapped come try this one!" she waves at the others lowly "Oh oh…I hear company…"
In response to the distant tones of merriment, there is a soft click. It exudes from the undoing of Blondie's gun. He straightens up slightly, head turning towards it, mouth twisting into a frown. "Boss, you want me to run up and hide somewhere? When they get here I can come in behind them."
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Lockpick skill (46%) at a difficulty level of Easy. He critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 12)
Yahweh follows in after Franky, replacing his weapons on his back before he scrawls through the small grate-space after his partner, "Let's find the loot!" he tells his buddy, reaching out to nudge him with an elbow. "Alright, uh… where the hell are we?"
Lacie frowns a moment, "Yeah, definitely got company. Probably the gangers…Vegas and his men. Drunk, sounds like…or just stupid." Lacie observes very quietly, her whisper meant only for the crowd directly around them.
"Company." Saul chimes that for his gathering, no matter how unnecessary that might be. He motions toward the little entryway, waiting until the others have gone before he starts to crawl inside afterward.
"Did you guys hear that?" Iona asks her traveling partners, before squeezing into the tight hole. "Anyone farts in here and I'll fuckin' kill you." Iona crawls through the little chamber, then pops out of the grating victoriously.
The lock on the front door pops open quite nicely. It's not even damaged, and could probably be reused.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Okay. Yahweh, you're in the vent."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Roll Agility."
Franky begins his crawl into the vent shaft, even after he hears distant voices. "We're making our up through this here floor duct." He states behind himself, as he shimmies his way deeper inside the factory.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Franky, you too."
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Agility stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)
[ROLL] Yahweh rolls his Agility stat (8) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Ditto Iona."
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Agility stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
[GM] Plutonium says, "You all manage to crawl through the vent without getting stuck. You emerge in what looks to be a boiler room."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Ah, okay. Saul, roll Agility."
Zela hurries up and takes some of the 'mystery meat' that she saved from the other night out of a pouch. Squeezing out the blood, she writes on the wall of the factory (in centaur blood) "MUTIE ARMY TERRITORY." She then heads through the front door. "Everyone in! Lock door after! Fast!"
[ROLL] Saul rolls his Agility stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
With a click the door comes loose. Even Nazareth is surprised at his luck. He slips the bobby pin back into a pocket and stands out of the frameway of the door. "Stand back!" he says, before opening it, hoping to avoid a shotgun or a bomb or what ever hell could be behind it.
[GM] Plutonium says, "I may be idlish here for a sec due to the phone. Alright, Saul, you're in too."
"If it's clear, just go in the front door, we need to get inside before whoever that is gets here, even if they are friendly," Nazareth adds as an aside for Blondie.
The front door opens up on a small office space. The rotten desks and furniture suggest it was where the company secretary and executives once worked (with a few skeletons implicating that a couple of them never made it off the job). There's a larger metal door near the back end of the cubicle-complex with a glass pane that appears to lead into the factory proper.
Franky climbs his way out of the vent and looks around the room…a light would be glorious right about now. He looks around the room pointing his gun menacingly at empty spaces. "Hurry up here and get that vent closed.
Meanwhile, the boiler room that Franky, Iona, Yahweh, and Saul crawl into looks… dark. Really freakin' dark. There are a few big steel objects nearby, probably tanks that once contained hot water. Probably.
[GM] Plutonium says, "As for Lacie and Crow: You're outside, right at the entrance. Close enough to walk inside with Naz/co."
"Dark as a witch's tits up in here." Yahweh proclaims as he emerges after Franky, eyeing the room nervously before he arms himself with his gun and spear. "Let's find some place with a bit of light, that way when monsters start leaping at us, we can see 'em."
Franky climbs his way out of the vent and looks around the room…a light would be glorious right about now. He looks around the room pointing his gun menacingly at empty spaces. "Hurry up here and get that vent closed." He comment's down the shaft, as he looks around for something heavy to place over it.
"You've got it." The Ghoul nods to Nazareth, flashing him a quick and adrenaline-pumped grin. "Good idea, Zela," he says as he glances at the script. He ain't so hot with reading anymore, but he recognizes that warning easily. Blondie's gun preceeds him into the office.
Saul does his best to shut the entrance behind, blocking out the last of the light before he works forward. There's a rattle in the dark, some shuffling back and forth as he fishes for anything to help fight the way. "Light is a good idea." A pause. "Quietly."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Yeah, roll Agi, Lacie/Crow. Mostly to see how quick you get in."
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Agility stat (10) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 7)
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Agility stat (7) and fails. (Roll Value: 4)
Amylynn pokes her head in "Well we might wanna note the bathroom window maybe unlock it so we can get out….errr.." she follows Blondie and the others in… "Hope this works."
Iona glances around, pulling her goggles up onto her head. "Can't see a /fucking/ thing…" She mumbles, very, very quietly. She sticks close to the three men, her switchblade still retracted, by close by in her hand.
Lacie nods towards Crow, "Go on, I'll cover our backs." Just incase those inside try to shoot at them. God knows who might try to shout OUTSIDE, but she's got her gun out and is ready to fire if necessary
[GM] Plutonium rolls Vegas - 555's Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Challenging. It succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Crow successfully gains a lot of ground. Lacie has a turn to get in."
"See, that's when I told the bitch: you can just suck my co—"
"Hey, SHUT THE FUCK UP," A harsh voice growls, rising above the rest of the scattered conversations coming from down the street. "Somebody's here already. Fuck. Who the fuck ratted us out? Get a move on, assholes!"
[GM] Plutonium says, "Franky, Yahweh, Iona, and Saul: roll Luck."
Crow goes all military, now. "Bradshaw, shut your fucking mouth and get in here." He's ready to shoot if he has to, gun out and ready to go. "Double time it. Move! Move! Move!" Yup. Years of training come crashing back. Now he's the drill instructor. Apparently he has to be.
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Luck stat (5) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Luck stat (3) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Crow, roll Speech."
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Speech skill (45%) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 45)
Zela growls at Lacie. "Get inside…you'll ruin it…stupid human slave!" Obviously, she wouldn't usually call someone a slave, so something's odd. "Join the rest of army! Hundred mutants, one human! Run inside, human!" The Super-mutant stands at the edge of the door, trying to seem as OBVIOUS AS POSSIBLE.
Lacie blinks as Crow suddenly makes every bit of training click in, shouting the drill sergeant voice, and lacie is moving like mad down the street, picking up her feet and trying to get inside.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Crow's rousing burst of motivation gets Lacie moving faster. Lacie, roll Agility at Easy."
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Agility stat (7) at a difficulty level of Easy. She succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Zela, roll Speech."
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Speech skill (21%) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 11)
"Hey, boss. You hear that… a fuckin' mutant army!"
The sound of footsteps slows. "Hey, shut up, asshole. There's no fucking mutant army here." Still, whoever the voice belongs to, he sounds a bit hesitant.
[GM] Plutonium says, "The mobsters are delayed a turn."
"Iona," Yahweh speaks warningly, "Don't fuckin' stab me with that sticker." then he attempts to peer through the doomy and gloomy darkness, utilizing his best penetrating stare and probably to little avail. "Fuck, let's find… a way out of this room, at least."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Franky, Iona: you stumble across an old backup power generator. It may still have fuel left… only way to tell is by flipping the switch."
Amylynn looks up with her party rifle ready "So what should we do…" she says lowly and looks to Zela "Maybe you can scare um? Sound like A Less well spoken mutant and we can chant behind ya?"
Crow slams the door shut once Lacie runs past him. He locks it, then takes off after her, "Double time it! Double time it! You call that running? I've seen maggot larvae that runs faster than you! Move! Move! Move!" Well, a little worked, so now he's overdoing it. Still, he's on the run.
"Blade ain't even out," Iona whispers to Yahweh. "Though I'm startin' to think it might be a good idea if it were." She stumbles backward and into the generator, letting out a tiny squeak. She peers through the dark at the machine, wiping some dust off of it. "Hey, I think I found something over here… should I flip the switch? Maybe someone else oughta flip the switch. I'm the only doc here, after all. A crispy doc ain't no good to anyone."
Zela grunts to Amylynn. "Yes. Everyone get out of sight. If they open door, sound like mutants but be out of sight. I sit here and be…dumb receptionist for New Master." She grunts. "Master eat puny humans!" as if by way of example. "If they shoot, you ambush."
With the boy scouts on the door, Naz breaks away and moves for the double doors to the rear of the cubicle complex. "No time to wait on these shucksters, Mr. Blonde. Gotta get downstairs," he says as he passes Amy and the Ghoul and head through the door.
Franky stumbles through the darkness as he feels out the floor in front of him with his feet, that is until he hits something with his toe, "Fucking shit…" He grunts, as he lower a hand down to pat at the object. "What would you know." A grin comes to his face. "How do you…hey watch it.." He grunts to Iona as she backs into the thing, "Lets see…" He starts to fiddle with the thing to try and get it running.
Blondie glances around the room, giving Lacie and Crow a quick salute as they run inside. "What a pleasant surprise!" He mutters at the both of them, sure that they'll play nice while the outside threat remains. "Amy, help lead the group." He addresses the young woman, "I'll keep the rear and shoot if they catch up. Zela, if they don't buy it you're gonna on your own. Just come with us!" He follows the others, though gestures a 'come on'.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Frankie, roll Luck and Repair."
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Luck stat (3) and fails. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Repair skill (41%) and fails. (Roll Value: 17)
[ROLL] Yahweh rolls his Luck stat (5) and fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Yahweh rolls his Repair skill (25%) and fails. (Roll Value: 19)
[GM] Plutonium says, "You fail to get the machine working… and also get shocked. Ditto to Yahweh."
[GM] You deduct 2 of Franky's HP.
[GM] You deduct 2 of Yahweh's HP.
Lacie dashes inside with Crow, following all of his orders and it actually does help, the speech motivating her body and muscles to move just a bit faster. She ducks inside and, hopefully, the door is shut. She's breathless by the time she's in there, grinning to him.."Yes, -sir-." She smirks to the taller man before looking back to the group. Blondie's greeting gets a raised brow, but a half smile…"Good… to see you too.." She tries.
Amylynn brings up behind a desk and sticks her rifle towards the door. She gets in low and starts to get into the shadows "Ok….hope this works." she peeks out from behind the aged husk of a terminal.
With the front door closed, the sounds of conversation from outside are barely audible.
"Look… writing… blood!"
[GM] Plutonium says, "Okay. Everyone's 'safely' inside."
[GM] Plutonium says, "The group in the front is still in the little office area, with the bigass door between them and the mobsters."
[GM] Plutonium will let you investigate as you are inclined. Ditto Iona & Co.
Franky starts to grin a bit as he fiddles with the old machine, "Why you are one sexy looking generAAAA!" Franky begins to shake somewhat visibly as he get stuck to the hardware for a few brief seconds. "GAH!" He manages gasping for air, his brow furrows as he tries to tempt the machine into working once more. "So..your a dirty slut eh? Spencer has a thing for dirty girls."
"Jesus H., Franky, that's not how you do it!" Yahweh moves to take his turn with the machine, "GaaaaAAAAA!" he has a brief, standing seizure, before taking a few steps back and lifting his crowbar menacingly. "I'll fix you, you bitch!"
Amylynn falls behind "Zela let's follow the others…ya know…since we are getting left behind and stuff." she moves towards Blondie still gun trained on the door.
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Perception stat (8) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
Saul doesn't have anything to say. Somewhere, in the dark, he's shaking his head. Very slowly, and very sadly. The man finds a place to prop himself against, his weapon raised. Hopefully not at the head of someone he knows, but it's hard to tell in the dark.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Okay. Naz, you can see inside. It's the main factory floor. Conveyor belts and parts all over the place."
Iona just shakes her head, looking dumbfounded at Franky and Yahweh. "I hope neither of you got your junks burnt, 'cause I ain't touching it. Not without charging. Not that I'm a whore. I'ma be quiet now." Iona starts over to them, attempting to glance through the darkness at their wounds. Needless to say, she doesn't make a lot of headway.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Iona: type 'firstaid' twice."
[GM] Plutonium says, "First is for Franky."
[FIRST AID] Iona performs a First Aid roll and succeeds. She is able to heal 12 hit points.
[FIRST AID] Iona performs a First Aid roll and fails. She is able to heal 1 hit points.
[GM] You restore Franky's HP.
[GM] You restore 1 of Yahweh's HP.
Nazareth's eyes go wide as he nears the door and he picks up the pace, hitting the doors and pressing on, caps in his eyes.
The door to the main factory floor opens up without protest.
[GM] Plutonium rolls Vegas - 555's Luck stat (5) at a difficulty level of Challenging. It fails. (Roll Value: 3)
Zela stays in the opening room, on the other side of the big door from the mobsters. Grunting as everyone runs away and goes onto the factory floor, she takes the opportunity to search for computer terminals, on switches, or anything which might give her an advantage with her scientific skills, should the mobsters not heed the warning and come inside.
Loud pounding noises indicate several people are trying to get in through the front door, unsuccessfully.
[OOC] Nazareth says, "Alright, since Naz knows what this place is, can I get a perc roll for the factory floor? He'll be lookcing for a terminal in particular."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Yep. Anyone inside looking for junk can roll Perc."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Challenging."
"Get to the front of the group, either follow the orders or don't." Blondie snarls at Amylynn, shoving her ahead. He's not angry, just incredibly tense from the pressure. And with Zela staying behind, there's a lot less muscle in the group.
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Perception stat (7) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Perception stat (8) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 7)
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Yahweh rolls his Perception stat (8) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Perception stat (7) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She fails. (Roll Value: 6)
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Perception stat (7) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Perception stat (8) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Saul rolls his Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He fails. (Roll Value: 6)
Lacie heads in quietly, frowning, but observing the room as best she can. Her gaze narrows, remembering what she's been trained, picking through everything first. Almost doing triage on tech. What is important, what can be left behind…
You paged Yahweh with 'You find a loose wire right next to a connector. Presumably it's why the generator has been kicking your ass. Plugging it back in will most likely work.'
You paged Franky with 'You find a loose wire right next to a connector. Presumably it's why the generator has been kicking your ass. Plugging it back in will most likely work.'
Franky gets a looking over from Iona as peer her his minor electrical burns. "Thanks, babay." A wink before he moves back to fiddling with the generator again like some sort of foolish mechanic..maybe with Yahweh in tow too. "Awww, look at you." A grin, as he finds what was pmsing this pesky little gen…a bit of wire plugging before he tries it one more time.
You paged (Crow, Blondie, Nazareth) with 'You guys don't find any terminals, but you find the door to the boiler room, and can hear the others inside.'
His face to the floor, Yahweh snoops around the generator, finally making a sound somewhere in between 'aha!' and 'eureka!' he grabs a loose wire and reconnects it to the big ol' box. "Hey, Franky, boot 'er up now! We in the club!"
[GM] Plutonium sniggers. Frank/Yahweh, both of you roll Repair at Easy.
[ROLL] Yahweh rolls his Repair skill (25%) at a difficulty level of Easy. He critically fails. (Roll Value: 24)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Repair skill (41%) at a difficulty level of Easy. He fails. (Roll Value: 23)
[GM] You deduct 5 of Yahweh's HP.
You paged (Zela, Lacie) with 'Zela, you find a terminal. Pretty much exactly what you want… but it has no power. Lacie, you find a small hallway that leads down to the basement.'
[GM] Plutonium says, "Iona, roll Luck and Repair, before Yahweh goes all Fonzie on it."
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Luck stat (5) and fails. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Repair skill (33%) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 27)
Crow nods to Blondie, "We were checking out the perimeter before we went in. Looks like most of that intel is going to waste. We have company coming." He turns in a direction, "The rest of the group's down here. Come on. Let's go. You don't want to make a stand here, ghou… Blondie. Tactically disadvantagious. Not a fair fight. Not in the direction we want. Let's go."
BRZAP. Iona gets it working, and it gives her a shock for her efforts. As the generator hums to life, some of the lights in the old factory come on, most of them blinking uncertainly. Others simply explode.
[GM] You deduct 2 of Iona's HP.
Zela sits down in front of the terminal, cracking her knuckles, and gets to work doing what she does best; Science!
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Science skill (79%) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 70)
"Settle down…" Iona murmurs to Franky, chortling quietly. She applies a bit of minty-smelling cream to his burns. She does the same for Yahweh, though much less effectively. Finally, she reaches over and begins to tinker with a few wires. "Ow, sonofawhore."
Yahweh reaches to plug in the wire, and apparently puts it in the wrong slot - which has never happened to him before - "Hey, Franky, why isn't it tur-nnNnNNni-aaaaaAAAAH!" he twitches on the ground for a few minutes, before picking himself up with as much dignity as he can muster. One hand goes to right his hair, wincing as static electricity zaps him, while the other reaches for his crowbar.
You paged (Iona, Franky, Yahweh, Saul) with 'You guys can now see the door leading out of the boiler room.'
You paged (Iona, Franky, Yahweh, Saul) with 'It's right across the room from you. There's also a big metal cannister that with some kind of sliding door on the front. Obviously not a boiler.'
Amylynn looks over and listens as the people electricute themselves "Oh hey can I try? I used toi stick those energy cell things on my tounge alot as a kid. Makes a neat tingly feeling!" she watches the route the attackers could come in "Hmmm wonder…they might come in through the bathroom window…now where is the bathroom…"
"Good job." Saul is happier with light. He's also prudent enough to move the muzzle of his gun out of the line of people's backs. "I'm happy it didn't explode." His cheer is limited to half of a smile, one that vanishes quickly enough.
"You two go on ahead," Blondie pants to Crow, "once they get past-if they get past Zela we'll have to take them out. They sound like a bunch of bastards, and —" it sort of clicks on, "they might not come in the front door if they can't get it open. Keep your wits up." Click, checks how many bullets he has, and as he runs along, smiles. He's got plenty.
Franky rises to his feet as waves a hand at the piece of shit, "I'm leaving you.." He comments stepping away, only to watch as Iona gets the generators motor running. "Dike eh?" He shrugs as he can see the exit now. "well…lets get the fuck out of this room eh?"
Zela happily types away at her new pet terminal.
"You'd think with the way this country's headed down the shitter, she'd be looking for a nice man generator…" he shakes his head sadly, before turning and spotting a curious looking canister. "Hey… somebody with more luck than I seem to have today, go see what that's all about."
Zela gets the computer terminal running correctly.
Welcome to Gadgetech Robotics Core System v2.3!
1.) Logout
2.) Maintenance
3.) Activate Security Sweep
4.) Unlock Storage Doors
Nazareth glances at the door where the electrical noises and voices are coming from before he descends from the catwalk to the factory floor, watching as Zela arrives at the computer, where he moves near it, watching intently.
Zela clicks on the second button.
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Luck stat (3) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Franky, you find a heavy metal crate you can drop over the floor vent."
Zela shouts out, "Hey! Someone look around for security badges!"
The terminal bleeps and bloops a few times, then makes a few musical noises. "Maintenance routine started! Thank you!"
Zela hits the fourth button.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Anyone who's looking for a security keycard, roll at Challenging."
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She fails. (Roll Value: 5)
Franky moves over to a heavy crate, "Hey…come give me a hand with this." He states, attempting to move the crate over the hole to impede those pesky mobsters.
The doors that Lacie are standing in front of emit a mechanical-sounding series of clangs, obviously having just been unlocked.
Nazareth snorts at the terminal's sudden intonation and takes a look around warily, when Zela finally pushes the final button, Nazareth looks up before beelining for Lacie.
Lacie blinks, grinning as she stares at the doors…"Well, don't I feel like a princess." And with that, she steps striaght through, eyes peeled for whatever might be around, gun still in her hand incase there are unfriendlies on the other side.
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Blondie, you find a security keycard."
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Perception stat (7) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Crow, you find a password written on a sticky note by a busted computer terminal."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Franky/Iona - Both of you can roll Strength to try to move the crate over the grate."
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Strength stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Strength stat (5) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[GM] Plutonium says, "You guys get the box moved over the vent."
[GM] Plutonium rolls Vegas - 555's Luck stat (5) at a difficulty level of Challenging. It critically fails. (Roll Value: 1)
"Boss, where's… fuck… door won't…"
[GM] Plutonium says, "Lacie, Nazareth: roll Perception. And anyone else who's beelining for where Lacie's waltzing into the basement."
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Perception stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Perception stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Perception stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Perception stat (8) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
You paged (Crow, Nazareth) with 'You guys see a BIIIIIG fucking robot in there that Lacie's about to walk right into.'
Zela continues searching the computer terminal for a way to define everyone currently inside the factory as an "Employee"
Lacie is walking staight into the area, her gun out.. and that's her protection. After all, they figured out the security thing, didn't they? She keeps her eyes peeled for something wrong but seems oblivious. Maybe her night vision hasn't quite adjusted all that well to being indoors.
Nazareth freezes suddenly as he approaches the door to the storage room. He says nothing, but slowly drops to the ground, trying to get some cover under the conveyor belts.
Blondie will have to catch up with Nazareth, he's neglecting to keep an eye on the doctor. Something pretty and laminated catches his eye. "Hey, Zela, I found one!" He scoops it off the floor, "… have it!" he throws it at the Big Green Woman Machine, before chasing off after his boss. "Naz, the fuck, wait up!"
A high-pitched noise that could best be described as the daintiest grunt ever escapes Iona's lips. She moves over to Franky and the crate, beginning to push it to one side. "The sooner we can get on out of here, the better, right?" She asks, turning to look at the door dubiously. "Not entirely sure I wanna know about whatever's on the other side though there." Iona glances to Saul, just to make sure the gunslinger is still about. Yahweh's antics are not immediately commented on, though she lets out a brief sigh.
[ROLL] Yahweh rolls his Intelligence stat (10) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 10)
"Found a password. So much for proper security procedures. They wrote it down on a piece of fucking paper." He breaks into a jog, heading downstairs, now. Gun still drawn, he bounds low, skipping every other step, hits the floor, and keeps moving… and then he stops, "Bradshaw! Fall back! Do not go in there!"
Amylynn continues to seach near Blondie, but keeps poking to the door and says lowly "Guys are still out there… and they got pigeon pooin on them." she blinks and keeps following the ghoul "hey wait for me…I don't wanna be shot or poo'd on!"
You paged Yahweh with 'It's another robot container.'
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Science skill (79%) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 13)
You paged Zela with 'Press button 3.'
Zela presses button three.
Crow pages: Can I get a perception check to notice that Naz didn't shout out a warning?
You paged Crow with 'Yep, check away.'
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Perception stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)
You paged Crow with 'You noticed. :)'
Saul is still around, complete with SMG and hands ready to use it. His eyes are scanning the building, weapon zig-zaging back and forth whenever he feels it appropriate. "Getting out'll be a problem." He doesn't seem very concerned about it, just rolls his shoulders once. "Whatever it is, we'll manage."
Beep, beep. "Security Sweep requires a valid Security Keycard and administrator password. Proceed?"
Zela shouts out, "SOMEONE FIND A PASSWORD!"
"Hm. There's a big ass robot in this box." Yahweh tells everyone around him in the basement, "And I mean, it's big. Like… mutie big. Let's leave now." he begins to make tracks for the stairs, after one last piercing sweep of the basement for anything useful!
[ROLL] Yahweh rolls his Perception stat (8) and critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Luck stat (9) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
Lacie relaxes a bit as the thing which she didn't even notice, fortunatley…doesn't shoot at her. She takes a step back, calling back to Crow…"I'm fine, Crowley… this thing needs a card and a password, though.."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Yahweh finds a manual turned to a page about robot security…"
"ALreayd found one! Had other problems!" Crow shouts, "Golfcart. Password is golfcart. Repeat, password is golfcart." And so it goes. He's rattling it off, gun still drawn, "Got it?" He gives Nazareth a glance, then turns back to Zela.
Zela presses the button again, armed with the password and the keycard. "Thank you." she says to Crow. "Thank you…very much."
Franky finishes clover that hole with Iona as yahweh declares his find of a giant robot. "Robot eh?" A grin comes to his face as he follows after the man to see what he found in his box. "I say he bust him up for parts? Tech brother! Tech!"
You paged Yahweh with 'The page the manual is turned to mentions that the security robots can be configured to attack external threats with a series of lengthy keycode instructions that are listed on it. They could be inputted into the terminal by somebody with enough knowhow.'
"Careful," Saul cautions, "Don't wake Mr. Robot." He motions toward the door, "Let's see what else there is, then decide what to do with the machine. Smaller and quicker might be better, if we have to fight anything on the way."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Amy: You find a bin of explosive devices that look like they were supposed to be put into robots."
"Hey, this manual," Yahweh flaps it around a bit for emphasis, "Think we can program them robots with it, there's some codes and shit in here. But… I can't make heads or tails of it. Lemme see if there's anything in here about dismantling them 'bots."
The robot that Lacie is about to walk into is definitely NOT deactivated. It is also definitely NOT friendly. The huge hulk of a machine comes to a halt, several lights flashing on before a red one on its forehead blinks brightly several times.
[COMBAT] Sentry Bot - 562 attacks Lacie with Sentry Bot Arsenal (Mode: Punch) and hits. The attack does 14 Normal damage. (18 raw damage, 4 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 14 of Lacie's HP.
The robot wails Lacie a good one.
"Throw it here!" Nazareth yells and waves a hand from where he hides under a conveyor belt. "Give me the fucking book so I can deal with this damned thing!" he yells upwards towards the man with the book.
"You know, I'm just going to have to agree with Yahweh here. Let's leave. Haven't you ever read those comics? The robots are always evil!" Iona cries out, flailing her arms in the air. She glances to the others, shaking her head. "You wanna dismantle that after battling with the evil generator? Seriously? My gawd."
[GM] Plutonium rolls Vegas - 555's Luck stat (5) and fails. (Roll Value: 1)
"Wait, it needs a what?" Blondie asks, hopefully having caught up to Nazareth, Lacie, and whoever else by now. He wheezes momentarily—most likely a combination of, you know, being a Ghoul, a smoker, and really goddamn old. He pounds his chest, coughs up something ugly, and gives the robot who has… suddenly come to life one look. "…. Run!" He bellows at Lacie, raising his gun to aim for the bots' head.
Amylynn looks to Blondie "Hey wait! Whats this…" she moves to a nearby Bin "Blondie, Doc I found toys!" she starts to gather odd looking devices froma nearby bin loading up her backpack "Pay dirt!" she looks up as the robots start to shutter "Awww crappo."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Vegas & Gang remain stuck outside for now."
Lacie thought it was fine. There was a password. There was a security card. And apparently they were not used fast enough. Lacie's knocked back rather viciously, half her face covered in blood and a concussion for the ages, no doubt. She swears loudly as she hits the floor with a violent smack, on her back, not quite conscious for the moment.
Zela hits button four.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Anyone on the factory floor can try to get to where Lacie/others are with an Agility roll. Anyone in the boiler room will have to roll at Challenging."
"Fuck robots!" Yahweh decides, tucking the book under one arm and hauling ass up the stairs and out of the boiler room. "Hey! One of you fucks know how to use computers and things of that nature?"
[ROLL] Yahweh rolls his Agility stat (8) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
Saul's head bobs up and down in agreement with Iona. "Don't fuck with that thing." His weapon shakes distrustfully toward the big box. "Don't ever fuck with robots." He makes to follow Yahweh afterward, hand motioning for the others to follow afterward. "We know where it is, at least."
[ROLL] Saul rolls his Agility stat (6) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He fails. (Roll Value: 3)
Beep beep! "Security Sweep activated." There's a whoosh sound… and the cannister in the boiler room opens.
1.) Deactivate
2.) Stand Down
[GM] Plutonium says, "Anyone who doesn't make the Agility check to Lacie & Co can try attacking at Challenging. Crow, you can attack at Easy since you spotted it, yes."
[COMBAT] Crow attacks Sentry Bot - 562 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. He hits. The attack does 13 Normal damage. (21 raw damage, 8 resisted)
[COMBAT] Crow attacks Sentry Bot - 562 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. He hits. The attack does 10 Normal damage. (16 raw damage, 6 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 23 of Sentry Bot - 562's HP.
Zela presses button two. Very much presses button two.
Both the robots suddenly halt, all of their lights turning to a neutral yellow color.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Yahweh, you can give the book to Naz if you want. You have…"
Franky moves over toward the container that houses Yahweh's robot as he considers what scribe Elias always rambled on about robots. Thought the speil about not fucking with robots is given he still can /think/ about how to go about dismantling this here thing, right? "Just clankers….and clankers bleed too!" He drives a fist into his palm as the thing suddenly lights up. His gun comes out, "Fucking clankers!" He grits his teeth as he levels the business end of his rifle at it.
Amylynn is looting explosives…. like a kid in a candy store she continues to find new places for her new found toys. "Now this could even get me a better rifle….and a scope…oh yeah…"
[GM] Plutonium says, "Roll Luck, Amy."
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Luck stat (9) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 8)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Amy: You get some raw explosives. They don't have a detonator or anything with them, as they're obviously uncomplete, but could be set up by anyone with a high enough skill."
Yahweh moves to hand the book to Nazareth, extending the manual, a finger tucked into the page that describes robot reprogramming, "Hey, I want this fuckin' book back so I can sell it later. Bound to be some brainiac who wants it and has some caps."
Crow grits his teeth, "Fucking hell." *BLAM!* *BLAM!* He fires a pair of shots in rapid staccato at the art deco-looking mechanical monstrosity, the rounds leaving sizable dents and holes in the armor. He's basically armed with a hand cannon. There are sizzles and sparks, but the machine's still coming, "Bradshaw, now would be an -excellent- time to get up."
Zela sits thinking. "I can't figure…out how to change their…targeting paremeters." she muses grumpily. She walks to the factory floor. "I have the robots…for now. I can reprogram them later. Don't…fire any more, stupids! I need a…manual. Those gangsters will…come in soon."
Nazareth takes the book graciously, "Whatthefuckever," he says and then gets right down to it, thumbing quickly to the index to pour over what's there.. Verbal commands.. Reprogramming..
Blondie runs wildly this round to his boss! "Fuck, fuck, fuck" This is what he gets for getting distracted by shiny shit. And cough, hack, snort, hack, ughhe ends up somewhere beside the group. When he finally stops, he staightens up and squints at the two robots. "Ugly fuckers."
Amylynn loaded up with a now big backpack makes her way back to Naz and Blondie. She perks up and almost like a kid showing a present "Blondie, Boss, Look what I scored!" she shows the raw explosives and chuckles, Tucking them back "Let me know if we need um later."
"Hey!" Saul is taking awhile to get through the facility, though the commotion seems to at least bounce back to him. "Are you fucking with more robots up there? I told you not to fuck with robots!" The large man is adamant about this, one hand banging on a passing wall as he sprints toward his destination.
Lacie gives a bit of a groan, but the machines are shutting off. It takes another minute or so for her to roll over onto her side, spitting blood at the ground, her head still spinning. Frak, it hurt. She reaches one hand up to carefully rub blood off of her face so she can see through that eye.."Fucking… bastard of… go. I'm fine… see what… tech they got…" Lacie mutters as she does her best to stop the world from spinning.
"Stop fucking with the robots!" Iona cries out in agreeance with Saul, beginning to look around. Finally, she pulls a crowbar out of her jacket. "I swear to God I will put a dent in you, then them. Or whichever comes first…"
BANG. BANG. BANG. SCREEEEEEEE—- There's a horrible sound coming from the front doors. More by virtue of persistence than luck or intelligence, Vegas's gang is finally gaining ground.
Franky lowers his rifle as the the blasted robot doesn't attack, "Hmm." He waves a hand in front of the things face..or what looks like a face. "Stupid clankers…" A grins as he starts out to look around the place for loose bits of tech that Grady was so adamant about. "Yeah yeah." He offers to the robot fearing people, "Lets at least try to scav something good?"
Crow nods to Lacie, "You got it." He reloads his gun and takes off towards the others.
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Science skill (105%) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 90)
[GM] Plutonium says, "You successfully input the commands!"
The robots' lights blink… to green, almost comically. The one in the boiler room marches out to stand in front of Nazareth along with the one that Crow had pegged.
The Desert Eagle is ripped from Blondie's side, and he levels it on Iona without hesitation as she shows the crowbar. "Don't touch him, or I'll put one in your head." He twists his head at the sound of the ruckus from the doors, frowning. However, whatever his boss does—-well, it seems to work. He grins and relaxes a little. He's just waiting to loot bodies.
Nazareth quickly finds the commands quickly and rises, bringing the bots to heel quickly. "Robots, move to the entrance, open the door via force and dispatch the burglars. Use any weaponry available," he states quite professionally before moving past them and into the storage room.
"All you fucks, inside! Now! Now! Now!" The sound of several pairs of feet coming in through the office area can be heard. The mobsters are in.
Zela sighs. "Good!" she mummers at Nazareth, and then heads into the room the robots were in. After all, let the robots handle the intruders.
[GM] Plutonium has initiated a GM-run scene.
[GM] NPC Sequence/Pose Order: Raider Marksman - 559 - (7), Raider Bladethrower - 556 - (7), Raider Deadbeat - 558 - (6), Vegas - 555 - (5), Sentry Bot - 562 - (4), Raider Scrapper - 561 - (4), Raider Derelict - 557 - (4), Raider Heavy - 560 - (2), and Sentry Bot - 563 - (1).
Amylynn looks at the others and brings her rifle ready to fight "Hey support the bots! We can use them later just don't lettum fight for us…beside we run and robbies get boomed we can't salavage them!"
Lacie is a bit slow at the moment, or just stunned… the hit on her head has rocked her. But she's moving, in the very least, heading inside. Her goal: the most movable and important piece of equipment she can find. She might not find it, but training is kicking in and she sure as hell doesn't want Vegas and his people getting towards it. So she takes the few moments that she has to hunt.
[GM] Plutonium says, "If anyone is looting now, they can. But you'll be leaving the 'bots behind and running into the basement. Naz, roll Luck to see how the robots take your commands."
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Luck stat (4) and fails. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Luck stat (8) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 7)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Luck stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Luck stat (9) and critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Luck stat (3) and fails. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Saul rolls his Luck stat (5) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
At the same moment that Vegas and his gang burst through the doorway into the factory floor, the two robots reach the location. Both sides suddenly halt, the lead mobster staring up at the metal monstrosouties, his jaw dropping. "….oh fuck me! KILL 'EM!"
All hell breaks loose.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Okay, all who are fighting. Roll Luck."
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Luck stat (5) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Luck stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 7)
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Luck stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[GM] Plutonium rolls Vegas - 555's Luck stat (5) at a difficulty level of Hard. It fails. (Roll Value: 4)
[COMBAT] Raider Marksman - 559 attacks Sentry Bot - 563 with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 8 Normal damage. (14 raw damage, 6 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 8 of Sentry Bot - 563's HP.
[COMBAT] Raider Bladethrower - 556 attacks Sentry Bot - 563 with Throwing Knife (Mode: Throw) and misses.
[COMBAT] Raider Deadbeat - 558 attacks Sentry Bot - 563 with .32 Pistol (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 6 Normal damage. (10 raw damage, 4 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 6 of Sentry Bot - 563's HP.
[GM] Plutonium changes the mode of Vegas - 555's M3A1 SMG to Burst.
[COMBAT] Vegas - 555 attacks Sentry Bot - 562 with M3A1 SMG (Mode: Burst) and hits. The attack does 35 Normal damage. (58 raw damage, 23 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 35 of Sentry Bot - 562's HP.
[COMBAT] Sentry Bot - 562 attacks Vegas - 555 with Sentry Bot Arsenal (Mode: Punch) and hits. The attack does 12 Normal damage. (17 raw damage, 5 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 12 of Vegas - 555's HP.
[COMBAT] Raider Scrapper - 561 attacks Sentry Bot - 562 with Spiked Knuckles (Mode: Punch) and misses.
That is not a valid NPC.
[COMBAT] Raider Derelict - 557 attacks Sentry Bot - 562 with Winchester Widowmaker (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 8 Normal damage. (13 raw damage, 5 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 8 of Sentry Bot - 562's HP.
[COMBAT] Raider Heavy - 560 attacks Sentry Bot - 562 with Sledgehammer (Mode: Swing) and misses.
[GM] Plutonium changes the mode of Sentry Bot - 563's Sentry Bot Arsenal to Missile.
[COMBAT] Sentry Bot - 563 attacks Raider Scrapper - 561 with Sentry Bot Arsenal (Mode: Missile) and misses.
[GM] Plutonium changes the mode of Sentry Bot - 562's Sentry Bot Arsenal to Shoot.
[COMBAT] Sentry Bot - 562 attacks Saul with Sentry Bot Arsenal (Mode: Shoot) and hits. The attack does 17 Normal damage. (21 raw damage, 4 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 17 of Saul's HP.
Looks like there will be plenty of bodies to loot. Blondie sticks close to the robots unawareor unworriedthat the robots might not be terribly safe. However, he really likes the gun Vegas is carrying, so he levels his gun on the raider and pulls the trigger.
Zela started heading for the room that the robots were guarding on her last pose, and she's still headed there. She hates leaving the poor robots, but she's not about to go into a fight if she doesn't know who her allies are. Besides, she might get lucky and find some processors or build it yourself robot kits in whatever they were guarding.
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Luck stat (4) and fails. (Roll Value: 1)
You paged Zela with 'You find a bunch of parts that look like they could help you out in your FEV research.'
You paged Amylynn with 'You find a snazzy laser pistol.'
[OOC] Nazareth says, "Okay, Nazareth is going to stop and respecify his orders, as he's just seen a bot attack Saul."
[OOC] Nazareth says, "Do I need to roll anything?"
[GM] Plutonium says, "Nope, not until you pose your order. Just word it carefully. >:)"
Franky makes his way outside the boiler room and into the basement level where all the glorious loot must be! Uninhibited by a big lugging robot he should be free to grab things to his hearts content. "I'm going to buy me a carton of smoke, a case of liquor and a freshly bathed whore with my loot.." He grins, he with all the violence emitting from the entrance. He rubs his palms together as he looks around for shit that looks decently valuable to load up on.
Nazareth grinds to a halt when the bots miss the mark.. "Gah, careless.." he doesn't even really seem all that interested in Saul's wounds, his attentions on /his/ bot, "Robots, adjust your targetting parameters. Target only those that act in hostility towards you or me."
Amylynn follows the others and keeps following her people. She pauses as she runs by a "In case of emergency break glass" she says. She stares at it….the little hammer next to it and back again. Breaking the container open she reaches inside and finds a shiney laser pistol "ohhhhh new toys!"
"You fucking idiot!" Saul's voice rises, one sharp bellow coming from the man when he's struck by a hail of bullets from one of those machines, "I fucking told you…" He scrambles backward, hands loosening on his weapon as he retreats back the way he'd come. Back down to where Franky and Iona wait, where there's things to find, and less things to shoot at him.
"Blondie, I am not in the mood for your shit," Iona says, staring the ghoul down. "Now, quit being an asshole or else I'll tell everyone your little secret, understand?" Then Saul is going down. Iona rushes over to him predictably, attempting to put her hands over them. "Hey, look at me. Focus." She says, much more educated-sounding than most of her outbursts.
Lacie is going through the room. She frowns, cursing very faintly as she hears the fight behind her, but she know she's not really in fighting shape right now, so she continues to hunt for a moment or two, trying to gain cover behind whatever machinery she can while she searches for something worth while. Something to make the pain, heartache, being lost, being shot… and general annoyances of this place worth it.
[COMBAT] Crow makes an aimed attack at Vegas - 555's Head with Desert Eagle (Mode: Aimed) and critically hits! The attack does 28 Normal damage. (40 raw damage, 12 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 28 of Vegas - 555's HP.
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Agility stat (10) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Crow, you make it to cover. Anybody shooting at you next round will be shooting at 'Hard'."
[COMBAT] Blondie makes an aimed attack at Vegas - 555's Head with Desert Eagle (Mode: Aimed) and misses.
Crow peers around. Things are getting hectic real fast. "Forget the gear. We can look through that after this is… nevermind." He grits his teeth and draws his firearm. While hell is breaking loose down there, he drags the gun over, aims right for Vegas' head, and pops him, shooting him right in the face. It's a really nice shot, going right through the man's cheeks and splattering blood everywhere. It's not a flat-out kill, but it got to hurt, and hurt bad. Knight Crowley then dives behind a metal pipe, back braces and his gun pointing in the air, ready to go. He turns his head and prepares for another bout.
Franky sifts around a section of shelves as he hums himself a little tune as he opens a wooden box and finds some odds and ends of cicuitry, "Ahhh, clanker guts..Fucking A!" A look over to his companions Iona and Saul…Saul being injuried it seems. "Shit." He tucks the random pieces into his satchel, before moving towards them. " guys go finds something good and let me know when your done..might be able to sneak out the way we came?" A grin, before he runs towards the entrance to enter into the fray with Vegas and his group. "Hey, Vegas…remember me?!" He yells in the hopes to get the mobsters riled.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Ah. Everyone who's not being greedy, roll Luck."
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Luck stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Luck stat (5) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Luck stat (4) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Luck stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Luck stat (3) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Luck stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 6)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Luck stat (9) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Luck stat (8) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[COMBAT] Raider Marksman - 559 attacks Sentry Bot - 563 with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 11 Normal damage. (19 raw damage, 8 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 11 of Sentry Bot - 563's HP.
[COMBAT] Raider Bladethrower - 556 attacks Sentry Bot - 562 with Throwing Knife (Mode: Throw) and misses.
[COMBAT] Raider Deadbeat - 558 attacks Sentry Bot - 562 with .32 Pistol (Mode: Single) and misses.
[COMBAT] Vegas - 555 attacks Sentry Bot - 562 with M3A1 SMG (Mode: Burst) and hits. The attack does 31 Normal damage. (51 raw damage, 20 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 31 of Sentry Bot - 562's HP.
[GM] Plutonium changes the mode of Sentry Bot - 562's Sentry Bot Arsenal to Aimed.
[GM] Plutonium changes Sentry Bot - 562's aimed shots to target the Head.
[COMBAT] Sentry Bot - 562 makes an aimed attack at Raider Marksman - 559's Head with Sentry Bot Arsenal (Mode: Aimed) and misses.
[COMBAT] Raider Scrapper - 561 attacks Sentry Bot - 562 with Spiked Knuckles (Mode: Punch) and misses.
[COMBAT] Raider Derelict - 557 attacks Sentry Bot - 563 with Winchester Widowmaker (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 10 Normal damage. (17 raw damage, 7 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 10 of Sentry Bot - 563's HP.
[COMBAT] Raider Heavy - 560 attacks Sentry Bot - 563 with Sledgehammer (Mode: Swing) and hits. The attack does 5 Normal damage. (9 raw damage, 4 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 5 of Sentry Bot - 563's HP.
[COMBAT] Sentry Bot - 563 attacks Raider Derelict - 557 with Sentry Bot Arsenal (Mode: Shoot) and hits. The attack does 14 Normal damage. (19 raw damage, 5 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 14 of Raider Derelict - 557's HP.
[COMBAT] Raider Derelict - 557 attacks Zela with Winchester Widowmaker (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 8 Normal damage. (12 raw damage, 4 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 8 of Zela's HP.
Vegas takes a shot to the head from Crow. He reaches up and clutches at the wound. "GOD DAMN!" Despite that, though, he waves his gun around wildly in the direction of the 'bots, managing to spray one with more bullets. "Kill these bitches!" Then, like a good leader, he tries to duck out for cover.
[GM] Plutonium rolls Vegas - 555's Agility stat (8) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
The mobster shoves his way through the office door, getting behind and making it much harder to hit him.
Zela picks up several strange-looking bits of machinery and circuitry and laughs, a loud, deep booming sound which echoes across the factory floor. Looking up towards the source of the gunfire, she quiets down and sighs to herself. "What is right…is not always what is smart…or what is wise." she says to herself, and then heads back up the stairs.
Just as she does, her left shoulder gets a BAM from a raider's Winchester Widowmaker, sending thick, green mutie blood spattering behind her. Grunting towards the raiders, she shouts, "MUTIE ARMY ATTACK!" and runs towards them, shooting.
Hey, it probably won't work, but she's an imtimidating sight. Perhaps they'll run, and she won't have to hurt them.
"Watch the hell out, kiddo!" Blondie yells back at Iona, alarmed she's attending to the man in the middle of the fight. That takes some balls, in his opinion. Vegas is the biggest threat, so he's getting the ugly side of Blondie's gun for now, even if he is behind a door. "Eat shit, jackass!"
[COMBAT] Blondie attacks Vegas - 555 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He hits. The attack does 15 Normal damage. (22 raw damage, 7 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 15 of Vegas - 555's HP.
Saul makes an irritable sort of grunt as he passes Franky, cautioning, "Don't go up there." He shuffles along, doing his best to ignore the wounds he's so recently aquired. Scraps are shoved through, knocked over and generally abused before Saul manages to pull something out. He tucks it away, readying his weapon again afterwards.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Naz, roll Speech for the command and roll repair at Challenging, once you get there."
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Speech skill (78%) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 13)
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Repair skill (65%) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He fails. (Roll Value: 7)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Charisma stat (3) at a difficulty level of Hard. She fails. (Roll Value: 3)
[COMBAT] Zela attacks Raider Derelict - 557 with L86A1 Light Support Weapon (Mode: Burst) and misses.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Naz, the robots do as you say, but you can't fix the one."
Iona just stares at Blondie. "This is my job!" She says, before she continues to fuss over Saul. "Fuck. You need Naz." She gets the bleeding to stop a little, but Saul's wounds are too far gone for her area of expertise. Iona sighs and ducks behind a box, watching the firefight with wide mismatched eyes. "Killbots… fucking killbots."
Franky shows a hint of a grin as he enters the kill zone of robots and douche bags, "Who wants some!?" He yells, Aiming his rifle at the gun attempting to hide behind the door. "Here's some!" He fires, then as always…"HAHAHA!"
"Severely damaged robot, fall back here to the hall, remaining robot, switch to missile fire and target for effect, do not aim at specific targets, only target ground-areas," Nazareth barks from his safer position at the hallway's entrance. Once the damaged robot arrives, he will set to beginning field repairs on it.
[COMBAT] Franky attacks Vegas - 555 with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He hits. The attack does 8 Normal damage. (11 raw damage, 3 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 8 of Vegas - 555's HP.
Lacie raises her gun this time, keeping calm and focused on killing those who are, well, here to kill them. Then she'll worry about who is bleeding everywhere, including the fact she can barely see out of her right eye as blood continues to cascade down her forehead. She first this time, at the most dangerous looking of the group, the leader. If he goes down, maybe the rest will flee.
[COMBAT] Lacie attacks Vegas - 555 with Colt 6520 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 5 Normal damage. (7.5 raw damage, 2.5 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 5 of Vegas - 555's HP.
[COMBAT] Crow attacks Vegas - 555 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He hits. The attack does 13 Normal damage. (18 raw damage, 5 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 13 of Vegas - 555's HP.
[COMBAT] Vegas - 555 has died.
[COMBAT] Crow attacks Raider Marksman - 559 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 18 Normal damage. (22 raw damage, 4 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 18 of Raider Marksman - 559's HP.
[COMBAT] Amylynn makes an aimed attack at Raider Marksman - 559's Right Arm with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Aimed) and hits. The attack does 11 Normal damage. (13.5 raw damage, 2.5 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 11 of Raider Marksman - 559's HP.
[GM] Plutonium says, "The two robots are doing as Naz told them."
Amylynn pops over the counter and fires a rifle round into what see as her own personal opponent "Can't shoot a rifle if yer arms all dicked up now can ya…" she squeezes of a round into the melee.
*BLAM!* Brother Crowly swings around from his steel pipe cover and holds his gun front and center, both arms on the grip and ready to go. The first shot impacts Vegas' skull, tearing his brainpan apart and sending a veritable shower of blood, brains, gore, and bone everywhere. It stains the walls, it stains the cover. It stains the robots. Some gets on his men, in fact. The stench is just putrid. Some bits of brain even land around the looters. *BLAM!* He turns his gun towards another raider, and hits him right in the shoulder.
[GM] Plutonium changes the mode of Sentry Bot - 563's Sentry Bot Arsenal to Missile.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Everyone roll Luck."
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Luck stat (4) and fails. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Luck stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Luck stat (8) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Saul rolls his Luck stat (5) and fails. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Luck stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 7)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Luck stat (3) and critically fails. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Luck stat (5) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Luck stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Luck stat (9) and critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
[COMBAT] Sentry Bot - 563 attacks Raider Heavy - 560 with Sentry Bot Arsenal (Mode: Missile) and misses.
[GM] Plutonium says, "The sentry bot misses its target with the missile, but…"
[GM] Plutonium says, "There is splash damage from the missile."
[GM] You deduct 7 of Raider Scrapper - 561's HP.
[GM] You deduct 7 of Raider Heavy - 560's HP.
[GM] You deduct 7 of Raider Marksman - 559's HP.
[COMBAT] Raider Marksman - 559 has died.
[GM] You deduct 7 of Raider Deadbeat - 558's HP.
[GM] You deduct 7 of Raider Derelict - 557's HP.
[GM] You deduct 7 of Raider Bladethrower - 556's HP.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Oh, and Franky gets hit with a flying glass tube."
[GM] You deduct 3 of Franky's HP.
[COMBAT] Raider Scrapper - 561 attacks Sentry Bot - 563 with Spiked Knuckles (Mode: Punch) and critically misses.
[COMBAT] Raider Heavy - 560 attacks Sentry Bot - 563 with Sledgehammer (Mode: Swing) and misses.
[COMBAT] Raider Deadbeat - 558 attacks Sentry Bot - 563 with .32 Pistol (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 6 Normal damage. (10 raw damage, 4 resisted)
[COMBAT] Raider Derelict - 557 attacks Franky with Winchester Widowmaker (Mode: Single) and misses.
[COMBAT] Raider Bladethrower - 556 attacks Saul with Throwing Knife (Mode: Throw) and misses.
[GM] You deduct 6 of Sentry Bot - 563's HP.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Ooh, we have a Raider critical miss."
[COMBAT] Raider Scrapper - 561 attacks Raider Scrapper - 561 with Spiked Knuckles (Mode: Punch) at a difficulty level of Very Easy. It hits. The attack does 7 Normal damage. (8 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] Plutonium says, "He punches himself in the groin."
[GM] You deduct 7 of Raider Scrapper - 561's HP.
More fire is traded between the raiders and the robots, at least the one that remains. It fires a missile at the group, hurting all of them that are still standing in a huge explosion that unfortunately also damages Franky.
Vegas crawls away from the door, bleeding all over the place. "Fuck… me…" He slumps into a heap. He's *probably* dead… although some very quick medical attention might save him.
Zela raises her gun towards the 'shotgun raider' and lets loose a burst of gunfire. If there wasn't combat going on, she'd probably try to save Vegas just for the sake of keeping a life alive. Since it is however, she has to worry about keeping herself alive.
Ergo, a hail of gunfire is let loose at one of the raiders.
[COMBAT] Zela attacks Raider Derelict - 557 with L86A1 Light Support Weapon (Mode: Burst) and critically misses.
[COMBAT] Blondie makes an aimed attack at Raider Heavy - 560's Head with Desert Eagle (Mode: Aimed) and misses.
[COMBAT] Lacie attacks Raider Heavy - 560 with Colt 6520 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 7 Normal damage. (9 raw damage, 2 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 7 of Raider Heavy - 560's HP.
Amylynn aims in on the Derelict and opens fire on pistol boy. Must trying to cripple his fighting arm with her own shot.
[COMBAT] Amylynn makes an aimed attack at Raider Bladethrower - 556's Right Arm with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Aimed) and hits. The attack does 10 Normal damage. (11.25 raw damage, 1.25 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 10 of Raider Bladethrower - 556's HP.
Blondie shoots at the 'heavy' raider, muttering under his breathbefore— "Hey, the leader is still alive! … We might need him."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Y'fall on yo mug, Zela."
Zela falls flat on her face, tripping over one of the robot's feet.
Lacie turns her gun from Vegas, since he isn't quite the threat any more, to the next most dangerous target she can find. The heavy. She fires like one practiced and trained, but not a field fighter… too much like she was still on the range. Still, she's doing damage to their enemies, and that's what matters.
"Thanks anyway." Saul imparts those word to Iona before he shrugs, taking weapon back into his grasp before he makes a beeline to join the fray again. He raises his weapon high as he goes, wincing once at the pain the motion causes before he's discharging a bullet toward one of the thugs.
Yeah, the violence loving bastard is all shitz and gigglez as he presses the attack with the other. Even though getting a little too close as the clanker lets loose a missile that sends a….glass beaker? into his leg and breaks that results in a few cuts. "YARRRG!" He yells, working the bolt as a dumbass raider peppers the wall next to him with shotgun pellets. "Would it help if I walked into the bullets!" He taunts, raising the gun and firing at the guy.
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Science skill (105%) at a difficulty level of Hard. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 65)
[GM] You restore 22 of Sentry Bot - 562's HP.
[COMBAT] Saul attacks Raider Deadbeat - 558 with 10mm SMG (Mode: Single) and misses.
[COMBAT] Crow attacks Raider Bladethrower - 556 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 14 Normal damage. (17 raw damage, 3 resisted)
[COMBAT] Crow attacks Raider Bladethrower - 556 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 13 Normal damage. (15 raw damage, 2 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 27 of Raider Bladethrower - 556's HP.
[COMBAT] Raider Bladethrower - 556 has died.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Crow slaughters a dude."
[COMBAT] Franky makes an aimed attack at Raider Derelict - 557's Groin with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Aimed) and hits. The attack does 6 Normal damage. (8 raw damage, 2 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 6 of Raider Derelict - 557's HP.
After having narrowly escaped being acidicly maimed, Iona is not very compelled to leave the sanctity of her box shelter. "Franky! Saul! You alright?!" She cries out, before she pulls her knees to her chest, getting comfortable.
Nazareth works quickly, throwing open a panel on the damaged bot and keying in a sequence of numbers into a direct-input panel. He closes the panel back up and commands the robot, "Robot, resume engagement of previous hostile targets with the same attacking parameters as the other robot." He then rises, moving to watch the combat unfold, drawing his revolver to be ready.
The raider Franky shoots screams out several colorful curses and drops to his knees.
Hot on the heels of the last shots he took, Knight Crowley comes out from his steam pipe hiding spot again, opening up on the next target of convenience with a doubletap. *BLAMBLAM* Both shots strike him square in the gut. His belly ruptures and his intestines spill out of his stomach, hitting the floor in heavy chunks of blood and stomach acid. The look on his face is absolutely bewildered. He looks shocked and completely unsure of what just happened. He doubles over and lands face down in a puddle of green and red.
[GM] Plutonium changes the mode of Sentry Bot - 562's Sentry Bot Arsenal to Missile.
[COMBAT] Sentry Bot - 563 attacks Raider Heavy - 560 with Sentry Bot Arsenal (Mode: Missile) and hits. The attack does 62 Normal damage. (75 raw damage, 13 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 62 of Raider Heavy - 560's HP.
[COMBAT] Raider Heavy - 560 has died.
[COMBAT] Sentry Bot - 562 attacks Raider Deadbeat - 558 with Sentry Bot Arsenal (Mode: Missile) and critically hits! The attack does 65 Normal damage. (76 raw damage, 11 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 65 of Raider Deadbeat - 558's HP.
[COMBAT] Raider Deadbeat - 558 has died.
[GM] You deduct 10 of Raider Derelict - 557's HP.
[COMBAT] Raider Derelict - 557 has died.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Splash."
One mobster left. He stares at the piles of… stuff… that used to be his friends, stares at Nazareth, and screams bloody murder, attempting to get the hell out of this insane place.
[GM] Plutonium rolls Raider Scrapper - 561's Agility stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 6)
[GM] Plutonium rolls Vegas - 555's Endurance stat (6) and critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Huh. I wasn't expecting that."
[GM] Plutonium was just trying to see if he lived or not.
Despite the fact that a good portion of his skull is missing and he's bleeding out his life all over, Vegas… gets up and straggles out the front door, somehow, staggering back and forth. Pretty friggin' amazing shit. He is, of course, leaving a pretty obvious trail, but you gotta give the guy the fact that he's a tough bastard.
[GM] You restore 1 of Vegas - 555's HP.
[COMBAT] Crow attacks Raider Scrapper - 561 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 17 Normal damage. (21 raw damage, 4 resisted)
[COMBAT] Crow attacks Raider Scrapper - 561 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) and misses.
[GM] You deduct 17 of Raider Scrapper - 561's HP.
"Naz," grunts the Ghoul, "I think Vegas is still kicking. Yup, he's still kicking." He darts after the mobster, feet pounding heavily. With Crow taking on the Raider Scrapper, he'll just try to get through before the two robots go off with their missiles again.
Franky chambers another round as he scans what's left of Nazareth's mechanical peons handiwork. "Huh." He grunts, stalking forward to clean up or look for piece of what was once glorious loot? "Hey! Vegas! I want Grady's debt!" He yells, after the man. taking aim at the other fleeing raider and shooting.
Amylynn rechambers a round and fires on the last raider
[COMBAT] Amylynn makes an aimed attack at Raider Scrapper - 561's Right Arm with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Aimed) and misses.
[COMBAT] Franky attacks Raider Scrapper - 561 with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 7 Normal damage. (9 raw damage, 2 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 7 of Raider Scrapper - 561's HP.
[COMBAT] Raider Scrapper - 561 has died.
Crow swings out from his hiding spot again. *BLAMBLAM!* He hits the last man standing right in the chest. It's not enough to drop him, but it certainly gets his attention. The second round goes wide, sailing into a wall, then bouncing off of that to embed itself into the floor.
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Agility stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
Zela stands up, shaking her head in confusion. "Let them flee." she says, showing no inclination or desire to chase the last raiders. She heads towards Naz. "Nazareth….Boss of Blondie." the Super Mutant says in short burts. "You have proven…yourself as a leader. You have claimed…the relics of the past." She takes out the password and keycard. "I give you…their final keys freely."
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Agility stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
Lacie carefully lowers her gun, as she sees the enemies no longer attacking, or mostly dead. She holsters her weapon and stands up again, wiping another round of blood off her face and really hoping no one had any infections that have flown into HER because of them all exploding around damn Crow and company. People die messy.
"I'm good." Saul doesn't look good, but it doesn't seem to bother him. The man doesn't get a chance to fire, his SMG lowering slowly once the last one goes down. He takes a quick gander over at Vegas, turns attention warily back toward the robots afterward. "Those things under control yet?"
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Speech skill (31%) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 29)
"Are you guys gonna be done playing big bad spooky gangers anytime soon? I'm tiiiired…" Iona whines, before glancing over to Saul. She shakes her head at him. "You're losing a lot of blood still. Want me to try to take another look? I may be able to stop you from, y'know, bleeding out."
Nazareth moves up as the Super Mutant approaches him where he now stands near the robots. He listens to her words and takes the cards, smiling wryly, "Much obliged. We have some business with Vegas here, but we have some things to talk about later." He pockets the keycards and holsters his gun, "Robots, stand down. Attack only if attacked."
Amylynn moves over to Naz and whews "Man Boss, you have robots and everything now. How'd you learn to program them with the rewiring and all? That was neat!" she looks at the man "So this Vegas guy…what ya gonna do to him?"
Franky chases after the bastard they meet back in Texas city, running his half-brained ass down and grabbing him. "Hey fucker!" Pulling him back onto his seat if he has to. "Drop your shit…your our prisoner now!"
Crow exhales, taking the time out to reload his handgun, then he gets away from his cover and stays there, gun drawn and pointing to the exit. He's apparently waiting for reinforcements, "Bradshaw. Everyone else. What's your status? Everyone in one piece?"
Zela nods her head to Nazareth once, simply. "If you need help…making your prisoner talk." she says, "I can do it. But if ….I do, he must go free after."
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Sneak skill (42%) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Steal skill (56%) and fails. (Roll Value: 13)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Io, if you were gonna make first aid rolls on people soon, just lemme know."
"That'd be nice," Saul admits to Iona, the man moving to plop himself down against the nearst peice of furnature. His weapon lowers, just slightly, enough that he can be examined as necessary. He still doesn't seem to be very trusting of those robots, though. Franky is left to Vegas, and the others to their own devices.
Lacie nods towards Crow, "Fine. Just… want to get the stuff and go." Lacie admits, the right side of her face and head looking pretty nasty from that initial punch, but she's holding herself up well enough. Who knows how back it actually is, but she is slightly wavering, free hand leaning against the wall.
"Poor desperate bastard." Blondie softly says, glancing at Franky as they come up on Vegas together. He doesn't understand what's going on between the two, but he'll let Franky does what he needs to dosimply standing behind Vegas. He's eyeing the man's gun, and makes an attempt to snatch itbut, well, misses.
Nazareth waves a hand, "Say no more, I can handle him.. If you'll allow me.." Nazareth trails off a bit as he hears the barking outside. "Come and see, Amy, I just want to talk to him," and Nazareth moves out to meet Franky and the wounded Vegas, "Take it easy, trooper. Vegas here's a civilized man with some power.. I'm sure he'll be more than willing to hear what we have to say to him," he says, staring at Vegas as he shambles away.
Zela follows after Nazareth, remaining silent for now.
Vegas turns as Franky catches up to him, still weaving wildly and nearly falling down. Despite that he somehow notices the ghoul's attempt to grab his gun, and steps back at the last moment with some last desperate burst of agility. "Fuck off, wormface," He spats, the one eyes that's still intact blinking a few times as he tries to focus on Franky.
"Prisoner… whatever, man. I'm dead anyway. Heh." He's still clutching his weapon, though. "Hey, you're that guy… pretty cool guy… fuck, I'm dead. Fuck are you doin' here?"
[OOC] Nazareth says, "Since Vegas has surrendered now, can I move up and give him a doctor roll?"
[GM] Plutonium says, "You'll have to convince him to let you first, since he's still got his gun. There's still a chance he might be a dick and use it to try to Burst on somebody before he croaks, if he can't be talked down completely."
[FIRST AID] Iona performs a First Aid roll. She fails. She is able to heal 1 hit points.
Franky a grin forms on his face as Vegas seems to recognize him. "Hey man, it's all cool…drop the gun and maybe we'll heal you up?" A toothy grin, "Just hand me your gun and all will we gravy? We wouldn't kill you after we spent the time to heal you right?" Another grin.
[GM] You restore 1 of Saul's HP.
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Speech skill (78%) and fails. (Roll Value: 56)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Speech skill (31%) and fails. (Roll Value: 31)
"God…" Iona says as she moves closer to Saul, inspecting his wounds again. She manages to get the bleeding stopped on a very small cut — barely making a dent in the damage that the man has. "I"m sorry. I'm just a little shaken up by all of this. I wish there was more I could do for you."
"Oh, bitch, you did not," Blondie snaps out a hand for the gun again.
"F… fuck you guys. Half my fuckin' head is gone. AHAHAHAHA. I look like that fuckin' ugly ghoul," Vegas says, half-delirious.
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Steal skill (56%) and critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 56)
Nazareth nods as Franky speaks, "Come on brother, just put it down. I'm a doctor, I can save you and then we can have a nice little sit down. Drink some whiskey, yeah?" He actually sounds genuinely concerned.. Of course he'd be with the caps involved.
Amylynn walks over to where Vegas was hit and starts to poke around she picks up various bit for skin, scalp and bone and looks to Naz "Hey Boss! I found most of his face!" she walks over and starts to sort the skin "Wow." she meantion at a piece of scalp "Those split end are really bad…"
[FIRST AID] Lacie performs a First Aid roll and fails. She is able to heal 1 hit points.
[GM] You restore 1 of Lacie's HP.
When Blondie manages to free the gun, the ghoul snarls and spits at Vegas—intending to get him in the eye. The gun swings around to point at him, ghoul heaving and snarling. He looks like he's about to snap.
[FIRST AID] Crow performs a First Aid roll and critically fails. He is able to heal 0 hit points.
A gander over to Blondie as he grabs the man gun, "That works too…" Another smile, "Your out of option Vegas…your unarmed…all you got left is your life….So you going to be a good soldier and listen to us?"
"There, now you're weaponless. Just lie the fuck down and I'll treat you. You'll live, we'll get what we came for and we can all go home happy as can fucking be," Nazareth adds once the weapon is clearly out of the man's hands.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Couple more speech rolls, guys."
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Speech skill (78%) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 31)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Speech skill (31%) and critically fails. (Roll Value: 1)
Zela sits down beside Vegas and gives the gangster a big, friendly smile. She even waves hello. She does not speak.
Lacie reaches into her pocket, pulling out a small bit of gauze and just trying to tape it enough across her forehead that she can stop bleeding into her own eyes because that's getting rather annoying. She's not speaking, probably looking terrifying enough that adding words won't really help.
"Yeah.. f-f…" Vegas seems inclined to listen to Vegas, but his half-gone head whips in Franky's direction, nonplussed about the implication that he's defenseless. "HAHA. FUCK YOU, MAN. FUCK YOU, I AIN'T NEVER GOIN' DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT!"
[GM] Plutonium changes the mode of Vegas - 555's Molotov Cocktail to Throw.
Crow keeps his weapon trained on the doorway, then catches sight of Lacie, "That's okay? Shit, Lacie." He holsters his gun and walks over to her. "You look horrible. Here." Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a piece of cloth and manages to press in JUST the right spot so that it hurts like a sumbitch. No, it doesn't help the bleeding. Well it does help the bleeding, from the bleeding's perspective. "How's… that? No. Maybe not."
[OOC] Nazareth says, "Okay, Nazareth is going to sprint up and try to stick him with a stimpak so Franky can wrestle him down."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Roll Agility, Naz."
Amylynn continues to bring the pieces of skull around to Naz and places them near him. She looks at Vegas "Bet they can put back pieces that need to keep yer head in. And Ya get cool scars! Scars are mysters and sexy at times."
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Agility stat (5) and critically fails. (Roll Value: 3)
[GM] You cripple Nazareth's Right Leg.
[GM] Plutonium says, "You sprain your leg badly."
[COMBAT] Vegas - 555 attacks Franky with Molotov Cocktail (Mode: Throw) and misses.
"Nnngh.. fuck… DAMN, THAT WAS MY LAST BOTTLE OF BOOZE, TOO!" Vegas weaves, teeters, and falls over.
Lacie winces to Crow, cursing softly as the slightly older man presses on the wound…"Fuck…what's… ouch… dammit… Leave it, i'm fine! Fuck…" lacie growls out, the world spinning a bit more now as her gooseegg is slowly forming beneath that nasty gash. Ahh, concussion by robot. What a world they live in.
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Unarmed skill (28%) and critically fails. (Roll Value: 3)
[GM] Plutonium says, "You fall on your face. Again."
[GM] You deduct 3 of Zela's HP.
"Oh really?" A soft smirk coming onto Franky's face, "You and…" A goddamn molotov cocktail! "You silly fuck!" He snarls, only to watch the no-depth perception fuck toss the bottle wide….He strolls up to the now fallen man, "Would you like a coup de grace? OR are you finally going to listen to me?"
Zela stands up and goes to try and hold the gangster down. Though a very smart mutant, she is apparently very clumsy…and falls flat on her face.
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Speech skill (31%) and fails. (Roll Value: 20)
Blondie holsters the guns. He now has three and they're getting a little cumbersome. Standing by Franky and Vegas, he snarls. "Shut the fuck up and be still."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Speech from here on out is Challenging, since he's already pretty much proved he's a stubborn ass. And he'll have…"
[ROLL] Plutonium rolls one (1) three-sided (3) dice. RESULT: 1
[GM] Plutonium says, "One more pose before he expires."
Amylynn looks at Franky "Think we are trying save him no kill him!" she looks "Mister Vegas if you stand still so we can help your headache I'll share my nuka cola with ya!" she calls out "You hurt and really like for ya to have a seat." she wanders over towards the body cluster.
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Speech skill (54%) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He fails. (Roll Value: 29)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Strength stat (7) and critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[GM] Plutonium rolls Vegas - 555's Agility stat (8) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
When the wounded Vegas moves to throw the cocktail, Nazareth charges up, but twists his leg rather badly on the steps as he does, sending him to limp for a bit. He does his best to walk it off but keeps moving up. He draws a syringe set-up from his sleeve and just drops down as Vegas is wrestled in place, slamming the stim into the man's leg and being goddamn done with being worried about him dying, "Alright you stubborn fuck. Just shut the fuck up and you might even keep that fucked up little group of misfits you call a gang. Just goddamn /calm down/, yeah?"
[GM] Plutonium says, "Okay, a stimpak is 5-20 HP back. So…"
[ROLL] Plutonium rolls two (2) ten-sided (10) dice. RESULT: 17
Franky furrows his brow and just decide he crouch down and hold the dumbshit in place…"No tears now…Wouldn't want anybody to think less of you.." A grin to the soon to be phantom of the wastes…if he lives.
[GM] You restore 17 of Vegas - 555's HP.
[GM] Plutonium changes the mode of Vegas - 555's Default Unarmed to Punch.
[COMBAT] Vegas - 555 attacks Nazareth with Default Unarmed (Mode: Punch) and misses.
[GM] Plutonium says, "He tries to punch you in the head anyway, Naz. But at least you keep him from dying."
Zela slowly stands back up. Sighs. She walks over towards Vegas and attempts to wrap one of her big, bulky hands around his groin. She's not trying to hurt him, but make the bulk of her super-mutant strength against his 'delicate member' known. Some men fear for that area more then death. "Listen." she grunts.
[OOC] Zela says, "Can I pleaaass roll strength for intimidation?"
[GM] Plutonium laughs. Yes.
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Strength stat (8) and critically fails. (Roll Value: 2)
[OOC] Zela says, "How do I critically fail that?"
Crow backs off from Lacie, "Sorry, sorry. Yeah, so I guess it doesn't go like that, huh?" The grin is sheepish at best. He turns back to the entrance, drawing his gun again. "Let's keep sentry on this position while they get answers from the savage."
Vegas squirms around, glancing up at Zela and smiling with half a face. "Hey, that's kinda nice."
"It's like trying to hold onto a greased pig." Not that many people have a shitting clue what a pig is. When Vegas starts to get some action, however, is when the dirty old Ghoul calls it quits. "Boss. You need me, I'll be wandering around looking for shit." He looks utterly disgusted and pissed, and— there's a heaping load of disturbed thrown in there.
Amylynn keeps trying to move in front "Oh Mister Vegas, the doctor is the other way. Sure we can ummm get you a better…" she looks a bit confused at what is going on "Massage if you would just join us." she looks at the other "Isn't that to friendly with the enemy?"
Nazareth just sighs as Vegas just sort of embarasses himself in what were almost his final minutes. He rises up and moves around to look over Vegas' head, speaking down to him, "Now listen here you sad bastard. You're not going to fucking die so stop embarassing yourself. Now act like you're a civilized ape already and knock this bullshit off."
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Speech skill (78%) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He fails. (Roll Value: 30)
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Charisma stat (7) at a difficulty level of Easy. She succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
Amylynn hmms "He is in a bit of shock ya know…you know…gun to the head, then random hand job…Mister Vegas… You sure you don't wanna see the doctor and have a nice mre? I have Chicken Ala King!" she cheerfully calls out.
Franky continues to try and hold the lucky guy getting felt up by the strange….and smelly Mutie. "Maybe we should tie him up some I can look over his buddies gear?"
Lacie sighs, stepping forward and leaning her hip just in that perfectly right way to show off her form. She gives him a pretty smile, even beneath all the blood…"Calm down, handsome… and maybe we'll actually all be able to work together. But we can't talk with you acting like a screaming child, now can we?" Even her voice is a little more husky than before. The Sister of the brotherhood is -hot-.
"Franky, Saul… I don't know why I let you and PigeonShit talk me into doing anything anymore." Iona finally comes out from behind her box and pulls her goggles back down over her eyes, glaring warily at people through the dusty green goggles. She spots Lacie… coming on to the man with half a face and recoils in horror. "Sweet baby fucking Jesus. Let's just give the guy a suck job right now, why don't we?"
It seems Vegas is more susceptible to female (or neutral-gender mutant) attention than anything else. He finally stops trying to punch people, just leaning back and smirking as the drugs set in and start their artificial work on his system. "Yeh… whatever…"
Zela resists the urge to destroy his stuff and backs off. "Errrrr." she grunts.
Nazareth flings his hands up in the air and praises something silently, head bowed.. After a moment he's back and turns to Vegas again, "Alright, get off him, he needs real medical treatment."
"What the fuck, the guy with half a head gets more ass than I do." Blondie can be heard, seemingly in complete shock somewhere in a corner.
"Scratch that, actually, bring him inside. Fuck this heat," Nazareth adds before moving off to return to the factory.
Amylynn blinks at Iona and looks at the others "Ok… ummm I know you guy have urges and all, but you know could you least keep the panties on until you sew up his brain? I mean I know people have fetishish but brainal sex is NOT happening around this gal." she throws a thumb at her chest.
Franky nods to Nazareth after he changes his mind, He tugs on Vegas' arms as he ducks down to throw the disfigured bloke over his shoulder and take him inside.
Saul can only stare, shake his head, and shrug at Iona. It might be the blood loss, but it's probably Vegas' interrogation. "God." A long pause follows, and then Saul is tipping back to rest.
Iona merely grins at Amylynn. "Well, aren't you fuckin' cute as a button?" She remarks, before putting her hands on her hips. "Blondie, you sound a little bit bitter. It's alright. If you had balls that weren't rotted off, I'd throw you a bone. Or let you throw me one. You could probably throw me one right now, but it would be literally, and advanced forms of leprosy don't really turn most chicks on." Iona sucks in a deep breath, letting out a sigh.
Lacie doesn't -say- anything more, but since the man is speaking and more relaxed, she remains leaning against the wall there, looking her best attractive nurse position possible despite she now being useful for no more than eye candy. At least it's useful.
Franky walks the jackass inside and sets him down where Naz would request, after than he moves out to the front entrance. "Anybody got a cigarette?" He requests, opening his satchel as he withdraws one of his bottles of liquor. Uncapping it as he takes a pull.
Blondie just looks at Iona. It's either longing for the offer, or pissed because he's been deactivated for the past 130 years of his life. What's worse than being ghoul-i-fied when you're in your twenties? "I'm …" Speechless. Completely. He just gives her the stink-eye.
Zela grunts at Nazereth. "You wanted…to talk?" she says, following him inside. "We might want…to wait on the prisoner."
Amylynn looks to Iona and smiles "Thanks your pretty to. In ah, ya know non open crainal kinda way." she shoot people looks. And then leans over and whsipers "I don't know bout you but someone these guys are a little." she loops the finger round the ear "But mostly harmless." she smiles in a innocent way. She looks to Blondie and back "Blondies not a ghoul, still probley tired from his birthday party."
Crow stays on sentry duty, for what it's worth. His weapon is trained on the doorway. Pessimist or realist, he's staying prepared, regardless.
Iona blows a kiss at Blondie before looking to Amylynn and snickering. "Oh, they're all fine… just, y'know… high-spirited." She reaches up and rubs her eyes with a soft yawn. "So if all the killbots are neutralized or deactivated now, I'm gonna climb into one of these boxes and get some rest… yes. In the boxes…" Iona says, rubbing her eyes again.
Nazareth moves inside to where there's a relatively clear area, voice raised, "If you need medical care, this hallway is now a hospital." A beautiful one too, with a bunch of human chunks from the robot's work everywhere. When the super mutant returns he responds, "Vegas is going to need some serious work before he talks again."
[DOCTOR] Nazareth performs a Doctor roll and succeeds. He is able to heal 13 hit points.
[GM] You restore 13 of Vegas - 555's HP.
Zela grunts at Lacie. "I'll take a look…at you for free. But I mostly know…medicine as it applies to…" She pauses. "Other things."
[DOCTOR] Zela performs a Doctor roll at a difficulty level of Lacie. She fails. She is able to heal 2 hit points.
"I'm not injured." For an old guy, Blondie is pretty good at keeping from becoming a target—one area he can have some pride in. When Lacie goes to Nazareth seeking help, the old ghoul frowns. "How much is it gonna cost for the Brotherhood kid, Naz?"