Cuddly Critters


Babu, Zela, Cain, Saul, Nazareth, Franky, Amylynn, Blondie, Iona, Ridley

Title Cuddly Critters
Scene Synopsis Grady's ex-protectors meet up with another group of Wastelanders, and everyone is surprised by mutant visitors.
IC Date 15 February, 2194
OOC Date 4 August, 2009
Logger Pluto

League City Ruins - Main Street Junction

[GM] Plutonium says, "Some very quick and dirty facts: Crow, Nazareth, Iona, Saul, and Franky are here already. We are starting out outside of the League City limits, near/in an

abandoned old house."

It's late at night; technically the early hours of the morning, but the sun is still hours from rising over the Wastes. A small two-story house currently hosts several people

who have traveled together, although one of them is now a corpse. Grady, RIP, is currently sprawled haphazardly at the bottom of the stairs that lead to the house's upper story.

Babu is wandering around with Zela. He met it a while back and suggested they go scavanging out in the Wastes for random stuff to sell, which is why he is wearing his excitingly

helpful Goggles. He's got out a light-weight energy pistol just in case, of course, but appears to be relying heavily on the mutant he's with to keep him from turning into a


"For a small piece of shit you sure as hell weight a lot." Franky muses, hooking his hands into the dead man's armpits and he begins to drag the body away from the bottom of the

stairs. "Don't even have the decency to die with cigarettes on you."

Zela is wandering around the wastes, guarding Babu (and anyone else who needs protection while they travel to their nearest destination). It understands well the value of

companions, especially ones who can tell anyone who /really/ hates supermutants to shove off, so its more then willing to offer the smaller trader protection.

Nazareth has trucked about the wastes with quite the motley crew for the last few days. He, however, has remained largely stoic throughout the entire endeavour and unbothered by

the more barbarous happenings. Currently he can be found stooped over his satchel, taking a private inventory of his belongings.

Saul, now that he isn't attempting to scavenge up food or eating anything that moves, has taken up a perch on the upper story of the house to watch the wasteland. He's found the

remains of a window to peer through, his head poking out of the house and voice calling down toward the steps below: "Make sure to take all of his stuff." That's about all the

advice he has for Franky.

There's a sickly, tall-lookin' Ghoul following Nazareth around like some sort of faithful dog. He isn't terribly imposing, but there's a hand that hovers by his hip-pocket and a

constantly wary look on his face. He doesn't seem vastly interested in making friends—as far as he is concerned, he's on duty.

Ridley wasn't really heading this way on purpose, she just sorta found herself in the area. And since it's been a few hours since the sun went down, it's been slow goings

considering she's been especially careful about how fast and when she moves. However, the scream does divert her attention, not to mention the looming shadow of the building in

near distance that would do well as a small form of saftey from the otherwise open vulnerability of standing in the open. So like a crow to a peice of crumpled up foil, the merc

heads thataway.

Babu gestures at the house for Zela. "Hey, I think I heard something from over there," he says, making his way towards the house. "It looks like there are already people there,"

he says.

Zela follows after Babu towards the house. As a tall, massive, green supermutant, its pretty visible and not very sneaky, even in the dark. "Al-right." it says to Babu slowly.
"But watch out. People more often hos-tile then friendly."

Iona stumbles out from her bedroom, reaching up to rub at her forehead. "Whathefuckhappen?" She asks, yawning sleepily. "I was dreaming about booze. Booze as far as the

eye could see. If yer wakin' me up 'cause this fuckhead, he best have something good on him." She sits her scrawny arse down at the top of the steps and goes through her pockets

slowly. She /still/ doesn't have any smokes. And to reaffirm this, she lets out a sigh and mutters, "Why can't smokes magically appear when I need 'em?" Iona stands back up and

moves down the stairs to Franky and the dearly departed, reaching for a scrap of paper in one of his pockets. "Aye, what's this?"

Amylynn wanders besides Blondie, her rifle in hand, and a bounce in her step follows Naz and the young girl perks up at the scream "Hey sounds like something going on up

there…" she looks to the ghoul again who she has bombarded with ghoul hygine questions and random thoughts out of a spastic mind. "So I was wondering can you guys see in the

dark? Or have any neat tricks for fighting like claws or fangs and such?" she really isn't being insulting she's just that… clueless.

[ROLL] Iona rolls her Perception stat (7) and fails. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Perception stat (8) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 8)
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Perception stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 6)
[ROLL] Saul rolls his Perception stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Perception stat (6) and critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)

You paged (Franky, Saul) with 'You hear noises outside. You're aware there's somebody (or something) else around.'

[GM] Plutonium says, "Anyone who's trying to be sneaky about approaching the house: roll Sneak."
[ROLL] Ridley rolls her Sneak skill (66%) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 51)

[GM] Plutonium says, "Ridley remains unnoticed by those who passed their Perc rolls."

Babu is just wandering along towards the house, being pretty leisurely about it. "Than," he explains to the large mutant next to him.

Zela grunts in Babu's direction. "Than?" it asks curiously. "What…do you mean?" It continues strolling towards the house, heading for the front door. "Knock?" it asks Babu.
You paged Amylynn with 'You hear people outside. Furthermore, you determine there are three of them, although you don't know where Ridley is.'

Franky lets the body drop haphazardly in an empty corner after Iona relieved the dead man of his precious scrap. "Looks like an ass wipe to me." A grin then a wink, a motion of

his head towards Nazareth. "Might have him take a gander." His facial expressions harden a bit as he looks about before pressing a finger to his lips for Iona. "Something's

moving outside." He offers in a low tone, before he moves for the stairs.

Babu hmms and considers. "Maybe you should let me," he says, moving up to the house and firmly banging on the door with his fist. "Hello?" he calls out politely. "I don't want

no trouble," he calls out. "Just wondering what's up!"

"Weapons out," Saul echoes, calling down from his perch. He follows his own advice, SMG slung from around his back, set into his hands. He makes a circle then, ringing around

the house and checking where he can into the world outside. One circle, then back to his starting place.

Babu is dressed like some sort of trader, and not any kind of remotely threatening type of individual.

The ghoul squints at the incredibly talkative, well, child that sticks to his tail. "Yeah, I've got a trick. It's called being quiet and trying to focus." But all the same, he

gives her a fairly friendly smirk that reveals somewhat green teeth. His attention shifts suddenly, as Franky announces the appearance of someone—and Babu begins to yell

outside. Hand on his gun, he remains silent, and slowly withdraws the weapon from his hip.

Zela looks rather threatening, hulking above and beside Babu with its reeking, smelly green skin and its minigun. It doesn't talk for now however, letting Babu do the talking.

Iona shakes her head a little bit at Franky, snickering at his quip. She lowers his voice at his command, and reaches into her pocket. "This isn't an asswipe of any

sort. It's directions to that factory the stiff was gonna take us to." Iona peers out the window, trying to get a good look at the sky. "I think we're s'posed to be headin' that

way right now, as a matter of fact." With that, she pockets her piece of paper and out comes the switchblade. SSHLK!

Getting closer to the house, Ridley can start to make out definte shapes and details. But most than anything else are the moving shapes of humans and ones…not so human. Which

would be that of Super Mutants. Though considering it's moving with a human, that could either mean it's saving it for a midnight snack or their traveling together. Either way,

as she makes up near the house, she bites her lip to prevent the snicker from passing her lips from the call Babu makes. Infact, she starts to count down from when bullets will

possibly start firing.

Amylynn leans over towards the ghoul and says "I hear three seperate people…" she keeps her rifle ready but not pointing the barrel at anyone, that'd just make more problems.

"I got yer back, umm wait ghouls can't spin their head all the way round…if so I got yer front…or left…but then that'd be your right. What did dad used to say? If left is

not right then right is the only thing left right?"

Nazareth straps the sack up quickly once the warning comes out. He unslungs the peacemaker from the bag, bringing it around and moving to find something resembling cover.

Zela glances towards Babu. "They don't answer the front door." she says helpfully. "Perhaps I should knock, but louder?"

Babu shakes his head. "Oh, no no!" he says. "I'm sure they are just cocking their weapons and aiming them at the door so they can blow us all away for disturbing them," he says.

"But, who knows! Maybe we'll be lucky and they will want to talk first."

Franky makes it to the second story to join Saul, stopping in his tracks after he hears a knock at the door? "Go find your own fucking hide!" Franky calls down to the group,

flipping off his rifles safety as he presses his back up against a nearby wall.

[ROLL] Ridley rolls her Sneak skill (66%) and critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 33)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Ridley's so darn good at hiding that nobody has the faintest hint she's there."

Babu wanders out from under any overhang, looking up at Franky. "Oh, sorry!" he calls out. "Are you hunting right now?" he asks. "We were just looking around for stuff to

trade!" he explains.

Zela asides to Babu. "Tell them. Shooting bad idea. Want to be friends, but die hard."

Ridley can't help but stare at Babu and Zela from the shadows of the house, not more than twenty feet away from the pair at this point, the living shadow that she is. Refraining

still from making any movement once she finds a spot to hunker out at, she's too curious to see how this is going to turn out. If she didn't have to be so quiet, she'd be

rolling on the ground from the verbal antics to Things One and Two.

Nazareth wears a pensive look on his face for now with the silhouettes of figures now in view. One finger cradles the dual-triggered shotgun, waiting for whatever comes as he

hears voices. He does not, however, speak up.

[ROLL] Saul rolls his Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Hard. He fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Perception stat (7) at a difficulty level of Hard. She fails. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Ridley rolls her Perception stat (8) at a difficulty level of Hard. She fails. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Perception stat (7) at a difficulty level of Hard. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Hard. He critically fails. (Roll Value: 6)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Perception stat (8) at a difficulty level of Hard. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 7)
[ROLL] Babu rolls his Perception stat (9) at a difficulty level of Hard. He fails. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Perception stat (7) at a difficulty level of Hard. She critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Perception stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)

[GM] Plutonium says, "Blondie: You're absolutely convinced nothing besides the people at the door are outside. If anyone says there's something out there, as far as you're

concerned, they're hearing things."

You paged (Nazareth, Franky, Amylynn) with 'You guys hear something else besides the people outside. You're not sure what it is, but it's not too far off.'
You paged Zela with 'You hear something not too far off. It's definitely not human, and is making bizarre moaning noises.'

Blondie inspects his gun a moment, looks down the sight, and then back at the group with a fairly interested expression. "Down, girl. Just, uh, don't—don't point your gun at me

and I think we're going to be just fine." He looks warily at it a moment, and seems to hone in on this spastic girl holding a shotgun, then takes a small step from her and

towards Nazareth.

Franky is somehow scene from the ground level? Bastards must have x-ray vision or something…pressing the stock to his shoulder and stepping out to aim the gun down at the

self-proclaimed trader. "Yeah, I'm hunting nosy fucking retards…Take your smelly friend and…" Stopping in mid-speech and tucking out of view for the moment. He waves at

Saul, "Something else is out there besides these idiots."

Zela suddenly turns around. "Hey!" it shouts in a vaugely feminine voice. "More mutants! I don't know them!" A pause. "Or it. Moaning. Lets go see."

"They haven't started shooting yet," Saul mentions, tucking himself to the side of the window. "I'd hate to shoot them first. Seems discourteous." His head arcs back toward

Franky, questioning look flashed toward the other man before his eyes flit back toward the wastes. "Don't see it. You sure?" Zela's exclamation seems to at least verify it, and

the man raises his weapon a touch higher.

Iona rolls her eyes at the men in the house. "You guys are /such/ pussies," she says to them, before she moves near the front door. She doesn't make any immediate moves

to put her knife away, and grits her teeth a bit. "I don't know what's out there…" Iona admits, however. She pulls her goggles onto her forehead for a moment, her mismatched

eyes focusing hard as though she's trying to listen.

Amylynn looks to Blondie and to Naz not far away and she leans forward towards the door. "Ah boss, I think there is more of them out there… or someone or something else is.

Maybe we should help um? Ya know connections and all." she peeks around out a window to try and get a better view but keeps her head low in case shooting starts.

[GM] Plutonium creates Centaur - 549.
[GM] Plutonium creates Centaur - 550.

Well, that's new. Ridley had never known Super Mutant for being the most perceptive bunch, but Thing Two at the door sounds pretty convincing, however unbeleivable it might be.

She can't see anything herself, but that doesn't stop her from freezing in place, pratically gluing herself to the side of the house.

Babu turns around and looks about. "What do you see, Zela?" he asks, looking around.

[GM] Plutonium says, "Everyone else: roll Perc again, this time at Challenging."
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Perception stat (7) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She fails. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He critically fails. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Perception stat (7) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She succeeds. (Roll Value: 7)
[ROLL] Saul rolls his Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He fails. (Roll Value: 6)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Perception stat (8) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 8)
[ROLL] Babu rolls his Perception stat (9) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He fails. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Ridley rolls her Perception stat (8) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She fails. (Roll Value: 4)

[GM] Plutonium says, "Blondie: You're sure everyone's suffering mass hallucination and think they're complete idiots."

Zela sniffs. "I'm not sure. Mutants. Perhaps bad. Perhaps good." She points at Babu like she would a dog. "You stay! Stay! If I look hurt, run fast! Run away. I have strong

skin. You need more caution then I!" She then beguns trouncing off towards the sound, but adds to the door, "If you brave, you come! Perhaps bad, perhaps good. Not all mutants

like me."

Blondie watches Iona curiously. Then he looks around to Amy. "Listen, kid, just lay low and stay back. We don't know what's out there quite yet." He moves up behind Iona, and

taps her on the shoulder. "You sure there ain't a gas leak and everyone isn't just high as shit right now?" He sounds too condescending to be joking. Is he inspecting her eyes

for excessive dilation? Hell yes he is.

You paged (Amylynn, Iona, Franky) with 'You guys hear whatever it is coming directly from the east, within 50 yards.'

[ROLL] Ridley rolls her Sneak skill (66%) and fails. (Roll Value: 27)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Ridley steps on a piece of glass and it busts under her foot."

"Trust me. I'm a doctor," Iona says, puffing her chest out. She furrows her brows and glances to Blondie touching her shoulder, but makes no negative comment about it.

"Fuck. I hear something. Anyone else heard that? Sounds weird. And close, very close…" She says, glancing to Blondie. "Didja bust your eardrums becomin' a ghoul too? Can't you

hear it?"

Franky tries his best to get a look out the window without exposing too much of his precious noggin. A look back to Saul, "Due east…no more than 50 yards." A vertical palm

pointing a line of contact for Saul. The people outside are ignored as Franky weights options, "I guess we sit tight."

"You people are insane." The old Ghoul mutters, and sniffs the air. He can't smell drugs, as much as he tries to believe he is. "Whatever you're on," he tells Iona, "I want some

of it." But he leaves the supposedly paranoid partiers alone for a moment, stepping back to Amylynn and Nazareth.

Babu unhooks his Wattz pistol and slowly begins moving through some ruins, staying a ways behind Zela but ready to start shooting things with the energy pistol.

Amylynn moves inside the house to the east walls and brings her rifle up ready to aim down. Looking into the darkness she says toward the ghoul "Whatever they are they sound

big…" she narrows her eyes and raises the barrel of the gun on the things trying to get a ID on them.

Too damn dark to see as far out as she'd like, Ridley takes a cue from the Super Mutant's tone and turns her gaze to try and see where it's looking at. Too bad she leans forward

too far and she has to rearrange her foot, and when she does….*pop!*. She cringes at the rather loud sound coming right from her, looking down to see a new crushed Nuka-Cola

bottle underneath her foot. "Fuckin 'ell." she mutters under her breathe.

"Well, guess we'll find out." Saul nods once toward Franky. "They'll at least provide some cover, right? We'll sort it out afterwards." That seems to work for the salvager, one

hand thumping to his weapon before he sets it due east.

[GM] Plutonium says, "Okay, folks. Everyone roll Perc one last time. Amylynn, Franky, and Iona, you guys can roll at Easy, since you got a semi-lock on the critters. Blondie,

you roll at Challenging, since you're being a stubborn old so-and-so. Everybody else gets a no-modifier roll."
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Perception stat (7) at a difficulty level of Easy. She succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Perception stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Perception stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)
[ROLL] Saul rolls his Perception stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Ridley rolls her Perception stat (8) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Easy. She succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Perception stat (8) at a difficulty level of Easy. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Perception stat (6) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Babu rolls his Perception stat (9) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)

[GM] Plutonium says, "You ALL get a gander at the monstrous-looking two-headed creatures running towards the house. They're now at thirty yards or so, and closing fast."

[GM] Plutonium says, "Everyone gets to go before the Centaurs. Those of you who are fighting with ranged weapons can shoot at Hard, since they're still far off. Those of you who

have melee, you either have to wait 'til they get closer or start for 'em. If you're gonna run at them, roll Agility."

[OOC] Zela says, "Since I posed walking towards the sound I heard earlier, and am probably the closest…would I be closer then the others/close enough to shoot easier?"
[GM] Plutonium says, "Zela: Roll Luck at Easy."
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Luck stat (6) at a difficulty level of Easy. She succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[GM] Plutonium says, "You were going in the right direction. Yeah, you can shoot at Challenging."

With the wasteland fauna suddenly in view, Nazareth finally break from his covered position. He crosses the floor of what was likely the house's old living room, saddling up at

a window with the shotgun, waiting for a range that would be reasonably strikeable with the weapon.

Two hideous creatures lumber out of the dark towards the old house, attracted by noise (and possibly scent). The bizarre noises they make, only semi-human, are audible now.

They're moving at a faster pace than one could believe they should be capable of, their twisted legs working in unison to shuttle them forward at a rapid sprint.

Zela bellows out at the top of her inhuman lungs, "CENTAURS!" The cry is deep-pitched and monstorous. Raising her L86A1 weapon she lets out a full burst, before turning to her

companion and shouting, "Run!"

[COMBAT] Zela attacks Centaur - 550 with L86A1 Light Support Weapon (Mode: Burst) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She hits. The attack does 27 Normal damage. (37 raw

damage, 10 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 27 of Centaur - 550's HP.

"Muties…!" Franky calls out to everybody's already knowing ears, as he props his rifle against the remaining window seal for a decent rest before firing off a shot at the

closest abomination. "Fucking muties…" He mumbles as he works the bolt action to feed the next round.

[COMBAT] Franky attacks Centaur - 550 with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Hard. He misses.

He may old and cranky, and stiff in the morning, but the ghoul moves quickly towards the door. He's going to wrench it open and bellow at the people just outside. "If you're

soft and tasty, get the fuck inside!" He's lifting his Desert Eagle, but waits. No point in wasting ammo on a terrible shot.

"Oh fuck me…oh fuck me.." Ridley continues on muttering, finally getting a clear looking at exactly what Zela was talking about. Grimacing, she glaces at her pistol

momentarily, added by a look behind her. She could run, but then again she could run into something even worse. At least here she wouldn't be the only one doing the shooting.

No, she'll fight here, taking a knee to steady herself, she raises her Colt and opens fire.

[COMBAT] Ridley attacks Centaur - 550 with Colt 6520 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Hard. She misses.

"Unlucky." Saul's had pokes out again when he spots the things, weapon rising up. He takes aim, one eye squinting before finger pulls back on the trigger. The ratty looking gun

deploys one shot, aimed at the closest of the abominations.

[COMBAT] Saul makes an aimed attack at Centaur - 550's Abdomen with 10mm SMG (Mode: Aimed) at a difficulty level of Hard. He misses.

Whereas Iona had once called the men pussies, it's now she who ducks into a dark corner. "You guys get the jump on 'em. I'll join in later when they're weakened." She

says with a quiet laugh, giving a brief shudder. "I'll join in when you guys need patchin' up, how about that? I'll wrap ya up in bandages and the like — 'cause I'm only good

at castrating guys. And doctor things."

Babu looks around at the rubble and begins clambering up on top of something, spending his time getting into a good position to shoot the centaurs.

Amylynn already has her rifle out her window and takes in close aim at the torso of the creature that has already been injured "Awww hell I hate these things…." the young girl

puts the rifle stock into her shoulder and squeezes off a shot….

[ROLL] Ridley rolls her Strength stat (5) at a difficulty level of Easy. She succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Ridley: You bust the window open and get inside."

[COMBAT] Amylynn attacks Centaur - 550 with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Hard. She misses.

[GM] Plutonium rolls Centaur - 550's Agility stat (9) at a difficulty level of Challenging. It succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[GM] Plutonium rolls Centaur - 549's Agility stat (9) at a difficulty level of Challenging. It succeeds. (Roll Value: 8)

[GM] Plutonium says, "Zela, roll Luck."
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Luck stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)

"Oh fuck this, I ain't no sitting duck!" Ridley grunts, once realizing that the Centuars are too far off yet for her Colt to do any good at the moment. So she takes this time to

look above, taking not of window looming atop her. Standing up, she hefts up the frame before pulling herself up but not being yelling, "Human comin' in! Dun shoot me!" and

hauling herself inside, tumbling and rolling onto the floor. "Hopin ya guys dun mind sem company, see?"

Both centaurs continue to barrel towards the old house, making up most of the distance in the time it takes various people to start firing at them. Though one of them takes a

spray of automatic fire from Zela's weapon, it barely looks phased, simply grunting and stumbling a bit before picking up its pace. Luckily for Zela, the two creatures

temporarily bypass her, though they don't seem to have failed to notice her… they're just going for the bigger, juicier mass of targets (food) for now.

[GM] Plutonium says, "Those of you who spent last round preparing, which I believe was Naz, Blondie, Babu, and (Iona?): You get to attack them at normal difficulty this time.

Everyone else, at Challenging. They're still not quite here yet, and it's dark out."

[COMBAT] Babu attacks Centaur - 549 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and misses.

Once he feels he has the beasts well enough within his sights, Nazareth hazards a spray of shot in their direction, relying more on the weapon's wide-spray than on any skill or

mechanical prowess on the part of the weapon.

[COMBAT] Nazareth attacks Centaur - 550 with Winchester Widowmaker (Mode: Single) and misses.

Babu stands on top of a large mound of debris, steadying his arm on the remains of a pillar. He blasts off a laser shot, missing the centaur. He seems largely depressed by this

turn of events.

"Watch out for the acid." Blondie has taken up much of the door frame, ready to leap back inside and slam it shut if the centaurs get much closer. He lines up his barrel for the

closer of the two, gritting his teeth and squinting one eyeball shut. A skinless, tattered finger pulls the trigger to release a shot.

Although dark, Cain knew the area wouldn't have stayed quiet for long. Having been finished with his scavenging for the last few hours or so, he had begun to grow bored. He

peers out towards the sound of gunfire, taking large strides in the general direction of the ruckus, all in hopes of finally getting to smash some wandering raiders for loot.

"Finally…" he grunts as he continues his sprint.

[ROLL] Cain rolls his Perception stat (8) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 7)

"Goddamn It!" Franky curses as his round disappears into the dark and not into the belly of his target. A fresh bullet chamber he draws a bead and fires the rifle again. A look

down stairs after doing so to see strangers already piling inside, "Didn't know we took strays."

[COMBAT] Franky attacks Centaur - 550 with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He hits. The attack does 12 Normal damage. (16 raw damage, 4

[GM] You deduct 12 of Centaur - 550's HP.

Zela turns around, sighing with obvious relief, and then scowls at Babu when she sees that he's not running. "You fool!" she mutters before letting loose another shot at the


[COMBAT] Zela attacks Centaur - 550 with L86A1 Light Support Weapon (Mode: Burst) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She misses.

Iona is content to stay huddled in a corner. Her eyes widen as Ridley comes through the window, and she cries out, "FUCK!" before going quiet again. In her tiny corner,

she crouches down. "Like I said, come see me when you guys are done getting hurt…"

[COMBAT] Blondie attacks Centaur - 550 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 13 Normal damage. (17 raw damage, 4 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 13 of Centaur - 550's HP.

[GM] Plutonium says, "Cain, with your success, you see the gunfire. You also notice the hideous centaurs trying to munch people."

Amylynn aims in and comments to the ghoul next to her "Gotta keep both eyes open… or ya chance yer depth percption at the last second." she brings her barrel to bare on the

lead creatures stomach and pulls the trigger again.

[COMBAT] Amylynn attacks Centaur - 550 with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 7 Normal damage. (9.75 raw damage, 2.75 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 7 of Centaur - 550's HP.

"Not recently, Missy but thanks fer tha offer." Ridley grins over at Iona before quickly getting back at her feet. "Ey! Figger ya might want ta worry more 'bout dem beasties

outside than 'bout little ol me!" she hollars upstairs in reponse to her being a stray. Which is most likely true. Needless to say, she returns to window she just hauled herself

into, takes aim, and pulls off another shot.

[COMBAT] Ridley attacks Centaur - 550 with Colt 6520 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 4 Normal damage. (6 raw damage, 2 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 4 of Centaur - 550's HP.

[GM] Plutonium rolls Centaur - 550's Agility stat (9) at a difficulty level of Challenging. It succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
[GM] Plutonium rolls Centaur - 549's Agility stat (9) at a difficulty level of Challenging. It fails. (Roll Value: 8)

[OOC] Plutonium says, "Alrighty. Everyone roll Luck. Those currently inside the house (except Blondie, who is pretty visible in the doorway), roll at Easy. Of those who fail,

I'm going to be going with whoever gets the lowest Roll Value."

[ROLL] Saul rolls his Luck stat (5) at a difficulty level of Easy. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Ridley rolls her Luck stat (6) at a difficulty level of Easy. She fails. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Luck stat (3) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Luck stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Luck stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Luck stat (5) at a difficulty level of Easy. She fails. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Luck stat (9) and fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Cain rolls his Luck stat (3) and fails. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Luck stat (4) at a difficulty level of Easy. He fails. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Babu rolls his Luck stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 5)

[GM] Plutonium says, "Ouch. Naz and Ridley, do 'dice 1d10'."

[ROLL] Ridley rolls one (1) ten-sided (10) dice. RESULT: 6
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls one (1) ten-sided (10) dice. RESULT: 7

Cain Cain immediately recognized to two Centaurs, and with them a bunch of squishies who are beginning to look a lot more like mutt-food at this point. "Ah hell, looks like my

retarded cousins had no trouble finding their way to Texas" he jokes, attempting to close distance between himself and the centaurs, hoping that his -features- don't attract the

lil devil dogs.

The centaurs have nearly reached the house now. The one that everyone is peppering with bullets careens forward, drool spraying out of its open and shapeless mouth at the

prospect of prey - it seems more driven by the pain it's receiving than slowed. The other slows a bit, perhaps out of caution as it watches its deformed comrade get sprayed with


While Zela and Blondie make perhaps the most obvious targets, the creature, for whatever reason, opts instead to go for poor Ridley. It bends on its lower two legs as it nears

the window and launches itself through the air, half of its frame jolting through the weak old wood wiht a loud explosion of splinters and glass. Shrieking in unnatural, ear-

drum shattering tones, it tries to gore her.

[COMBAT] Centaur - 550 attacks Ridley with Natural Attacks (Centaur) (Mode: Maul) at a difficulty level of Challenging. It hits. The attack does 8 Normal damage. (10 raw damage,

2 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 8 of Ridley's HP.

BOOM, in quick succession. Nazareth quickly fires the second barrel of the Qinchester at the charging centaur, noting, suddenly, the additional figure quite near it.

[COMBAT] Nazareth attacks Centaur - 550 with Winchester Widowmaker (Mode: Single) and misses.

It's like trying to chop through a redwood tree with a plastic spoon. The ghoul perceives the bullets striking the centaurs, but nothing seems to be slowing them down. Blondie

shifts slightly, but does not lower his hand. "Shush, kiddo, keep the fuck out of sight." He pulls the trigger, arm moving slightly with the kick of the gun.

[COMBAT] Blondie attacks Centaur - 550 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 11 Normal damage. (15 raw damage, 4 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 11 of Centaur - 550's HP.

Ridley …didn't exactly see this one coming. While she did see the Centuar coming at the house and while this did make take a half backwards, she didn't think it would actually

come -through- the -damn wall- her. Totally taken by surpise, one of the creatures bony appendages manages to stab her in mid-section, causing her to scream while back peddling

through the room. "FUCK, IT'S FUCKIN INSIDE!" she shrieks while pulling off shot after shot of the Centuar while trying to get the hell away from it.

[COMBAT] Ridley attacks Centaur - 550 with Colt 6520 (Mode: Single) and critically hits! The attack does 9 Normal damage. (12 raw damage, 3 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 9 of Centaur - 550's HP.

Another shot from Saul. The man makes one quick slap of his hand to the side of his weapon, jostling the thing before the next bullet goes flying. He aims at the one still in

the open, the shatter of wood and glass from below making the man wince momentarily. "One made it." He tells that to Franky, as if it weren't entirely obvious.

"These are lively Motherfuckers!" Franky yells, no sooner in doing so does the two-headed ugly bursts through the wall and goes after the recent adoptee. "Fuck me!" He exclaims,

pointing his gun downstairs and firing at the home invader.

Zela grunts and heads back towards the house, while continuing to shoot at the same centaur she's been shooting at.

[COMBAT] Zela attacks Centaur - 550 with L86A1 Light Support Weapon (Mode: Burst) and misses.

"HOLY SHIT!" Iona cries out, watching as Ridley gets mauled right in front of her eyes. She leaps forward then with knife in hand, and begins to stab wildly at the

centaur. "Die, you big nasty looking bastard! Oi, Franky! Look at this sumbitch!" She cries out, attempting to jab the centaur all the while.

[COMBAT] Franky attacks Centaur - 550 with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 13 Normal damage. (18 raw damage, 5 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 13 of Centaur - 550's HP.

[COMBAT] Babu attacks Centaur - 550 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and misses.

Amylynn gives a bit of a eep as the monster comes through the window and starts to attack, she steps back only a set behind the ghoul taking charge "Yeah…I'll cover ya…" and

aims at the things groogy looking face she winces at how ugly it is as she pulls the trigger.

Babu stands where he is on top of the rubble, taking a few steps back. He continues to pop off energy rounds at the centaur of choice, concentrating his fire on the most

convenient one.

The sound of large ammo crates can be heard hitting the dried floors of the waste, belts of ammo across a simple bandolier making sweet music… Like a sick and twisted wind-

chime. "This is my rifle…" Cain reaches behind his back, grasping the front of his L86A1. "There are many like it…" He continues to swing the large machine-gun to his chest,

inserting the ammunition and readying his aim at the nearly untouched beast, "But this one is mine!" He shouts, as he fires.

[COMBAT] Amylynn makes an aimed attack at Centaur - 550's Head Two with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Aimed) and misses.

[COMBAT] Cain attacks Centaur - 549 with L86A1 Light Support Weapon (Mode: Burst) and misses.

[GM] Plutonium says, "Okay, folks. Those inside: roll Luck!"
[ROLL] Ridley rolls her Luck stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Saul rolls his Luck stat (5) and fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Luck stat (4) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Luck stat (3) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Luck stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Luck stat (5) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Luck stat (9) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)

[GM] Plutonium says, "Also: those outside, roll Luck!"

[ROLL] Babu rolls his Luck stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 6)
[ROLL] Cain rolls his Luck stat (3) and fails. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Luck stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 5)

[GM] Plutonium rolls Centaur - 550's Strength stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)

With more screaming and slobbering, the first centaur uses its enormous strength to simply slam itself back out of the window in another burst of rotting wood and glass shards.

Apparently it didn't like the confusion of being attacked by multiple sources at close range from inside the enclosed house. However, one of its heads glances up and spots Saul

leaning out of the window… with a noise not unlike human regurgitation, it whips itself back, then forward, and shoots a mucous-lined ball of acid directly at the man.

The other mutated creature stops, its heads peering around, until they settle on… Cain. Perhaps it liked his little speech. It tumbles straight at him, pouncing at his tall


[GM] Plutonium changes the mode of Centaur - 550's Natural Attacks (Centaur) to Acid-spit.
[COMBAT] Centaur - 550 attacks Saul with Natural Attacks (Centaur) (Mode: Acid-spit) and hits. The attack does 9 Normal damage. (11 raw damage, 2 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 9 of Saul's HP.

[COMBAT] Centaur - 549 attacks Cain with Natural Attacks (Centaur) (Mode: Maul) and misses.

[GM] Plutonium says, "Next round! For those inside, the centaurs are Challenging again, unless you wanna move outside (which will be an Agility roll at no mod)."

[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Agility stat (5) and critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Naz, you leap out the window and make it look *slick*. You get an 'Easy' shot at either 'taur."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Make that 'normal', since you had to reload. ;)"

[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Agility stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 3)

Nazareth hurls himself out of the window quickly as the centaurs bring their assault home. In a smooth motion he pops open the breash of his shotgun as he moves through. Once

out, two shells quickly find a home inside of the gun's chambers. *BOOM*

Babu stands around on the large pile of rubble still, popping off shot after shot at the ugly monster. He grabs his wrist and aims more carefully.
[COMBAT] Nazareth attacks Centaur - 550 with Winchester Widowmaker (Mode: Single) and misses.

Zela reloads her gun, dropping the empty cartridge on the floor and shoving in another .223 FMJ, which she lets loose on the nearest centaur.

"Busting down my house…you fucking mutant commie bastards!" Franky yells, watching as the centaur backs out of the house. "YARG!" He cries, firing off another round before he

has works the bolt again, "Fucking shit.." He offers to his rifles slow rate of fire.

[COMBAT] Babu attacks Centaur - 550 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and misses.
[COMBAT] Franky attacks Centaur - 550 with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He misses.

Cain luckily avoids the Centaurs attack, either he stepped out of the way quick enough, or the Centaur just had really horrible depth perception. "Alright you little shit, time

to eat led" he takes the advantage he has to insert in the hollow tips, locking the gun in place, and retaking his aim right at the Centaur.

Ridley manages to take a deep breathe in once that Centuar decided that coming in for tea and cookies. "Goddamnt! Fuck ya in yer thrice-cursed assholes ya slaggin peice o'shit!

I hope a Deathclaw shits on yer face!" she howls at the hole made by the unwelcome unterance. Falling against a wall, she'll still try to take a shot at the one that just left.

Yeah, that's out of anger.

[COMBAT] Ridley attacks Centaur - 550 with Colt 6520 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She critically misses.

"God, fuck, Iwhat the-" Blondie yells out, "Acid! Watch the hell out!" His body is tense and hunched, both hands gripping his eagle as he leaps out the door to search out

the centaur spitting. As he fires, he trips a little over the ground, one knee buckling momentarily. "Goddamnit, I'm rotting on my own feet."

[COMBAT] Zela attacks Centaur - 550 with L86A1 Light Support Weapon (Mode: Burst) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She misses.

One pained yell tears itself from Saul's throat when the ball of spit catches him, the man stumbling back from the window, reaching to claw at the place where acid burnt through

leather. When he does come back to the opening it's with a vengeance, the man pelting the area below with a hail of bullets. Ge goes for quantity over quality.

Amylynn blinks as Naz jumps outside and gacks "Blondie don't worry bout me help the boss! Ahhh ehhh oh frag it all…" she aims down at the creature as it leaves but stays

behind the window "Now….aim, breath and…fire."

[COMBAT] Saul attacks Centaur - 550 with 10mm SMG (Mode: Burst) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He misses.
[COMBAT] Blondie attacks Centaur - 550 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He misses.

Rather than use another loud exclamation to express herself as the acidic spit hits Saul, she merely widens her eyes and mouth, gasping in horror. It's a wordless scream

that escapes her lips, without even so much as a hint of sound coming at all. Finally, Iona's ready to start stabbing again.

[COMBAT] Iona makes an aimed attack at Centaur - 550's Tentacles with Switchblade (Mode: Aimed) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She misses.
[COMBAT] Cain attacks Centaur - 549 with L86A1 Light Support Weapon (Mode: Burst) and hits. The attack does 27 Normal damage. (36 raw damage, 9 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 27 of Centaur - 549's HP.

[GM] Plutonium says, "Crit fails are fun. Type 'dice 1d12'. Everyone, roll Luck."
[ROLL] Ridley rolls one (1) twelve-sided (12) dice. RESULT: 8

[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Luck stat (7) and fails. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Luck stat (5) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Luck stat (3) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Luck stat (4) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Luck stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Babu rolls his Luck stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Ridley rolls her Luck stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Saul rolls his Luck stat (5) and fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Luck stat (9) and fails. (Roll Value: 6)
[ROLL] Cain rolls his Luck stat (3) and fails. (Roll Value: 2)

Ridley's amazing gun prowess results in her tripping over a rock and somehow shooting Cain. Oops!
[GM] You deduct 8 of Cain's HP.

[COMBAT] Amylynn makes an aimed attack at Centaur - 550's Abdomen with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Aimed) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She hits. The attack does 8 Normal

damage. (11.25 raw damage, 3.25 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 8 of Centaur - 550's HP.

[GM] Plutonium says, "Which means it's time for more fun. Everyone roll Luck."
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Luck stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Luck stat (9) and fails. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Babu rolls his Luck stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Luck stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 7)
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Luck stat (5) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Luck stat (3) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Saul rolls his Luck stat (5) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Luck stat (4) and fails. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Ridley rolls her Luck stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Cain rolls his Luck stat (3) and fails. (Roll Value: 1)

The centaurs continue to attack. Centaur #1 is getting rather injured, but not injured enough to cease its fuel-hungered assault. It lunges back into the house and attack

Amylynn savagely.

The other centaur goes after Cain again, probably because he's still blasting away at it with that pesky automatic gun.

[ROLL] Zela rolls her Agility stat (8) and critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Zela, you spring dramatically into the house with flourish and get to attack 550 at Easy."

[COMBAT] Centaur - 550 attacks Amylynn with Natural Attacks (Centaur) (Mode: Vicious-maul) and misses.
[COMBAT] Centaur - 549 attacks Cain with Natural Attacks (Centaur) (Mode: Vicious-maul) and hits. The attack does 10 Normal damage. (12 raw damage, 2 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 10 of Cain's HP.

"Hey, bitch, pick on someone without tits!" Okay. He's spent a long, long time in the wastelands by himself. Give him a break. He's sterile. The most he can do is just be

inappropriate. Blondie shoots at the centaur, snarling.

Zela runs towards the house after the Centaur she has been attacking, and vaults through the window in a rather graceful fashion, landing atop the now shattered panes of glass.

Hefting its gun high into the air, the super-mutant growls at Centaur 550. "Your meat. WILL TASTE GOOD…IN MY BELLY!" It then fires.

[COMBAT] Zela attacks Centaur - 550 with L86A1 Light Support Weapon (Mode: Burst) at a difficulty level of Easy. She hits. The attack does 29 Normal damage. (39 raw damage, 10


Babu continues popping off shots from the side, trying to shoot the centaur that is outside attacking Amylynn. So far he has yet to hit anything substantial.

[COMBAT] Babu attacks Centaur - 550 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 19 Laser damage. (20 raw damage, 1 resisted)

[GM] You deduct 29 of Centaur - 550's HP.
[GM] You deduct 19 of Centaur - 550's HP.
[COMBAT] Centaur - 550 has died.

While in the process to lean against that wall, the heel of Ridley's boot slips on rock that had been strewn across the room when the Centuar initiall came inside to say hello.

Already injured as she is, she slips falling onto her rear, which makes her pistol fire off. No, she doesn't take the time to see where that bullet went, and now does she care

as that damn thing is coming back into the room. "C'mon! Gimme a fuckin' break already!" Manages to rapidly try and scoot backwards, she's firing again at that damn thing. "Why

won't ya fuckin' die already!?"

[ROLL] Franky rolls his Agility stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)

Amylynn dodges and gives a eep as she dodges a biting Maw "Ahh it's gonna eat me! And not the good way….eww and its got tentcles like those gross Jappie mags the perverted guy

used to read!" she barely dodges the attacks as others bring the beast down so… she brings her rifle in a quick aim and fires on the remaining critter…she seems to keep her

cool in action…shame she can't shut up.

Zela pages: Any valuable/tasty squishy parts (or parts of scientific interest) I can loot from the dead 550 while they are blasting away at the other?
You paged Zela with 'Roll Luck. If you're trying to make it sneaky, roll Sneak.'

[ROLL] Zela rolls her Luck stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)

[COMBAT] Amylynn makes an aimed attack at Centaur - 549's Abdomen with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Aimed) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She misses.

"Holy Hell!" Iona cries out. She didn't manage to castrate /this/ beasty… or even hit it, though she manages to look oddly pleased with herself. "Ya think I'm goin'

outfuckinside and you're wrong," she announces to no one in particular before moving to have a seat on the floor. The piece of paper she found earlier is taken out of her pocket

and read over again.

At last, Nazareth sees the centaur he'd been firing desperately at go down in a flurry of laser bolts and machine gun tracers. He wastes no time after this, turning and dropping

to a knee before sending the second shell at the remaining centaur.

[COMBAT] Nazareth attacks Centaur - 549 with Winchester Widowmaker (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 16 Normal damage. (22 raw damage, 6 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 16 of Centaur - 549's HP.

"You alright there Saul?" Franky calls over to the man after he heard him catch a nasty loogie. He doesn't wait for vocal reply thought as his SMG if good enough. "Alright

then." He gives his widow as quick boot before he attempts to lower himself down to the second story..he's still got a short fall at least, landing with a thud before he gets

himself up. "HAHA…eat shit fuck stick!" Franky grins before firing at the remaining monster.

[COMBAT] Franky attacks Centaur - 549 with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 13 Normal damage. (18 raw damage, 5 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 13 of Centaur - 549's HP.

When Saul's attacker goes barreling inside again the man snaps his weapon toward the other creature out in the open, rattling off another hail of bullets in its direction. Both

of his hands cradle his weapon, the SMG spewing out lead for all its worth. Franky's window dive takes him aback only momentarily, the large man voicing a complaint of 'Shit.'

before he returns to his work.

Zela walks over towards the corpse of the dead centaur and begins poking around at it. She opens up one of the pouches on her side and takes out a medical scalpal and begins

cutting away at it.

[COMBAT] Saul attacks Centaur - 549 with 10mm SMG (Mode: Burst) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He misses.

- You create a Mystery Meat.
- You create a Mystery Meat.
- You create a Mystery Meat.

[GM] Plutonium says, "Zela, your self-centered looting of ze corpse gets you… 3 mystery meats. Enjoy. Nom."

[ROLL] Zela rolls her Luck stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Ridley rolls her Luck stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Luck stat (4) and fails. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Saul rolls his Luck stat (5) and fails. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Luck stat (3) and fails. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Luck stat (9) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Luck stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 7)
[ROLL] Cain rolls his Luck stat (3) and fails. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Luck stat (5) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)

Cain grins as the centaur's blood sprays upon his chest… That is until a stray bullet finds it's way into his body… "Sonova" he spits, grimacing from the pain before taking

note on who hit him. Realising his gun has cooled, he quickly takes aim again and fires.

[COMBAT] Cain attacks Centaur - 549 with L86A1 Light Support Weapon (Mode: Burst) and critically misses.

[ROLL] Ridley rolls her Luck stat (6) and critically fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Luck stat (6) and critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Luck stat (3) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Luck stat (5) and fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Cain rolls his Luck stat (3) and fails. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Luck stat (4) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Luck stat (9) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Luck stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Babu rolls his Luck stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)

[GM] You deduct 12 of Ridley's HP.

The remaining cetaur cranes its heads back in the direction of its fallen best-bud. Noticing its obviously-deceased state, it lets out a blood-curdling roar and bounds towards

the house, totally ignoring Cain for the time being. Franky is the first target of convenience it comes across, and it launches a set of teeth at his… noggin'!

[COMBAT] Centaur - 549 makes an aimed attack at Franky's Head with Natural Attacks (Centaur) (Mode: Aimed) and misses.

"Run, kid, run!" Blondie hoarsely yells at Franky when his head gets a bit taken out of it. Leveling his gun at the bright pink and ugly-as-sin mutant, he fires again.
Zela stands up from the Centaur and hops back out the window. Looking at the surviving one going for someone's head, its raises its gun and fires at the centaur. "LITTLE COUSIN!

GO HOME!" the Super Mutant shouts.

Ridley might've been able to actually go out and chase after the remaining Centuar. That is, if it wasn't coming back into the house and if she clipped twice by Caine's stray

bullets. "It was an accident!" she groans after slumping against the stair. "Oh fuck, think I'm gonna need a doc.." she coughs. But creature stays clear in her mind, even if she

isn't looking too hot, extending her arm to fire another round at it.

[COMBAT] Zela attacks Centaur - 549 with L86A1 Light Support Weapon (Mode: Burst) and hits. The attack does 28 Normal damage. (38 raw damage, 10 resisted)
[COMBAT] Ridley attacks Centaur - 549 with Colt 6520 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 3 Normal damage. (3.75 raw damage, 0.75 resisted)
[COMBAT] Babu makes an aimed attack at Centaur - 549's Head One with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Aimed) and critically misses.
[GM] You deduct 28 of Centaur - 549's HP.
[GM] You deduct 3 of Centaur - 549's HP.

Nazareth pivots at the waist as the centaur steams past and back towards the house.. But that's alright, it looks like Nazareth will just have some repeat medical business..


[COMBAT] Nazareth attacks Centaur - 549 with Winchester Widowmaker (Mode: Single) and misses.

Amylynn comes up and around the chaotic battle to a better possition to fire on the remaining centaur. Bringing her rifle to aim on the largest point of the body "Just die

allready!" she lets another round fire into the beast.

Babu takes a good long moment trying to shoot the centaur in one of his heads. However, the dumb energy pistol locks up and he grumbles. "Awww, man!" he says, doudning extremely

annoyed by his poor luck.

[COMBAT] Blondie attacks Centaur - 549 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 15 Normal damage. (20 raw damage, 5 resisted)
[COMBAT] Amylynn makes an aimed attack at Centaur - 549's Abdomen with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Aimed) and hits. The attack does 4 Normal damage. (6 raw damage, 2 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 19 of Centaur - 549's HP.

[GM] Plutonium says, "Laser guns are fun. 1 = Weapon overheats and burns the crap out of Babu, 2 = He misfires and hits one of you poor saps, 3 = He trips and falls on a limb,

crippling it for the rest of the fight!"
[ROLL] Plutonium rolls one (1) three-sided (3) dice. RESULT: 2

[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Luck stat (7) and fails. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Saul rolls his Luck stat (5) and fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Luck stat (5) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Luck stat (9) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Ridley rolls her Luck stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Cain rolls his Luck stat (3) and fails. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Luck stat (3) and fails. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Luck stat (4) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)

Babu proceeds to bang on his gun with a fist and then it discharges in a random direction. "Oh shit!" he says, swearing.

[ROLL] Plutonium rolls one (1) twenty-two-sided (22) dice. RESULT: 8
[GM] You deduct 8 of Cain's HP.

Iona wanders over to Ridley, laughing quietly as she does. "You have the shittiest luck I ever seen," She remarks to Ridley, sighing quietly. "Hold still now. I'll try

to patch you up when all of this dies down. Or that dick who's apparently a doctor can…" Iona is no doubt referring to Nazareth here.

Cain stands staring blankly, feeling a bit bad at his temporary miss, but also a little satisfied that he got a little revenge…"Hope the lil' squishie is alright." he whispers

to himself, beginning to put his L86A1 up, and retrieving his Sledge. "Alright, fuck bullets." he shouts, noticing the centaurs retreat. He quickly follows raising his sledge

above his head ready to let it rain hell upon the poor beast…And yes, he feels the laser burning into his flesh, god that fuckin' hurts.

[COMBAT] Cain attacks Centaur - 549 with Sledgehammer (Mode: Swing) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He misses.

Saul breaks away from the window, the man retreating back toward the stairs, leaping over railing and aiming his weapon down. This time he doesn't cover the area in bullets,

albeit only because of lack of ammunition. Just one shot at the rampaging creature this time.

Franky is glee at the moment while he goes about cycling his weapons action, looking up only to see the remaining beast trudging toward him with a gapping open mouth. A few side

steps remedy the situation though, "You stupid shit." A chuckle, as he fires the rifle at the passing disfigured form.

[COMBAT] Saul attacks Centaur - 549 with 10mm SMG (Mode: Single) and misses.
[COMBAT] Franky attacks Centaur - 549 with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 14 Normal damage. (19 raw damage, 5 resisted)
Cain misses, slamming into the dirt blew, creating a quite large smoke cloud. "Dammit!"

[GM] You deduct 14 of Centaur - 549's HP.

[GM] Plutonium says, "Luck."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Roll it!"
[ROLL] Babu rolls his Luck stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Saul rolls his Luck stat (5) and fails. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Luck stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Luck stat (3) and fails. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Luck stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)
[ROLL] Ridley rolls her Luck stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Iona rolls her Luck stat (5) and fails. (Roll Value: 3)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Luck stat (9) and critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)

[COMBAT] Centaur - 549 makes an aimed attack at Franky's Right Arm with Natural Attacks (Centaur) (Mode: Aimed) and misses.

The centaur continues to pursue Franky mercilessly, for he looks like he'd make a good healthy meal. It tries to latch on to his arm this time, but misses once again, snarling

in fury at its inability to find purchase.

Zela walks straight over to the Centaur, approaching it from its side. Walking to point blank range (she's tired of missing all the time) she lets loose a full burst from her

assault weapon.

"Usually I dun look this bad…must be an off day or semthin. Or I pissed sembody off recently." Ridley manages a grin while not trying to look at the one puncture wound and two

gunshot holes in her body that she's just so recently aquired. "Dun care who patches me up, Missy, jest long it gits done, ya dig?" She's not out yet though, even leaning

against the stairs, she still able to take aim at the Centure. "He ain't yer meal, shitstain!"

[COMBAT] Ridley attacks Centaur - 549 with Colt 6520 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 6 Normal damage. (7.5 raw damage, 1.5 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 6 of Centaur - 549's HP.

Cain gives the bullet-riddled beast a dark stone-faced glare before raising up his mighty sledge once more, "Die you bastard!" he yells in a blood-curdling shout.

Amylynn also comes in close and fires off a round into the beast "Stop eatting Franky you mutant turd!" she lets a round fly into the beast at close range.

[COMBAT] Amylynn makes an aimed attack at Centaur - 549's Abdomen with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Aimed) and misses.

Just can't seem to find any form of relent from the nasty creature trying to make him into a decent meal. More side stepping and dodging ensues, "HAHAHA!" He adds to taunt the

beasts quad-mutant ears, "FUCKING DIE!"

[COMBAT] Zela attacks Centaur - 549 with L86A1 Light Support Weapon (Mode: Burst) at a difficulty level of Easy. She misses.

[GM] Plutonium changes the mode of Centaur - 549's Natural Attacks (Centaur) to Vicious-maul.
[COMBAT] Centaur - 549 attacks Zela with Natural Attacks (Centaur) (Mode: Vicious-maul) at a difficulty level of Easy. It misses.

[COMBAT] Cain attacks Centaur - 549 with Sledgehammer (Mode: Swing) and misses.

[COMBAT] Franky attacks Centaur - 549 with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 7 Normal damage. (9 raw damage, 2 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 7 of Centaur - 549's HP.

[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Agility stat (6) and critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
[GM] Plutonium says, "You sprint over in style. Roll @ Easy."

[COMBAT] Blondie attacks Centaur - 549 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. He misses.

Cain misses again, smashing into the ground once more. "You tricky devil!" he shouts, preparing to raise up his sledge once more.

"Out of the way!" Saul, despite his protest, does not wait for the people clustered around the Centaur to follow instruction. He barrels down the stairs, skipping and leaping

over a few before his arm snaps up again. When he finds a decent opening he fires, another chunk of led for the sturdy mutant to enjoy.

[COMBAT] Saul attacks Centaur - 549 with 10mm SMG (Mode: Single) and misses.

[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Agility stat (5) and fails. (Roll Value: 3)

Now that the beast was quite clearly on its way out of this plane, Nazareth has business to attend to. He turns and moves to the window, stopping for a moment while he wrestles

with his trading pack, working to get the weight right.

Cain gives his sledge a little pre-attack spin, letting the momentum guide the sledge into the dirty little beast.

[COMBAT] Cain attacks Centaur - 549 with Sledgehammer (Mode: Swing) and hits. The attack does 8 Normal damage. (11 raw damage, 3 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 8 of Centaur - 549's HP.

Iona tucks a piece of paper into Ridley's pocket — namely, the piece of paper she'd found earlier. "Keep that safe now. I probably shouldn't be trusting you with it,

but damned if you're not just so agreeable. I need to go check on something. Don't die!" Iona says, before she starts to beat a hasty retreat elsewhere.

Babu just continues shooting at the centaur, since apparently there's nothing to be done with the pistol.

[COMBAT] Babu attacks Centaur - 549 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and misses.

Amylynn yelps as the stray laser beams and bullet fly all around her "Gahh becareful….come on just aim in and kill it. Just try not to shoot the friendlies!" she aims another

and fires off into the beast "Come on where is yer sweet spot…"

[COMBAT] Amylynn makes an aimed attack at Centaur - 549's Abdomen with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Aimed) and critically hits! The attack does 16 Normal damage. (21 raw damage, 5


[GM] You deduct 16 of Centaur - 549's HP.
[COMBAT] Centaur - 549 has died.

With one last, gurgling moan, the second creature tumbles to the ground, twitching a few times before laying still.

Zela glances around. "Anyone….need…doctor?" it asks. "I am…used…to…war injuries!"

With the last pounding death of the centaur, Blondie lowers his gun. But only slightly. Now that the threat of the feral is gone, there's a lot of strangers around and he

doesn't quite know what to do with them. "Go on, kiddo, loot the fucker." Amy destroyed it, in his opinion she gets dibs. He looks over at Zela a moment appraisingly. "… Uh,

no, I'm fine. Thanks, though." He's a ghoul. She's like a big frightening cousin.

Ridley blinks. "Wha…hey! I'm half-dead 'ere!" she gapes as Iona runs off. "Fuckin a! What does it take ta git a goddamn doc 'round 'ere!?" she snarls before her attention once

again is drawn back to her target. Or…the dead one. Staggering up to her feet, she let's her pistol drop to her side. "Son o bitch…took long enough." she grunts, fishing a

old crumpled pack of smoke from a pocket, within the many folds of her camo cloak."

Babu proceeds to walk over a ways where the centaurs came from, peering about carefully.

Zela runs over towards Ridley, and then begins looking over her injuries. "Sit…still. I…can help. I do this…all the time."

[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Science skill (95%) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 95)
[ROLL] Zela rolls her Doctor skill (37%) and fails. (Roll Value: 27)

[OOC] Amylynn waits to see if she splatters the party with Centchunks (grin)
[GM] Plutonium says, "Ah, you have bloody mess."
[GM] Plutonium grins.
[GM] Plutonium says, "Anything below 10, and yeah."

[ROLL] Plutonium rolls one (1) ten-sided (10) dice. RESULT: 5
[GM] Plutonium says, "Congratulations, everyone. You are covered in centaur innards. Rejoice in your newfound anatomical knowledge."

Franky stands there for a bit as he watches the creature take a few more bullets, coughing a bit as he works the colt's action to accept a fresh stripper clip of ammo. "Well

now…." He looks around to the fresh faces then the house, "You lot can keep the hide…" A nod before he starts off towards Nazareth's direction.

"God damn it," Saul complains, the man ejecting the cartridge from his weapon, tossing it aside before he fishes another out of one of his bags. Once he's finished cleaning and

readying the SMG it's slung back, mere shake of his head mentioned at need for a doctor. "It's not that bad." There is, however, a neat hole where leather used to be. "Need new


With the red spray that coats Nazareth's back now, he assumes the best. Turning, he takes account of the bodies of the centaurs. Ignoring the rest of the scene for a moment, he

wanders up to the side of the more preserved carcass, indoors. While others bleed around him, he is far too busy studying the creature.

Amylynn blinks as just a momment before her bullet went into the centaurs abdomin and unknown what happened inside the beast. But half of it's torso explodes and the contorting

body rips the entry aqnd exit wounds violently in different directions. Colorful splatters of mutated flesh cover the walls and those nearby. Amy just stands there in a tad of

shock "Well…not what I meant by sweet shot. Damnit…"

Babu wanders along over to the main group again after looking around some. "I do not see anything of value in this area," he says. "You'd think there would be others who were

less lucky, and left their bodies and stuff behind for us to find."

Ridley winces at Zela's touch when she tries to address her wounds. "Ey! Watch yer damn hands! Lemme do it!" she snorts, trying to take care of things herself. Which she doesn't

seem to well either.
Saul has disconnected.

Zela glances over Ridley's wounds. "I…know…what…to do. But I…do not have…the items." She glances back at the others. "Quick! She…is injured. I need a…meat cleaver

or a…more sharp scalpel then what I have…and maggots. Find maggots!"

[GM] Plutonium says, "Roll Luck, anyone who wants some disgusting meat."

[ROLL] Zela rolls her Luck stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Blondie rolls his Luck stat (7) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Luck stat (9) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 9)
[ROLL] Franky rolls his Luck stat (3) and fails. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Ridley rolls her Luck stat (6) and critically succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Nazareth rolls his Luck stat (4) and critically fails. (Roll Value: 1)

- You create a Mystery Meat.
- You give Blondie the Mystery Meat.
- You create a Mystery Meat.
- You give Amylynn the Mystery Meat.

[ROLL] Babu rolls his Luck stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)

Blondie offers no real help now. But he takes stock of his bullets and sighs. He's out some money with that one, but he's fine with the lack of ammo in comparison to a missing

limb. "If you need me, boss," he calls to Nazareth, "I'll be looking around the perimeter. …" Then drops his voice to a mutter, "making sure nothing else comes to check out

this sick mess." And don't think he doesn't stop by the centaur to lop off a piece of meat. He's got dinner.

- You create a Mystery Meat.
- You give Babu the Mystery Meat.

[GM] Plutonium says, "Ridley: the centaurs apparently got a taste from humans out of experience. You find a human arm clasping a bag of caps inside the 'taur's stomach. You may

keep/share 'em at your behest."
[GM] Plutonium says, "Naz, you stick your hand right in the centaur's acid gland. Ouchie."

[GM] You deduct 5 of Nazareth's HP.

- You give 400 caps to Ridley.

Babu watches Naz mess up his dissection. "Oh man, that's gonna hurt," he says. "Hey, I've got some victory meat I can sell you that'll make you feel better! I'll sell it to

you!" he says.

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