Table of Contents

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1. I-45/Bridge to Galveston
The old freeway bridge into Galveston is still intact, and it is through this passage that the NGPS controls the traffic to the island. The bridge has been heavily fortified in recent years, and a barricade at the Galveston-end of the bridge provides an easily defensible location from which to fend off any aspiring intruders, who would have to cross the entire length of the bridge unprotected in order to reach the barricade.
The Old Causeway & Railroad Bridge
There is an alternate route into Galveston, and one less-well-protected, albeit also more narrow and in very poor repair. The Old Highway 75 Causeway runs parallel to the I-45 crossing, but large sections of the causeway are cracking and buckling under constant stress from the water and a lack of any sort of structural maintenance. There is also an old railroad bridge that is in an even worse state of disrepair than the causeway. Both the causeway and the railroad bridge have barricades where they meet the island, but they are far less tightly guarded and watched.
- The New Bridge & The Old Causeway
- The Old Railroad Bridge
- (You'd run into a lot of this on the old causeway.)
2. The Ramparts
After the NGPS established their hold on the island, they quickly realized that they could use the bridge as a bottleneck on any traffic in and out of the city. And one of the first things that they did once they realized that was to set up a very large, fortified guard wall with a lookout tower (and sniper's nest) to keep out undesirables.
3. The Galveston Seawall
The Seawall was originally constructed to protect the island against hurricanes after the Hurricane of 1900, when a 15-foot wall of water washed over the entire island and destroyed over 3600 homes. The original wall was approximately 17 feet tall and 10 miles long; the NGPS has extended its height to just over 25 feet and built a series of watch-posts connected by Seawall Boulevard, the road that originally ran along the top of the wall. The Seawall has proved a somewhat mediocre defense against sea-raiders, who tend to simply sail north and land in the so-called 'Lagoon' at the top of the island. Far more indispensable are the watchtowers, which provide ample warning of the raiders' arrival and give the NGPS forces time to organize and carry out a preplanned defense strategy.
4. Fort Crockett
Fort Crockett used to be an actual defensive compound overlooking the Gulf of Mexico, but during the later 1900s the place was converted away from its original purpose until someone finally up and built the San Luis Resort on it, leaving the concrete casemates intact along with a few sturdy underground bunkers. The NGPS has nested here for the last fifty years or so, members of the Society frequently living in the aboveground resort while taking care of their more private business in the largest bunker available. They have food stores down there. They have ammunition and guns. They have thick concrete walls. They also have a really big door with a really big lock.
5. New Galveston
After most of the original city of Galveston was destroyed by a combination of flash floods brought on by nuclear-induced climate changes, the NGPS has spent a considerable amount of time and energy remaking it into something worth looking at. Of course, this isn't to say that New Galveston doesn't have its problems - but they certainly aren't of the infrastructure variety. The roads and buildings in New Galveston are all in excellent repair, most of them new and some few restored from the original architecture of the island. New Galveston is home to some 40,000 people, certainly not much compared to many pre-nuclear cities (and not even quite its own pre-nuclear population), but to the people of the Wastes it's a huge, burgeoning metropolis.
- Galveston, circa 2077 - to the left is Pelican Island; at the far top is the Bolivar Peninsula.
6. New Texas City/Pariah's Point
Most of the surviving descendants of the original inhabitants of Galveston and Texas City live in this roughly cobbled-together series of makeshift homes and buildings, having been pushed out by the original emigration of the Vault 53 settlers (i.e., the current populace of New Galveston). To call New Texas City a 'city' would be extremely flattering, although the population is nearly equal to New Galveston's. But where New Galveston is shining, well-maintained, safe, and clean, New Texas City is the opposite: dirty, visibly falling to pieces, and dangerous. Resources tend to be somewhat scarce in New Texas City, and getting into fights over sources of food, water, and other consumables or desirable equipment is an everyday occurrence.
The people of New Texas City are far more resilient than their gentrified neighbors. To call the town 'Pariah's Point' (a nickname that started in the NGPS, unsurprisingly) to their faces would most likely result in some very unpleasant reactions.
7. Bolivar Peninsula/Old Bolivar Lighthouse & Town
The long, thin, and otherwise unremarkable Bolivar Peninsula was a sparsely populated region before the bombs fell, and it continues to be sparsely populated today. A trading company has set up a small port and headquarters at the end of the peninsula near the old lighthouse, and because of the ships that occasionally come into the bay it seems to be doing a fair bit of business.
There are some rumors floating around that Bolivar Trading Co. has set up deals with the more prominent raiding and slavery groups in the area to fence their goods in exchange for safety from other riffraff.
8. Old Texas City Ruins
Texas City was once a fairly nondescript port town, too small to compete with the large cities surrounding it. Now it remains empty and largely uninhabitable. Scavengers sometimes venture into the city's ruins for mechanical parts and other oddities, but the place has been picked rather clean over the last few decades. Bandits sometimes use the ruins as a hideout, since many of the old buildings are still intact enough to allow some degree of shelter from the weather.
9. League City Ruins
Located more or less directly between Houston and Galveston, League City was once a convenient pit-stop between the two. When Houston was nuked during WWIII, League City escaped relatively unscathed (architecturally speaking, of course). Over time, however, strangely mutated creatures began to filter out of the Houston ruins, and because of League City's proximity quite a few of them have settled into the nooks and crannies of the deserted town. Staying there for any extended period of time is now considered extremely dangerous, and only the bravest of scavengers visit the ruins to look for rare or unusual junk that might net them a small fortune. Needless to say, there's a lot more to be scavenged here than in safer areas, but most would consider the price too high for the gamble to be a wise one.
10. Alvin Ruins
Alvin used to be just like any of the other little podunks that dot the landscape of Texas. In recent years a large population of raiders, slavers, and mercenaries have settled in and formed a sort of unofficial 'town' where black-market business thrives. It's too large and well-guarded for the NGPS to assault directly - even though they could, it wouldn't be worth their while in terms of casualties and cap investment.
11. NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Though barely anyone remembers the place these days, the NASA Space Center was once a proud testament to the achievements of mankind. Of course, the same technology that propelled men to the moon also propelled mankind into a dark age once the rockets were attached to nuclear warheads instead of spaceships.
It's doubtful whether there's any real human habitation this close to the Houston ruins, but there have been a lot of sightings of ghouls in the area.
12. I-45 to Houston
The old freeway to Houston is eerily devoid of any sort of traffic, and actually taking it all the way to the old metropolis would be considered lunacy. If you weren't made a snack of by the creepy critters that infest the immediate surroundings of the city, there's a good chance you'd die of radiation poisoning without a good supply of anti-rad drugs and a Haz-Mat suit.