

Zela, Cain, Lacie, Franky, Elliot, Mack, Driscoll, Harvey, Crow

Unique NPCs:


Title Hospitality
Scene Synopsis A group of characters meets up with some interesting country folk.
IC Date 2 March, 2194
OOC Date 4 August, 2009
Logger Crow

Wasteland - I-45/Nasa Road Junction

It is a cloudless, atypically beautiful Wasteland night. A light breeze keeps things from becoming too hot. This area is the southern-most region of the old Houston metro sprawl, where the suburbs of the destroyed megacity once teemed with life. The old, rusting sign that marks the community of 'Webster' is backlit by the glow from the north. There's little to catch one's attention from the freeway… at least, it seems that way at first.

Crow crosses through the wasteland alongside Elliot. "So I told him that if he thought the requisition form was the right way to get it, then maybe -he- should fill one out." The man snickers to himself, "That shut him up real fast. I swear that if red tape could kill, we'd have enough firepower to level the entire wasteland three times over." He quiets down as they approach the city, and 'Webster', for what that's worth.

On a gently slopping hill near the ruined highway, a rock rises out of the earth, and atop that rock sits Driscoll. He's not particularly tall, but broad and stocky, posture bent forward as he watches the small community a short distance away. A sledgehammer rests on its weighted head, the handle leaning against his leg, and he occasionally turns his gaze from the small town toward the interstate, eyes scanning the road boredly.
Crow adds, "Twenty-seven B stroke six my sorry ass."

"That's so funny, sir." Elliot monotones at Crow's side, the appropriate amount of snivelling soldier put into her tone to be convincing. Really. It's hilarious. "I don't disagree. We have enough hoops to jump through normally to wear out a Tribal's priestess."

Zela is walking along the freeway, and passes near a large sign. "Hur." she mummers at it. "I hope…this is the right way." she says. "If we picked…the wrong highway…long…long walk back." she mummers towards Mack.

[ROLL] Driscoll rolls his Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Easy. He fails. (Roll Value: 4)

Cain whistles softly to himself as he runs his daily treasure hunt, peering through all the broken down buildings as he walks past. Wandering the wasteland on a daily basis he seems to have forgotten where he was, but he takes no mind and continues down the road, away from the sun.

Little to catch one's attention but the glow, anyway.

"There is an inn, a merry old inn
beneath an old grey hill,
And there they brew a beer so brown
That the Man in the Moon himself came down
one night to drink his fill!" o/`

"The ostler has a tipsy cat
that plays a five-stringed fiddle;
And up and down he runs his bow,
Now squeaking high, now purring low,
now sawing in the middle!" o/`

The musically-inclined and far-too-cheery ghoul known as Mack stops before the next verse, turning his head to looks up at Zela. "I'll find us a faster way if we went the wrong way. Pretty sure this is the right, though," he assures his mutant companion. The Glowing One stands a short distance from Zela, careful not to do anything like kill her with the small amount of rads he gives off over the course of an hour, but he sticks out like a sore thumb in the wastes, even garbed as he like a trader.

There's a man wandering behind most of Zela's entourage. He has tanned leathery skin that makes him look a little like Henry Fonda during the good years. "Well," he says in a surprisingly pleasant tone, "if that happens to be the case I suppose we'll elect a new navigator." Flickering gray eyes surf the terrain, and a small twitch tugs a lip upwards—perhaps a hint of a smile. Harvey is relaxed, and doesn't appear to be minding of the situation at all.

Crow glances at Elliot, opens his mouth to say something, then closes it, just moving through the wastes at this point.

An entourage in the wastes! I sure hope they have booze..course it's be even better luck for Franky to stumble onto the little party as he follows the outline of the road from a hundred yards away or so. "…Damn I need a smoke…" He mumbles to himself, as he comes to a stop for a moment to survey the horizon before crouching down to take a breather.

Elliot allows the silence to stretch, attention on that distant glowing figure. "Hmm, I believe that is the Ghoul from the other day. The, ah, bard? Sang alot."

Zela chuckles towards Harvey, "Indeed." she says before looking back at Mack. "Still…like singing." she remarks. "Where did you learn…all this music?" she asks, before adding, "Oh. Need your help…as trader." She holds up a Colt Rangemaster. "Need enough…sheet metal…for some guy….to make me…Platemail. Need…leather or chitin…too. If you can trade this…and I know its expensive…for the materials…and 50 caps….I'll let you…keep the rest."

Crow nods slowly, "Yeah. Looks like we found our mark. I spoke with the super mutant earlier. Very atypical. Gave her a very stern warning instead of a bullet to the brain. Of course, if she's out here, that means she's not dissuaded yet. I say we walk over and say hello." He turns from the wasteland, then to Elliot, then to the wasteland, and back to Elliot again, "And you seriously need to loosen the fuck up. You make me think you're going to shit a flank steak any moment, now."

"The freaks come out at night." Driscoll's disused voice grates out beneath his breath as he notes the distant, small mutant party. Rising to his full feet, he reaches up to tug the goggles on his forehead over his eyes, then grabs the shaft of his hammer and lifts it up onto one shoulder. With a slo, but ground-eating stride, he begins to make his way down the hill and toward the broken highway, hammer bobbing with every other step.

Cain drops his attention on scavenging for now as he recognizes the faint sound of singing in the distance. As he turns his head he notices to his suprise a very vibrant ghoul accompanied by another Super, "Well hell, for a second I thought I was gonna run into some more squishies." he grunts to himself, keeping his distance as to not draw any unwanted attention.

"Sir, if I shat a flank steak I'd have bigger problems then a stubborn super mutant." Elliot responds with a cautious tilt of her head. "Alright, let's go see to her."

"I'm nearly a hundred and sixty years old," Mack replies. "You pick up a few things livin' before the bombs fell." He grins that toothy grin, wandering along, and glancing at the gun. "I'll see what I can do when I actually find someone willing to stop and talk to us, huh?"

Zela grunts. "We will." she says, before glancing towards Cain. "No…not squishies. On quest for…FEV. Feel free…to come…but must not…squish those…with us." she says, before changing her direction for the lit building in the distance. She doesn't actually point it out, just begins moving towards it.

Crow nods, "If you shat a flank steak, it would probably taste better than what I had to eat last night. Let's… go. Hrm." Knight Crowley vaguely frowns, gritting his teeth as he moves. He points his gun towards a building not too far off into the ruins, "See that?" he points out the building in question. The lights are flickering. "Savages."

"Sir, please, don't make comments about eating my sh—" Elliot pauses, proving that for all her stoic nature, she actually /FAILED/ in noticing the building in question. "Huh."

Driscoll emerges onto the remains of the ruined highway, and then notes the building off the in distance as well. His free hand strokes his chin in a thoughtful manner, then he starts after the freaksquad toward the ruins in question. His pace quickens a little, not to catch up with them entirely, but to follow at a short distance and let them know he's there.

A stick figure starts to take shape in the dirt between Frank's booted feet, nothing fancy, just a stick figure…then two rather too big circles form on the characters chest as well as long hair. "Heh." Franky grunts to himself as he touches up his big breasted stick woman with a speech bubble and the words, 'Franky ROCKS!' A grin forms, "Your damn right, babay." A wink to his masterpiece before he looks up to the ruins and spots the flicker of lights in a building…"Hmmm." He hmmms, as he stands up and makes his way casually towards the structure.

Harvey seems content to follow the glowing thing. Perhaps he doesn't notice the building because his night vision is blocked by Mack. (Mack-blocker). The older man fishes around in his pants, looking for something as he hums to himself. "Mother, don't let your children out at niiight, I'm the one that's gonna give them a friiight, ohhh, mother—"

Cain stares oddly at Zela, raising a single warted brow, "You trying to use some mind trick or somethin'?" he states, slightly confused. He looks over towards the glowing fellow once more before a distant flicker catches his eye. "Now what do we have here…" Cain quickly grasps his sledge ready to -explore- once again. "Well, whoever you two are… I see something a lil more interesting. Master's dead… Get over it." he spits before walking off.

Lacie has been quiet the beginning of this journey, for some reason. Her gun out in her hand, just in case, she treads along behind Crow and Elliot silently, thoughtfully, a creased worry to her brow the only betrayal of what she may be thinking along the way. She watches everything, often looking across shoulders and to the side… ever on guard.

Mack spots the light when Zela starts to move towards it, glancing at the big mutant and shrugging slightly. He falls a step behind, making sure the big bulk is silhouetted by the green glow instead of the green glow being in front. He lets his hand rest on his gun rather than his crowbar-for-a-cane, figuring that someone will probably pick a fight and that will be terrible.

Crow comes right up to Zela and co. Between himself, Knight Bradshaw, and Apprentice Cheatham… well would you look at that. It's a roaving Brotherhood patrol. This is probably not the most promising sign for the region. "Interesting company you keep, Zela. I see you're still on your way towards the space administration ruins." He keeps an eye on the lit building, though. "You wouldn't have poor intend in mind would you?"

Elliot just quirks an eyebrow at Crow's tactical choice of using questions to deliver his threats, but obviously has nothing to say. Instead she continues on her flanking assignment.

Zela snorts at Crow. "Poor intent?" she queries. She ignores the departing Super Mutant. "Speak…more clearly. At least…I have…a throat deformity." she says before heading for the house once more. "I hope this…is a ghoul."

The lit building turns out to be an old medical clinic; once a sterile-white color, it is now a faded and cracked yellow with huge sections of paint peeling off. A burning barrel sits out front, emitting copious amounts of foul-smelling black smoke. Just behind it is a deeply recessed double-doorway under an arched section of the roof.

[GM] Plutonium says, "Everyone, Perception at Challenging"
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Perception stat (7) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Perception stat (7) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She fails. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Cain rolls his Perception stat (8) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Driscoll rolls his Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Perception stat (8) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She fails. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Harvey rolls his Perception stat (5) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He fails. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Elliot rolls her Perception stat (5) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Mack rolls his Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)

Lacie flanks Crow's side quietly, stepping up there and listening with that same attentitiveness, but also flickering a look across her shoulder again, making certain that they're not being surrounded by any superior force for the Super Mutant's side…

Driscoll notes the arrival of the Brotherhood group, and shakes his head as he pauses for a moment to watch the interaction between the two groups. "Mutant freaks and organized bigots." his rough voice speaks out as he eyes both parties for a moment, before continuing past, heedlessly, toward the lit building.

[GM] Plutonium creates Raider Derelict - 598.

"Well, well, if it isn't the Brotherhood!" Harvey's face lights up with recognition, a sudden twitch forming his face into what appears to be perfect amusement. Then his eyes shoot to Driscoll, landing, sticking, face twisting into a rough grin. "Quite right, sir. But I believe we can all talk this out. We have no harmful intent, just seeking," his voice momentarily stops, "Information."

Crow grits his teeth, "You have a disturbing habit of not answering any of my questions, mutant." Zela will probably note that he's not nearly as friendly as last time they met. Probably it has something to do with people being around. To Harvey, he nods, "Information. I've heard all ab…" His eyes narrow and he crouches, looking for cover if there is any. To Lacie and Elliot, he makes military hand gestures to indicate he sees someone, and where. His voice lowers, "Charming. Another wasteland asshole. Ghoul, I hope you have no intention of singing again."

Franky makes his way towards the building not caring what form of parties start to make their way out of the woodword…he does thought mind that there's somebody by the building roasting something. A tuck into some rumble in an attempt to get the hell out of sight.

Soft footsteps and the faint sound of a sledgehammers head can be heard hitting the ground as Cain approaches the building. He quickly extends and arm out to halt his unwated -followers-, "Careful… Armed squishie." he states, ready to Rambo it, "Don't worry racist" he states to Crow, "He doesn't even see ME."

[OOC] Plutonium says, "Frank, roll Stealth."
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Sneak skill (56%) and fails. (Roll Value: 8)

"Pleasure to see you again, Crowley," Mack says, grinning at the man with his partially-decayed face as a ghoul normally does. "How's the missus?" He quiets down, looking over and squinting at the doorway. Mack mutters, "Well fine, I'm not singing /you/ any songs…"

And then he decides to completely negate the element of surprise, if he had it. Keeping partially behind Zela, he waves at the guy in the doorway. "Howdy, neighbor! What'cha cookin' up, there? Need a hand?"

Simultaneously, Mack's reputation drops several points with everyone with even a minimal survival instinct nearby. This may be somehow related to his most recent rash action.

Elliot dips low, following on instincts, shouldering her rifle as she prepares to follow Crow toward the stranger in the doorway. Mack's purposeful disregard for tactics is accepted with only a faint twitch of her lips.

Lacie's eyes flicker to the side, looking where Crow has indicated and frowning just a bit deeper as she does her best to figure out exactly what is going on. She ducks a bit lower and back, trying to gain a hint of cover herself just incase… but she hasn't quite seen it either.

[GM] Plutonium says, "Mack: Roll Speech at Hard."
[ROLL] Mack rolls his Speech skill (101%) at a difficulty level of Hard. He fails. (Roll Value: 100)

The man sitting in the shadows of the clinic's doorway glances up as Mack calls out. The spit that he's roasting a long slab of meat on is retracted, and he carefully raises it to his lips and peels a strip of the stuff off, chewing slowly and squinting. "Who are all of you bunch? And what's it look like I'm eatin', eh? Molerat. Just killed it today." He takes another bite, considers Mack's offer to help, and smiles thinly. "Yeah, I could use a hand… but just what the hell are you, anyway? You always glow like that?"

A look is directed at the others, and the fellow arches his simian-esque brows at the two super mutants, giving them an oddly inquisitive look. Franky, whose attempts to be inconspicuous don't work on the man, is scowled at.

Harvey simply stands there, head tilted, face transfixed in a smile; but one hand does creep back into his belt to grip the handle of a grin, humming gently underneath his breath. Really, he's not perturbed by anything— not the Brotherhood, not the dude in the house—and it says so in those light gray eyes which seem to stare at nothing.

Crow smacks his forehead and turns towards Lacie and Elliot in disbelief, then turns back towards the spectacle.

[GM] Plutonium changes Raider Derelict - 598's Speech to 30.
[GM] Plutonium rolls Raider Derelict - 598's Speech skill (30%) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 19)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Obviously, the guy is eating molerat."
[GM] Plutonium says, "You can roll perception at 'very hard' if you doubt the obviousness."

[ROLL] Harvey rolls his Perception stat (5) at a difficulty level of Very Hard. He fails. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Perception stat (8) at a difficulty level of Very Hard. He fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Cain rolls his Perception stat (8) at a difficulty level of Very Hard. He fails. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Perception stat (7) at a difficulty level of Very Hard. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Elliot rolls her Perception stat (5) at a difficulty level of Very Hard. She fails. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Very Hard. She critically fails. (Roll Value: 6)

Zela grunts towards Mack. "Ask him…how far…from the city…of Nasa…we are." she says.

[GM] Plutonium says, "Lacie, you think that molerat looks really good. In fact, you kinda want some. You're hungry."

Mack wanders up to Zela, still most of the way behind the mutant. He's slow, apparently, but more obvious to see. It is not hard to make him out in the dark, because around him, it is not dark at all. "The name's Bob Mackie. Folks call me Mack. I'm a trader. And a ghoul, I suppose, ha ha. The glow's a side-effect of wanderin' 'round when the bombs fell, I think. It's on all the time." He pauses. "I wouldn't mind givin' you a hand with something if you can tell us how far from Nasa we are," he adds.

Franky gives a puzzling look down to his leg as he gives a few slight kicks in the air, allowing the crabby looking metal hingles to complain. "Piece of shit." He mumbles, reaching down to remove the piece of armor and stuff it into his satchel noisily. A look to the waster at the door and the meat he's eating. "Mole-rat?" Another puzzling to the meal in question, "I guess?"

Crow mutters under his breath, "Molerat with an index finger. Didn't know they grew like that out here." His sarcasm is absolutely dripping as he continues to watch the exchange, "Idiot's lucky he's the most unappetising looking thing on the barren brown Earth." He keeps his gun trained.

Lacie turns her head, staring at the molerat… her stomach actually rumbles just a bit. God, she's hungry… been a long time since she's had good, solid meat instead of military rations, and it's creeping into her head. She stays still, but her stomach announces a certainly strange appetite… "…Wouldn't be bad on a skewer…" She admits cooly.

Cain stands erect once more, swinging the sledgehammer over his shoulder as he lets the radient fellow speak. He slowly makes his way towards Zela and the Ghoul, his body becoming somewhat -tingly- in the process.

Elliot just levels a curiously amused glance over at Lacie at her musings, that turns sickly when she overhears Crow's contributions.

"I'm," fuck, what was it, "John. John Roswell." Harvey says calmly, head rolling back on it's neck. He glances around the group, gaze settling on Lacie for a momentthen flicking over towards Crow as he speaks. Under his breath, he laughs a touchpulling his gun free and slowly checking it. Safety off. Yup. Full cartidge. Sure. Aw, what's wrong with the sight—he flicks the barrel with a finger to make a soft pinging noise.

Mack makes everyone feel tingly, especially in the pants, when they approach.

Unfortunately, if they stand close for too long, the tingling rapidly becomes a feeling of numbness.

[GM] Plutonium rolls Raider Derelict - 598's Speech skill (30%) at a difficulty level of Hard. It succeeds. (Roll Value: 15)

"Now, now, don't be silly. Finger. Ha!" The man smiles genially, and casually runs a set of fingers through his sandy-brown hair before reaching down and pulling the blackened 'digit' off, keeping it somewhat out of sight in the process. "Molerats have joints those big claws go on, smartass. Thought I gave 'em all to the dogs. Good treats." He tosses it idly into the burning barrel, then extends the spit forward. "The hell are you all from, anyway? Musta came a damned long way to get out here. Plenty more where this came from, if you need some food and rest."

Lacie blinks to Mack… and a few of the others… her mind briefly distracted is now trying to focus again especially as her body feels more than a bit weird. She tries to flex her free hand, making certain she can feel all her limbs, fingers and toes… she does her best to ignore the man speaking, but he's a part of everything she watches. Still frowning.

Zela grunts. "Can't provoke…everyone in…wasteland….Steel." she says to Crow. "Just…please…tell us…how far…to Nasa." she says to the man.

"Belay that bullshit." Elliot responds in Zela's wake.

- Franky takes off his Scrap Metal R. Leg-Guard.
- Harvey switches the attack mode of his Desert Eagle to Single.

"The Space Center? Y'got ghoul buddies up there, Mr. Lightbulb?" The man chuckles and motions northeast. "'Bout, oh, eight miles or so thattaway. You can just take this road all the way out there. Watch your step, though, there's weird shit 'round these parts."

Crow gives the raider a sarcastic 'Uh huh' sort of look. He's clearly not buying it. "Yes. What was I thinking, what with the fingernail and the hair on the knuckles?" He chuckles to himself at Elliot's retort, nodding in agreement, "Now now. Since the super mutant is so intent on going there and has only the best interests at heart, I'm sure she wouldn't mind if we came along with her."

Franky contorts his brow as he studies the interactions from his noisy little pile of rubble. "Nassa…the fuck is nassa?" Franky mumbles to himself. Looking to Crow then the meat eating waster, wondering just who to believe.

[ROLL] Crow rolls his Speech skill (45%) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 30)

"Haha, lightbulb. That's not bad." Mack stops next to Zela, apparently willing to irradiate her slightly in the name of good diplomacy. He peers at Crow and then looks back at the guy with the 'mole rat.' "Naw, just some business, that's all. Like I said, trader. Hey, you got anything worth trading over there? Scrap metal, maybe? Few caps?" He grins. It's glaringly (ha ha, he's glowing, see what he did there) obvious that he is grinning. "I bet we could work out a /really/ good deal."

Zela grunts towards Crow. "…hope…you have…radaway. But feel free." she says, glancing towards Mack. She'll let him talk to the wastelander, since he's better at it.

[GM] Plutonium says, "You all now have serious doubts about the guy's 'molerat' meat. It does look sorta… weird."

Cain twitches slightly, tapping his foot and twiddling his fingers against his Sledgehammer. He looks over the Raider once more, ignoring the meat and taking great interest in the fellows weapon, "So you've got some decent food and little pea-shooter… What else you got in that cosy-cot?" he questions gripping his sledgehammer tight, he has after all had the worst luck scavenging on his own.

"I'm sure the Brotherhood would be welcome inside a city of Ghouls. If I do recall, tensions haven't run so terribly high in the past." Harvey says, letting his gun coming to rest lightly on his stomach. He steps forward, suddenly, to leer and loom at the Raider. Snap-grin, he shows his fairly white teeth in a near genuine smile. "Would you mind sharing a piece with a traveler? Give you three caps."

Lacie's stomach might be growling but she seems to have figured this is so not the thing to eat. She breathes in shakily, shrugging off the need for food and, instead, pulling out a cigarette to rest between her lips. She slights it with her free hand, other palm still around her gun.

"Both of you make compelling arguments." Crow eats, well, crow. A little bit, anyway.

Franky shifts his gaze between the brotherhood and Zela's marching band, then the raider. Deciding that there's probably safety in numbers he makes his way out. Moving closer to the mutant army. "Despite all this talk about ghoul havens and shit..uh, shit.." He racks his brain as he closes some distance between himself and Zela. "You wouldn't have happened to know where that jackass, Yahweh is do you?" A cautious look to the brotherhood gang.[ROLL] Harvey rolls his Charisma stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)

[ROLL] Harvey rolls his Perception stat (5) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He fails. (Roll Value: 2)

"I have a few things. Not much, though. I'm just a poor Waster living in the boonies. Name's Hunt, by the way. Jaime Hunt." Hunt glances at Crow coolly for a few moments before shrugging his shoulders a bit and offering another calming smile. "Those old ruins out the way you're headin' are dangerous, especially at night. Might be better for you all to bed down here 'til morning, eh?"

Harvey's charismatic manners let him approach the shotgun-wielding man without causing any distrust, but he's unable to see whether there's anyone else inside the building.

[GM] Plutonium rolls Raider Derelict - 598's Charisma stat (3) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)

[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Perception stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Perception stat (8) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Perception stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Harvey rolls his Perception stat (5) and fails. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Perception stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Cain rolls his Perception stat (8) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)

To (Cain, Zela, Crow, Franky, Lacie), Plutonium pages: He seems a little *too* eager to have everyone stay.

[ROLL] Mack rolls his Perception stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 4)

Zela grunts. "Mack…tell him…about…the…virus…we have. Wouldn't want…to…infect him…by sleeping…here."

[ROLL] Harvey rolls his Perception stat (5) at a difficulty level of Hard. He fails. (Roll Value: 1)

Lacie frowns a bit more, shaking her head slowly…"Yeah… I think I'd rather move on, but do thank you, for your kindness." Lacie states simply, ever the diplomatic one, it seems, giving the man a half smile in tu rn.

[GM] Plutonium says, "You'll have to roll Agility versus him to see whether you get the jump on him or not."

[ROLL] Crow rolls his Agility stat (10) and fails. (Roll Value: 6)
[GM] Plutonium rolls Raider Derelict - 598's Agility stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 6)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Tied."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Roll again."

[ROLL] Crow rolls his Agility stat (10) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 8)
[GM] Plutonium says, "You win, he doesn't even have that much AG."
[ROLL] Cain rolls his Agility stat (8) and fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Cain rolls his Agility stat (8) and critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)

[COMBAT] Crow attacks Raider Derelict - 598 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. He hits. The attack does 15 Normal damage. (20 raw damage, 5 resisted)
[COMBAT] Crow attacks Raider Derelict - 598 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. He hits. The attack does 13 Normal damage. (17 raw damage, 4 resisted)
[GM] Plutonium deducts 28 of Raider Derelict - 598's HP.

Franky cocks a brow as his question is ignored, a shrug of his shoulder in defeat before the mention of virus if mentioned. Several large steps are taken backwards form the muties, even more so as the Raiders comment to stay comes off a bit creepy. "Uhhhh…" He manages, wondering if he walked himself foolishly into something stupid.

[ROLL] Cain rolls his Agility stat (8) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 8)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Agility stat (8) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)

Knight Crowley has heard enough. He grits his teeth again, and doesn't even have to swing the gun anywhere. It's been aimed at the man the whole time. When he makes an obvious attempt to score some more 'mole rats', the Knight simply opens fire. *BLAM!* *BLAM!* He's armed with a .44. It's like a hand cannon. One shot goes right through the 'molerat meat' and strikes the man right in the gut. The second shot tears up his shoulder, but bad. "I'll take a raincheck, wastelander."

Harvey is just being chummy with said Raider, standing close to him, caressing his gun with a thumb. "Oh, I don't see what's wrong with staying around." Then the bullets whiz by the man, striking into the soft body of the Raider. As blood spurts, Harvey can be seen lifting a hand to wipe some from his face—inspecting it a moment. Then, he lifts his gun slightly and takes a couple steps back.

Zela growls at Crow. "Are…you…insane?" she asks, before turning around to continue walking aloing the road to Nasa. This isn't her fight.

Cain was more than willing to have the man escort him in… It would've made it much easier to smash into the -back- of his skull, but this will have to do. He doesn't peer back when he hears the firing of a gun, he just rushes forward charging the puny squishie more than willing to introduce Jaime to his best friend Sledge-Face Mc. Smashmouth. "No need, I'll take a look inside myself!" he shouts.

[PLAYER] Cain restores his Action Points.

Mack winces, and promptly moves to get out of the line of fire and follow along with Zela. He can scav some irradiated ruins on the way. In the meantime, he looks for a more concealed way to get around this whole 'firefight' nonsense.

[COMBAT] Cain attacks Raider Derelict - 598 with Sledgehammer (Mode: Swing) and hits. The attack does 11 Normal damage. (15 raw damage, 4 resisted)
[COMBAT] Cain attacks Raider Derelict - 598 with Sledgehammer (Mode: Swing) and hits. The attack does 14 Normal damage. (19 raw damage, 5 resisted)
[GM] Plutonium deducts 25 of Raider Derelict - 598's HP.
[COMBAT] Raider Derelict - 598 has died.

Lacie sees the blood carnage which is being rained down by her companions, and she takes a step back, turning towards the door instead, readying herself just in case he has friends that come out to take their vengence… a touch of confusion and sudden tension in her eyes.

Zela moves to follow after Mack, presuming his method of moving away has more sense to it. She doesn't seem terribly concerned by his radiation.

Cain proceeds to beat into the poor man with his Sledgehammer, first the collarbone.. Then the face. A nice thick splatter of blood propels itself upon Cains body. "Cmon now! Sledge-face Mc.Muttmouth isn't done playing yet!" he shouts, leaving the head of the sledge firmly pressed into the mans remains.

"Insane, no. I can see you're displaying plenty of concern for your party's well being." He narrows his gaze towards Harvey, "Get away from the door. His ambush party will be coming out here any second now."

"Well, I think this has been delightful"the WHUD of Cain's hammer "But I must follow the Mutant—" WHUD "prior engagements and all." Harvey turns to saunter after Zela. "Sure, sir."

Franky stops his backwards advance as the brotherhood never fails to put a dirt bag in the…well dirt. "Huh." He grunts, looking about the perimeter as he with some concern. as he begins to slink his way toward some form of hard cover to sneak the hell out of dodge or engage the dead guys friends from.

[PLAYER] You restore your Action Points.

[GM] Plutonium says, "Everyone, roll Perception at Hard."
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Perception stat (7) at a difficulty level of Hard. He fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Perception stat (7) at a difficulty level of Hard. She succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Mack rolls his Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Hard. He fails. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Hard. She fails. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Perception stat (8) at a difficulty level of Hard. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Cain rolls his Perception stat (8) at a difficulty level of Hard. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)
[ROLL] Harvey rolls his Perception stat (5) at a difficulty level of Hard. He fails. (Roll Value: 2)

- Cain switches the attack mode of his Sledgehammer to Thrust.
- Cain switches the attack mode of his Sledgehammer to Aimed.
- Cain switches the attack mode of his Sledgehammer to Swing.

Hunt goes down in a multi-faceted spray of blood, his body crumpling as he's hit from several directions by bullets and weighted objects. He barely manages to gurgle, the shotgun clattering to the ground as he falls.

Immediately, an outcry goes up from several directions at once; most notably, from above. The doors to the clinic slam open hard enough to cause the whole entryway to rattle…

[GM] Plutonium creates Tribal Skullcrusher - 600.
[GM] Plutonium creates Tribal Longbowman - 601.
[GM] Plutonium creates Raider Marksman - 602.
[GM] Plutonium creates Tribal Warrior - 603.
[GM] Plutonium creates Raider Assailant - 604.
[GM] Plutonium creates Tribal Marksman - 605.

- Lacie wields her Wattz 1000.

[GM] PC Sequence/Pose Order: Cain - (15), Franky - (13), Mack - (11), Lacie - (10), Crow - (9), Elliot - (5), and Harvey - (1).
[GM] NPC Sequence/Pose Order: Tribal Marksman - 605 - (13), Tribal Warrior - 603 - (11), Tribal Longbowman - 601 - (8), Raider Derelict - 598 - (6), Raider Marksman - 602 - (3), Tribal Skullcrusher - 600 - (3), and Raider Assailant - 604 - (2).

[PLAYER] Franky restores his Action Points.
[PLAYER] Cain restores his Action Points.
[PLAYER] Lacie restores her Action Points.
[PLAYER] You restore your Action Points.
[PLAYER] Harvey restores his Action Points.

[GM] Plutonium says, "Everyone, roll luck. :D"
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Luck stat (5) and critically fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Luck stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Luck stat (3) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Cain rolls his Luck stat (3) and fails. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Harvey rolls his Luck stat (7) and fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Mack rolls his Luck stat (5) and fails. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Elliot rolls her Luck stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Luck stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)

[ROLL] Mack rolls his Speech skill (101%) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 86)

Raider Derelict - 598 has left.
[COMBAT] Tribal Marksman - 605 attacks Mack with Recurve Bow (Mode: Single) and critically misses.
[COMBAT] Tribal Warrior - 603 attacks Cain with Heavy Club (Mode: Swing) at a difficulty level of Challenging. It misses.
[COMBAT] Tribal Longbowman - 601 attacks Crow with Longbow (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 12 Normal damage. (17 raw damage, 5 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 12 of your HP.

[COMBAT] Raider Marksman - 602 attacks Harvey with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 13 Normal damage. (14 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] Plutonium deducts 13 of Harvey's HP.
[COMBAT] Tribal Skullcrusher - 600 attacks Lacie with Sledgehammer (Mode: Swing) and misses.
[COMBAT] Raider Assailant - 604 attacks Lacie with Colt 6520 (Mode: Single) and misses.

The figures attack; two of them decide Lacie looks decidedly wimpy, but somehow both of them manage to miss the mark. Two bowmen on the roof do manage to hit both Crow and Harvey, however, proving that ancient methods of warfare are still totally viable!

[COMBAT] Tribal Marksman - 605 attacks Tribal Longbowman - 601 with Recurve Bow (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 16 Normal damage. (19 raw damage, 3 resisted)
[GM] Plutonium deducts 16 of Tribal Longbowman - 601's HP.

[COMBAT] Crow attacks Tribal Longbowman - 601 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 13 Normal damage. (16 raw damage, 3 resisted)
[COMBAT] Crow attacks Tribal Longbowman - 601 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 13 Normal damage. (15 raw damage, 2 resisted)
[GM] Plutonium deducts 26 of Tribal Longbowman - 601's HP.
[COMBAT] Tribal Longbowman - 601 has died.
Tribal Longbowman - 601 has left.

Harvey is struck—and it is hard enough to spin him around. He hits down on one knee, screaming roughly in agony and clutching at a sudden wound in his back. However, anger does seem to rise as the man staggers to his feet, turning, looking for the assailant, eyes blazing as he levels his gun and furiously pumps the trigger.

Lacie turns her gun up, immediately doing her best to fire upon the enemy marksman who fired in her direction, but fortunately missed her due to the night, her small size, and any number of factors. She's quiet now, no jokes, nothing but cold, professional shooting and all of her training kicking in.

[COMBAT] Harvey attacks Raider Marksman - 602 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 17 Normal damage. (21 raw damage, 4 resisted)

[COMBAT] Harvey attacks Raider Marksman - 602 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 15 Normal damage. (18 raw damage, 3 resisted)
- Harvey loads some ammunition into his Desert Eagle.

[COMBAT] Lacie attacks Raider Assailant - 604 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 18 Laser damage. (19 raw damage, 1 resisted)

[GM] Plutonium deducts 32 of Raider Marksman - 602's HP.
[GM] Plutonium deducts 18 of Raider Assailant - 604's HP.

[COMBAT] Lacie attacks Raider Assailant - 604 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and misses.

[PLAYER] Lacie restores her Action Points.
[PLAYER] Harvey restores his Action Points.

Cain quickly grabs his sledgehammer, while simultaneously dodging the little humies stick. "Can you even carry that, puny human!?" he spits, readying his sledge and flailing it madly at the man.

Elliot's initial reaction is to flinch away from the combat, but training takes over, and she lifts her rifle to her shoulder as well. Apparently, she's ready to fight. One of the archer's up top, so far the most effective of the lot, recieves her initial lethal force as she fires off a round from her bolt action.

Franky has about enough time to pull his rifle off his shoulder before the dead man's friend rise from their hiding places to fling projectiles. "Fucking panzies…." He grumbles to himself some, shouldering the rifle as he considers what jackass to shoot. "Last time I hang around you fucks." More grumbling ensues before he finally fires.

- Franky wields his Colt Rangemaster.

[COMBAT] Cain attacks Tribal Warrior - 603 with Sledgehammer (Mode: Swing) and hits. The attack does 14 Normal damage. (17 raw damage, 3 resisted)
[COMBAT] Cain attacks Tribal Warrior - 603 with Sledgehammer (Mode: Swing) and misses.
- Cain switches the attack mode of his Sledgehammer to Thrust.
[COMBAT] Cain attacks Tribal Warrior - 603 with Sledgehammer (Mode: Thrust) and misses.

[COMBAT] Franky makes an aimed attack at Tribal Marksman - 605's Groin with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Aimed) and hits. The attack does 8 Normal damage. (10 raw damage, 2 resisted)

[COMBAT] Elliot attacks Tribal Marksman - 605 with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 11 Normal damage. (13 raw damage, 2 resisted)

- Franky switches the attack mode of his Colt Rangemaster to Single.
[GM] Plutonium deducts 14 of Tribal Warrior - 603's HP.

"Augh!" Knight Crowley reels as the arrow flies right through his armor. It's poking out the other side of his shoulder. He spins his gun up at the person who shot him, and doubletaps like before… professional and precise. *BLAMBLAM!* The longbowman's struck twice in the chest. His heart explodes, showering the ground with fresh arterial blood. The man falls from the window and lands on a sharpened post, impaling his dead body right through the ass. The sharpened end comes up through his mouth.

[GM] Plutonium deducts 19 of Tribal Marksman - 605's HP.

Mack decides that fleeing is the best plan, so he… well, he flees. The longbow-wielding tribal does nothing but probably break his own weapon shooting at him, and Mack doesn't waste time trying to reason with these violent people. He uses the field of fire and the 'friendlies' as a barrier, bolting for what looks like the best path into and through ruins that will hopefully make it hard for him to follow. Unlike /some/ people, he knows how to handle himself in the great outdoors.

[ROLL] Cain rolls his Charisma stat (1) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)

Zela continues walking away, following after Mack, but pauses in this endevour to provide cover for the softer, squishier mutant. She shoots her machinegun at the archer who shot at Mack.

[COMBAT] Zela attacks Tribal Marksman - 605 with L86A1 Light Support Weapon (Mode: Burst) and hits. The attack does 27 Normal damage. (32 raw damage, 5 resisted)
[GM] Plutonium deducts 27 of Tribal Marksman - 605's HP.
[COMBAT] Tribal Marksman - 605 has died.
Tribal Marksman - 605 has left.

The cannibals are far less unnerved by the death in their ranks than one might expect them to be. Perhaps they're looking forward to an all-you-can-eat-buffet after the ordeal is over. Two more melee fighters spill forth from the interior of the clinic to replace their fallen fellows.

[GM] Plutonium creates Raider Heavy - 607.
[GM] Plutonium creates Tribal Berserker - 608.

[GM] PC Sequence/Pose Order: Franky - (11), Lacie - (10), Elliot - (9), Cain - (7), Harvey - (4), Mack - (3), and Crow - (1).
[GM] NPC Sequence/Pose Order: Tribal Berserker - 608 - (8), Raider Marksman - 602 - (5), Raider Heavy - 607 - (4), Tribal Warrior - 603 - (4), Raider Assailant - 604 - (2), and Tribal Skullcrusher - 600 - (2).
[GM] Plutonium says, "Everyone roll Luck!"

[ROLL] Crow rolls his Luck stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Luck stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Luck stat (3) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Mack rolls his Luck stat (5) and fails. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Harvey rolls his Luck stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 7)
[ROLL] Elliot rolls her Luck stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Luck stat (5) and critically fails. (Roll Value: 2)

[COMBAT] Tribal Berserker - 608 attacks Lacie with Default Unarmed (Mode: Punch) and hits. The attack does 13 Normal damage. (17 raw damage, 4 resisted)
[GM] Plutonium deducts 13 of Lacie's HP.
[COMBAT] Raider Marksman - 602 attacks Lacie with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) and misses.
[COMBAT] Raider Heavy - 607 attacks Mack with Sledgehammer (Mode: Swing) at a difficulty level of Challenging. It misses.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Since Mack is running away like a wimpy lightbulb."
[GM] Plutonium restores Franky's HP.
[COMBAT] Raider Heavy - 607 attacks Crow with Sledgehammer (Mode: Swing) and misses.
[COMBAT] Tribal Warrior - 603 attacks Franky with Heavy Club (Mode: Swing) and misses.
[COMBAT] Raider Assailant - 604 attacks Elliot with Colt 6520 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 8 Normal damage. (11 raw damage, 3 resisted)
[GM] Plutonium deducts 8 of Elliot's HP.
[COMBAT] Tribal Skullcrusher - 600 attacks Zela with Sledgehammer (Mode: Swing) and hits. The attack does 5 Normal damage. (8 raw damage, 3 resisted)
[GM] Plutonium deducts 5 of Zela's HP.
[PLAYER] You restore your Action Points.
[ROLL] Cain rolls his Luck stat (3) and fails. (Roll Value: 3)

A scraggly, barely-human looking man emerges from the clinic's doors, screeching murder when he sees Hunt's body collapsed on the ground. He immediately gos for Lacie, since she apparently is especially appetizing to Eaters, and slams his fist into her torso. Elliot and Zela are also unfortunate enough to receive damage from the hostile cannibals.

[PLAYER] Cain restores his Action Points.
[COMBAT] Crow attacks Raider Marksman - 602 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 16 Normal damage. (20 raw damage, 4 resisted)
[COMBAT] Crow attacks Raider Assailant - 604 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 16 Normal damage. (19 raw damage, 3 resisted)
[GM] Plutonium deducts 16 of Raider Marksman - 602's HP.
[COMBAT] Raider Marksman - 602 has died.
[GM] Plutonium deducts 16 of Raider Assailant - 604's HP.
Raider Marksman - 602 has left.

Lacie is knocked back slightly, the wind rushed out of her as something cracks beneath her armor, probably a rib. She has no luck in the field, it does seem. She curses, almost goign to her knees, but her gun levels and shoots straight at the man whom attacked her, hopefully ending his threat once and for all.

[COMBAT] Lacie attacks Tribal Berserker - 608 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 17 Laser damage. (19 raw damage, 2 resisted)
[COMBAT] Lacie attacks Raider Assailant - 604 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 17 Laser damage. (18 raw damage, 1 resisted)

[GM] Plutonium deducts 17 of Tribal Berserker - 608's HP.
[GM] Plutonium deducts 17 of Raider Assailant - 604's HP.
[COMBAT] Raider Assailant - 604 has died.
Raider Assailant - 604 has left.

Elliot takes a wary step backwards, away from the pitiful cover of the small boulder, rifle still held at an aggressive pose. After all, everyone is very much in a gunfight at the moment. She attempts to lay some fire on the collective bad guys(?)

Harvey sees the all the miscreants killing and whatnot. He grunts under his breath, throwing a look at Zela consideringly—before throwing her a nod. Then, the pistol whips up, his tongue flicking out again over his lips as he selects one, and shoots.

[COMBAT] Harvey attacks Tribal Berserker - 608 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 19 Normal damage. (23 raw damage, 4 resisted)
[PLAYER] Elliot restores her Action Points.
[PLAYER] Cain restores his Action Points.
[COMBAT] Harvey attacks Raider Heavy - 607 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 17 Normal damage. (21 raw damage, 4 resisted)
[GM] Plutonium deducts 19 of Tribal Berserker - 608's HP.
[COMBAT] Elliot attacks Tribal Berserker - 608 with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) and misses.
[GM] Plutonium deducts 17 of Raider Heavy - 607's HP.
- Cain switches the attack mode of his Sledgehammer to Swing.
- Harvey loads some ammunition into his Desert Eagle.
[PLAYER] Harvey restores his Action Points.
Franky seems calm and collected as fire is dispensed on the cannibals with no lack of prejudice. The bolt gets worked in its usual fashion, a look up before he has to duck as a club gets swung at him. "Ahhh, fuck you.." He comments, rolling to put enough distance between him and the club wielding schmuck to put a bullet into him.

[COMBAT] Franky attacks Tribal Warrior - 603 with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 15 Normal damage. (18 raw damage, 3 resisted)
[COMBAT] Cain attacks Tribal Warrior - 603 with Sledgehammer (Mode: Swing) and hits. The attack does 13 Normal damage. (16 raw damage, 3 resisted)
[COMBAT] Cain attacks Tribal Warrior - 603 with Sledgehammer (Mode: Swing) and hits. The attack does 15 Normal damage. (18 raw damage, 3 resisted)
[GM] Plutonium deducts 43 of Tribal Warrior - 603's HP.
[COMBAT] Tribal Warrior - 603 has died.
Tribal Warrior - 603 has left.

Knight Crowley lands a shot directly into a cannibal's neck. He grasps his throat, gasping pitifully and horrifically. Blood pours from his neck wound and the man turns both blue and green as he suffocates on his own blood. He drops his gun and his eyes bug out of his head as he perishes in absolute agony. Preston Crowley, of course, is used to this sort of thing. If this should say a lot about Preston Crowley or the world is left as an exercise for the reader. Crowley then turns his gun to the next target, hitting the man square in the mouth. The bullet comes out the back of his neck. He'll live. For now. But it's just a matter of time.

Mack keeps running. A guy with a sledgehammer continues to fail to strike him dead, chasing him around while the glowing ghoul flees into and through some ruinous terrain. He still doesn't do anything but hope Zela, who is assuredly following, takes the guy out before he has to do something like turn and stab.

Cain doesn't take the time to wonder why the fool didn't proceed to hit back, but he was going to make sure he regretted it as he swung his mighty sledge once again straight into the Tribals solarplex, "And they call us Mutants dumb." he grunts, painting himself over with more cannibal blood.

Zela laughs at the interaction between Mack and the cannibal. "He's not…good to eat." she shouts in the direction of the Cannibal before shooting towards him, ignoring for the moment the one attacking her.

[PLAYER] Zela restores her Action Points.
[COMBAT] Zela attacks Raider Heavy - 607 with L86A1 Light Support Weapon (Mode: Burst) and hits. The attack does 32 Normal damage. (39 raw damage, 7 resisted)

[GM] Plutonium deducts 32 of Raider Heavy - 607's HP.
[COMBAT] Raider Heavy - 607 has died.
Raider Heavy - 607 has left.

[GM] PC Sequence/Pose Order: Cain - (11), Franky - (8), Mack - (8), Elliot - (7), Harvey - (7), Lacie - (2), and Crow - (1).
[GM] NPC Sequence/Pose Order: Tribal Berserker - 608 - (6) and Tribal Skullcrusher - 600 - (1).

[GM] Plutonium says, "Roll Luck, everyone."
[ROLL] Mack rolls his Luck stat (5) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Luck stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Crow rolls his Luck stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Harvey rolls his Luck stat (7) and fails. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Luck stat (3) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Cain rolls his Luck stat (3) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Lacie rolls her Luck stat (5) and fails. (Roll Value: 4)

[GM] Plutonium changes the mode of Tribal Berserker - 608's Default Unarmed to Aimed.
[GM] Plutonium changes Tribal Berserker - 608's aimed shots to target the Groin.
[COMBAT] Tribal Berserker - 608 makes an aimed attack at Crow's Groin with Default Unarmed (Mode: Aimed) and hits. The attack does 14 Normal damage. (19 raw damage, 5 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 14 of your HP.

[COMBAT] Tribal Skullcrusher - 600 attacks Harvey with Sledgehammer (Mode: Swing) and misses.

- You switch the attack mode of your Desert Eagle to Aimed.
- Your aimed shots will now target your opponent's Groin.

"I SHALL EAT YOUR HEART!" The berserking leader screams as his men go down, obviously enraged by the loss. He vents his frustration on Crow's, uh, manly bits, possibly because Crow is killing so many of his buddies off, aiming a crushing kick at the Brotherhood knight with a gleeful cackle.

The other remaining cannibal completely misses his swing at Harvey.

[PLAYER] You restore your Action Points.
[COMBAT] Crow makes an aimed attack at Tribal Berserker - 608's Groin with Desert Eagle (Mode: Aimed) and misses.
[PLAYER] Lacie restores her Action Points.

- You load 7x .44 Magnum JHP into your Desert Eagle. Its magazine now holds 8/8 .44 Magnum JHP.

Harvey is half dead, and he's reloading his gun—-feeling a coldness in his back that denotes the rivulets of blood running out of the bullet wound. The sledge-hammer passes over his head, whipping through his hair as he blinks blearily. "I don't fucking like you." He lifts his gun and fires.

[PLAYER] Franky restores his Action Points.
[PLAYER] Cain restores his Action Points.
[COMBAT] Harvey attacks Tribal Skullcrusher - 600 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 13 Normal damage. (16 raw damage, 3 resisted)
[COMBAT] Harvey attacks Tribal Skullcrusher - 600 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 18 Normal damage. (22 raw damage, 4 resisted)
[GM] Plutonium deducts 31 of Tribal Skullcrusher - 600's HP.
- You switch the attack mode of your Desert Eagle to Single.
- Cain switches the attack mode of his Sledgehammer to Swing.
[PLAYER] Cain restores his Action Points.
[PLAYER] Zela restores her Action Points.

Zela grunts and walks over towards the leader. Crow seems to be having a hard time, so she figures she can help. She calmly lifts her machinegun, aims for the leaders back, and lets off the last burst in her current clip. "Should have…run." she advises.

[COMBAT] Zela attacks Tribal Berserker - 608 with L86A1 Light Support Weapon (Mode: Burst) and misses.

Franky casts a eye to the sledge wielding mutie as he hammers the tribal into oblivion. A cock of brow before he nods to the green muscle machine, his attention turns onto Crow as he catches a foot square to the junk. "Heh." He grunts, chambering another round as he takes a pot shot at the guy.


Crow falls to the ground. He barely even holds onto his gun at this point. He retaliates, firing a very large caliber shot just inches beneath the huge man's legs. It sails harmlessly, though it does smack into a dead raider spinal column, for what it's worth.

[COMBAT] Lacie attacks Tribal Berserker - 608 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 10 Laser damage. (11 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] Plutonium deducts 10 of Tribal Berserker - 608's HP.
[COMBAT] Tribal Berserker - 608 has died.
Tribal Berserker - 608 has left.

[COMBAT] Lacie attacks Tribal Skullcrusher - 600 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 9 Laser damage. (10 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] Plutonium deducts 9 of Tribal Skullcrusher - 600's HP.
[COMBAT] Tribal Skullcrusher - 600 has died.

Tribal Skullcrusher - 600 has left.

Lacie's eyes go wide as Crow's… well… privates are quite so viciously attacked. "Hey! I might have wanted to USE THOSE in the future!" She growls out. She is woman, hear her roar. And roar she does, or does her gun. she levels one good shot straight at the man's chest, keeling him over, and then jerks her gun around and shoots his buddy through the middle of the back, watching him fall also. "And fuck the horse you rode in on too!" She cries out, done for now.

Cain sheathes his sledge, wiping himself off slightly before walking back towards Zela. "I take back what I said earlier… Thanks for the extra firepower." he states, staring towards Crow and his unfortunate injury. "Not that bad being sterile…" shrugging it off.

"Goddamn… if you were a man.. I might be interested." He's impressed by the vitriol Lacie suddenly spurts, ending the fight in one quick move. Harvey gags out some blood, gets to his feet, trundling slowly after Zela. He's still bleeding, so the man calmly goes searching in his rucksack for a folded up piece of equipment. Pulling it open, he slips a metal chest-plate over the wound. There. All fixed.

- Harvey wears his Scrap Metal Chestplate.

Zela glances around. "Everyone….ok?" she asks. "We should provide…what medical aid we can…to the injured." She then begins trying to bandage her own wound, and then Harvey's.

[DOCTOR] Zela performs a Doctor roll on Zela and succeeds. She is able to heal 7 hit points.
[DOCTOR] Zela restores 5 of Zela's HP.
[DOCTOR] Zela performs a Doctor roll on Harvey and fails. She is able to heal 1 hit points.
[DOCTOR] Zela restores 1 of Harvey's HP.

When the mutant applies what she can, Harvey gives her a faint smile.

Mack continues to hide between some debris. It is good cover.

People may still want to hurt him, see, and they might not be cannibals.

"So, uh, we clear?" he calls.

Lacie carefully holsters her energy weapon, it'd be smoking still if it were a real gun. She doesn't quite yet drop to anyone's side, despite the fact that breathing is actually kind of hard, a rib very nicely snapped beneath her armor. She ignores it for now, looking over to Crow…"Crowley…how you doin'?"

Crow doesn't grit his teeth for a change. Instead he just -squeaks-. There's an arrow through his shoulder and, well, he's not getting up, that's for sure, "I'm… really peachy." He looks appreciative. He also looks like he's biting back the urge to curl up into a ball and whine, though the thought of moving might be the result of that.

"All clear!" the hulking Super Mutant Zela shouts to Mack, before wandering around to Crow. "Need me to…take a look? I am a…doctor. Nothing I…havn't seen fall off…of mutants…before." Zela says to Crow, helpfully.

Cain doesn't have much medical skills, so he begins to ready his things and head off. He's got some -things- to attend to, unfortunate for him there's a rugged house probably full of shinies. "I'll be seeing ya'll… Was fun, if anyone ever needs a muscle for hire." he states, "I'll be around…" Cain then continues to walk off.

Franky opens his rifles action and goes about feeding the built-in magazine a few spare .223 rounds before rising to his feet as beginning to stroll out amongst the dead. Poking a body with the muzzle of his gun, "Should we look inside or just burn the place to the ground?" Franky comments to no one in particular.

- Franky loads some ammunition into his Colt Rangemaster.
[PLAYER] Franky restores his Action Points.

Crow's eyes widen at Zela's admitted experience in this particular error, "I hurt down re-real bad… where I pee." is about all the knight can manage. He's not entirely with it right now, but that may seem like a yes. It probably falls to the other BoS types to approve or deny this one.

"Ungh," Harvey says. "We should ditch the Wonder Twins while we can." He's not referring to the 90s cartoon characters, just a pair of twins he sold off once. "I'm gonna go root for loose change. … Sorry about your sack, I'm sure the little soldiers are tough." And Harvey lifts his gun, moving slowly back towards the house. Maybe he'll find someone to kill. Or a lot of human skeletons. ….Not that he'd mind some not-so-mystery meat.

Lacie's eyes go a bit wide, as she realizes Crow is talking… well, child at the moment. "Ah…if you can assist him, that would be appreciated." Lacie might regret this decision later, but she'll regret it more if Crow is irreparably damaged. So she kneels at his side, rather protectively, waiting to see what happens..

Zela sighs and digs through her stuff, eventually coming out with a plastic container full of maggots, a (relatively) clean knife, some rubbing alcohol, and some assorted other vaugely-medical stuff. "Just sit down." she says to Crow, and then begins to administer medical 'aid' in a rather disturbing fashion.

[DOCTOR] Zela performs a Doctor roll on Crow and fails. She is able to heal 1 hit points.
[DOCTOR] Zela restores 1 of Crow's HP.

Mack comes out from his cover and wanders back that way, looking around cautiously. "So… I know a little bit of first aid, if it helps," He says half-heartedly, apparently not comfortable around the /gore that is everywhere/.

[FIRST AID] Lacie performs a First Aid roll and fails. She is able to heal 1 hit points.
[FIRST AID] Lacie restores 1 of Crow's HP.

Much to Crow's rapidly growing horror, Mack descends upon the downed Knight. He whistles impressedly. "That's a mighty nasty wound you got there, Crowley. Here, lemme see those. I know a thing or two 'bout first aid." He rolls up his sleeve, and allows his HORRIBLE RADIOACTIVE GLOW to aid him in first aid.

At least he's not cauterizing it that way.

[FIRST AID] Mack performs a First Aid roll and succeeds. He is able to heal 5 hit points.
[FIRST AID] Mack restores 5 of Crow's HP.

Franky makes his way over to the brotherhood gang as they gather around their injured comrades nuts. "Give them a tug…see if they're still there." Franky comments, rubbing his chin in thought.


Zela wanders off to loot now. "Mack…see if you can help me…gather sheet metal…off of their armor." she says.

Harvey doesn't trust Raiders. Even dead one. He pokes around the entrance to the house tentatively, trying to look inside before he goes in to search out any stragglers or anything interesting.

Crow is coming out of his pain-induced delerium, peering up at all the assorted people looking over and handling the trouser titan. "Ow… ow." He looks a little dizzy, but he'll live, "Thank you. Oh wow. I… don't. Ow. I think I'll lie down here for a while." Then the man adds, "That's what was going to shoot you in the back if you'd just walked away."

Lacie nods faintly to Crow, looking up to the others helping. She gives a faint smile. "I…I can handle him, guard him. if you want to move on…but truth be told resting here might be wise. We're all a bit beat up after that." Or at least, Lacie is too, and she's worried about her friend.

The interior of the clinic is fairly ghastly. Bodies are stored haphazardly under pieces of furniture or in closets; some are more decomposed than others. The freshest ones are layed out in what used the be the clinic's medical examination rooms on the rusty metal slabs that patients were once inspected upon.

Franky looks at Crow for awhile then Lacie before slinging his rifle, "Speaking of walking away…you still-brotherhood times see that deserter friend of mine?" He has to ask after all, cause Franky ain't Franky without his comrade. "Assuming your still keeping tabs on us?"

Crow shakes his head at Lacie, "I'll be okay. Check out that building. Make sure nobody's going to come out and surprise us. I'll, uh… come along in a sec. Just… help me up?" He adds, "…slowly?"

Harvey casually walks amongst the bodies, rooting and kicking them around to see if he can find any with his signature slave-collar. Every so often he'll clean the bottom of a boot off on the edge of a gurney with a quick scrape, scratching his chin as he breathes lightly out his mouth. "No one's in here, I think—" he yells to the outdoors.

- Zela loads some ammunition into her L86A1 Light Support Weapon.
- Franky unwields his weapons.

"Don't put too much stress on your groinal area," Mack casually advises, his work there done, "and make sure you get some Rad-Away in your diet tonight." He cleans off his hands and dusts them casually, wandering back past Zela and away from the main group so he doesn't terribly irradiate all of them.

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