Unique NPCs:
Title | Braaaaiiiinnnnssss! |
Scene Synopsis | A town besieged by feral ghouls calls for aid to push back the hordes. |
IC Date | 15th Mar, 2194 |
OOC Date | 16-08-09 |
Logger | Neutronium |
Word goes out across many of the major trading posts in what used to be Southeast Texas. A small community nestled between New Texas City and Galveston had put out a call for willing hands to help in their defense of their town from a rising infestation of feral ghouls. Rewards are promised to their would-be saviors on the basis of proven kills.
The Township of La Grange is an unassuming little place that was blessed enough to be spared by the blasts that tore the world asunder, and so is a town whose mild, urban atmosphere has persisted. Now, however, the town is almost entirely silent, only the occasional snap of weapons fire able to be heard from the edges of the town.
Harvey isn't terribly interested in mercenery work, but word came from one of his caravans that there has been a lot of escaped slaves, so, well, anything to bolster a weak business. Clad in leather and a shiny breast-plate, he wanders slowly into town, heading towards the gunfire. A gun is firmly gripped in his hands, his face drawn tight into a look of superb paranoia, ears pricked for noises of anything nearby.
Princess Sixty-Five, the outlandishly dressed vault-dweller, is one of those who has heard the calls. She was extremely enthusiastic to take up the job, walking to La Grange on her lonesome but looking quite warm and cheerful. She gives one last look to her various equipment as the town comes into view, looking around for anything of note, other 'heroes' that may be arriving, and so on…
Babu arrives, being buddies with some of the caravan people, and having heard about it. He arrives at the appointed time in the appointed place, having travelled there with his energy pistol out, and his travelling goggles on.
Amylynn has rifle ready and scans the horizon. Eyes narrow and she looks to the others, bouncing with a cheerful smirk she adjusts her submachine gun slung over her off shoulder and asks "Think we should check it out? Sounds like a fight already underway. Maybe we can get the drop on some critters while they are wounded."
As dusk falls on the town, the streets go dark. Rows of three-story brick buildings sit with their windows gone black with the flight of their tenants in the face of whatever had made the town go so silent. An old Red Rocket gas station that looks as though it was converted into a wasteland diner now smoulders, smoke billowing out of its front window and a trio of slain townspeople littering the area around its front door. Other than this, there is no sign of life.
Well, that would possibly explain where either some villagers or some ferals are hiding out. Mumbling under his breath, Harvey couches by one of the alleyways and pans the street with his vision. Then, slowly, he begins to move towards the little diner—bright gray eyes alighting on and around it, seeking out any organic movements outside of smoke and fire. His teeth click together around his tongue, lips pulling back into a snarl.
Babu walks along over near Amylynn. "Ah, well. I don't know if we really need to /leave/ to find these guys, do we? I got the general impression that the ghouls had a habit of attacking the town, and they need people to just stay here and defend it."
Princess Sixty-Five finds herself more or less hooked up with a few others; Harvey catches her notice in particular. "Good evening," she speaks up in a normal voice, quick to duck if getting his attention prompts his gun to wave her way. "By your attire, I see you might be an agent of justice?" She points above his head, at the fedora he has. "If you are, please accept my help. I am also here to see the monsters driven out so people will be safe!" She even abruptly puts her left hand on her hip, striking a needlessly dramatic pose.
Amylynn follows Harvey as he wanders the streets staying close to him "Ya know keep making that face it'll freeze that way." she jests and keeps her head turning like a ferret on a double expresso "True, but why not hunt them before they hunt us?" she looks to the side at Princess "Hmm so the hat is what makes ya a agent of justice? Hmm thought a red cape would be more likely…hey I wanna be a agent of justice to." she smiles with a warm chuckle.
[OOC] Neutronium says, "I'll take Outdoorsman rolls at normal or perception rolls at challenging."
[ROLL] Babu rolls his Perception stat (9) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Karen rolls her Perception stat (9) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Outdoorsman skill (47%) and fails. (Roll Value: 13)
[ROLL] Harvey rolls his Perception stat (5) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He fails. (Roll Value: 4)
A few hours of searching, but more importantly the discovery of a few signs leading the way to the now fortified town hall brings the group to the last hold-out for the survivors of the town. Metal drums litter the area and have been opened up and cobbled together to form protective barriers from which the defenders can fire from. Fires like the spaces to the sides of each avenue as they open up onto the town's central hub, providing light on incoming targets. Feral ghoul corpses choke the streets here, some having begun to decay, and too little time being available to properly dispose of the bodies. Here and there a less decayed corpse might be found, its smooth skin denoting it as one of the town's former residents.
Behind the barriers there is a great deal of activity, compared to the rest of the town. A few vendors even still have shops running, supplying the remaining townspeople with various wasteland creature comforts. Elsewhere in the cordoned off section of the town are its stalwart gaurds, posted up in the gaps between the disassembled drums watching the outer perimeter. When the group finally emerges out into the town square, a flare goes up over the encampment, casting a pink glow over the entire site of the battle for the town. From behind the fence a tanoy squealches before a voice booms over it, "Wave twice with your left hand or we will shot!"
"Would you both," Harvey suddenly hisses, "keep it down?" He gives them both a look of disbelief. Then he slips up towards a wall, head darting in either direction to checkagainfor any hostile figures. "Let's just be careful." Karen's questions are largely ignored-mainly because he thinks she's a little crazy. And if he answered, he wouldn't be answering in a terribly honest manner. Nice looking Wastelander though. Might fetch a good price on the marke Goddamnit, Harvey, keep your mind off money for right now! He grunts. When they emerge into the carnage of the square, he shoots up his left hand immediately and waves. "Heard y'all might be needing some help," he calls cheerfully, stopping briefly until given an okay to get closer.
Princess Sixty-Five takes a few glances around, realizing what most of the others here have; there is little going on in this part of town. With gunfire in the distance being a fairly strong clue, she listens in and watches some of Babu's own reactions… and eventually the group finds their way to the town hall, with the 'heroine' wincing at some of the corpses along the way.
When a flare goes out and apparent sentries challenge them however, she's very quick to comply, lifting her left hand (with no weapon in it) to wave a few times, and calling out, "There's no need to fire on us! I'm Princess Sixty-Five," she strikes another pose at that point, left hand on hips, right hand by her forehead in an odd salute gesture, "And we're here to help!" She nods a few times to Harvey, visibly enthused at his interest in 'helping' them.
Babu trudges along, looking over the decaying bodies. He glances at the companions, then back out over the area. He raises his hand and waves it as asked, twice. "Yeah!" he hollars, adding to the other comments. "Caravans said you needed help!"
Amylynn waits and blinks "Ummm wait which one is left!?" she calls out "Wait make a L with my hand… Damn not that good at reading and letters…if left is not right then right is the only one left right? No…ahh!" she raises her proper hand with a smile "Hey never mind I figured it out!" she waves with a smile and near blank look on her face.
The tanoy clicks off and two halves of a sliding gate open up welcomingly for the visitors. The metal screams as it's dragged back to provice a way for them to enter the encampment. The noise travels far, echoing off the sides of the buildings that line the streets in all directions. A moment later it snaps back on, "Come on in, happy to have you all."
[OOC] Neutronium says, "Perception rolls."
[ROLL] Karen rolls her Perception stat (9) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Harvey rolls his Perception stat (5) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Perception stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
PC Pose Sequence: Babu - (5), Harvey - (5), Karen - (5), and Amylynn - (3)
NPC Pose Sequence: Feral Ghoul - 679 - (11), Feral Ghoul - 677 - (8), Feral Ghoul - 683 - (5), Feral Ghoul - 681 - (5), Feral Ghoul - 680 - (4), Feral Ghoul - 678 - (3), Feral Ghoul - 682 - (2), and Feral Ghoul - 556 - (2)
Princess Sixty-Five is in visibly great cheer as she marches in past the gate, one hand slowly going to her Desert Eagle as she explains, "Just getting ready. Please don't mind me." And assuming that doesn't cause any problems, she looks around the area and asks the obvious: "You're having problems with monsters?" Not quite the right term, obviously. "We heard your calls and are here to help drive them off! I can't speak for the others, but I don't put a premium price tag on justice… if you were offering any reward, I will take less than you offered. A true hero does not get rich off the misfortune of others, only taking what they need to continue serving the cause!" If she could, she'd make her teeth 'ping' right now.
Harvey moves on inside, his gait carrying him quickly. Amylynn's struggle to find her left hand is noted with a vaguely worried look, though the man seems to become more interested in the enclosure. Hefting the gun in his hand, he seems quick in looking for a place to set up for good shots. With Karen speaking, he remains silent, eyes scanning around continuously.
Amylynn comes in not far behind Harvey and smiles "Don't worry. I'm not as ditzy as I seem…." she then is distracted by one of the merc's pistol "Ohhh a laser. Nice." she chuckles "Sooooo where are the ferals that need to be taken care of?" she keeps her rifle on her shoulder barrel up "I'm ready for them!" she says excitedly.
Just as each of the group files into the encampment one of the fence guards turns back suddenly, "Incoming! Get the goddamn gate closed before they get here!" And surely enough, he's right. Flickers of pale skin can be seen in the storefronts of old buildings, the signal flames in the courtyard illuminating them as emaciated, rabid ghouls file out of the run down constructions. Immediately two of the townsmen are pushing with all their might to get the gate closed, the guards readying their weaponry.
[OOC] Neutronium says, "Combat begins."
[OOC] Neutronium says, "The ghouls are approximately one hundred yards from the gate."
Babu walks over to some barrels, lifting his energy pistol and aiming it at the front-runner ghoul He braces his arm, steadying it to take a shot when it's a wee bit closer.
Amylynn takes up near a vaccant notch in the barrier and raises her rifle. Aiming down the sights she calls out "Well might as well reach out and touch someone…." she aims at the closest ghouls chest, breaths out and slowly pulls the trigger back.
And here they come. Harvey appears to be only vaguely startled, before sliding quickly into an attitude comfortable with combat. His gun is raised and swung around, taking aim upon some of the Ghouls that come this way. "Nothing like killing some fresh zombie ass in the morning."
[COMBAT] Amylynn makes an aimed attack at Feral Ghoul - 690's Torso with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Aimed) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She misses.
[COMBAT] Babu attacks Feral Ghoul - 690 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He hits. The attack does 21 Laser damage. (22 raw damage, 1 resisted)
Babu braces his wrist with his free hand and there's a cu-chunk from his laser pistol as a shot pops off, hitting the ghoul in the lead. "Oh boys…" he says. "That's a lot of ghouls."
[GM] You deduct 21 of Feral Ghoul - 690's HP.
[COMBAT] Harvey attacks Feral Ghoul - 693 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He hits. The attack does 19 Normal damage. (22 raw damage, 3 resisted)
[COMBAT] Harvey attacks Feral Ghoul - 693 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He misses.
[GM] You deduct 19 of Feral Ghoul - 693's HP.
Princess Sixty-Five has her Desert Eagle ready, and jogs over to an opening in the fortifications to aim out at the same 'monsters' everyone else is. When she sees one of the front-runners take a hit, she aims her pistol to target that one and fires, a loud report from the .44 magnum round going out…
[COMBAT] Karen makes an aimed attack at Feral Ghoul - 690's Torso with Desert Eagle (Mode: Aimed) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She hits. The attack does 14 Normal damage. (16 raw damage, 2 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 14 of Feral Ghoul - 690's HP.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 686 attacks Feral Ghoul - 691 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Challenging. It misses.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 688 attacks Feral Ghoul - 691 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Challenging. It misses.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 687 attacks Feral Ghoul - 677 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Challenging. It misses.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 685 attacks Feral Ghoul - 690 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Challenging. It misses.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 689 attacks Feral Ghoul - 690 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Challenging. It misses.
A flurry of laser fire crackles from behind the fence. It soon becomes quite clear as to what has brought the town to its current state. "Jesus, get that gate closed before they get in!" one of the guards barks, his voice reverberating off the tin-metal fence. A bit of progress is made, but the gate snags, requiring a moment to get it back on track. the ghouls are more efficient, however, as the lead takes three rounds but hardly even breaks step as it charges on.
Babu stays there, steadying his hand. He aims at the lead ghoul again, and another ka-chunk, and a blast of laser zaps towards the ghoul.
[COMBAT] Babu attacks Feral Ghoul - 690 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He misses.
Amylynn hmms and brings the barrel back down for her next shot "Hmmm maybe if I aim a bit to the left…" she states before squeezing off another round. "I hate wasting ammo…"
[COMBAT] Amylynn makes an aimed attack at Feral Ghoul - 690's Torso with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Aimed) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She misses.
Harvey's blast rips through one the first time, but a sudden dark look takes over his features when he misses the second. However, the man does not seem to be too interested in letting up. He takes aim again, fingers clenching the trigger ragefully.
[COMBAT] Harvey attacks Feral Ghoul - 693 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He hits. The attack does 17 Normal damage. (20 raw damage, 3 resisted)
[COMBAT] Harvey attacks Feral Ghoul - 693 with Desert Eagle (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Challenging. He hits. The attack does 15 Normal damage. (17 raw damage, 2 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 17 of Feral Ghoul - 693's HP.
[COMBAT] Feral Ghoul - 693 has died.
[GM] You deduct 15 of Feral Ghoul - 693's HP.
[COMBAT] Karen makes an aimed attack at Feral Ghoul - 690's Torso with Desert Eagle (Mode: Aimed) at a difficulty level of Challenging. She hits. The attack does 17 Normal damage. (20 raw damage, 3 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 17 of Feral Ghoul - 690's HP.
Princess Sixty-Five makes a slight 'yes!' to herself as her shot hits, then she settles her aim and tries again… and makes another direct hit to the torso, dropping one of the front-runners. Combined with the other fire going out taking another one down, she's quite enthused and cheers the group on, "That's right! Keep at it, and justice will win the day!"
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 706 attacks Feral Ghoul - 696 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and critically misses.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 705 attacks Feral Ghoul - 698 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and misses.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 707 attacks Feral Ghoul - 698 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and misses.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 704 attacks Feral Ghoul - 696 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 17 Laser damage. (18 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 17 of Feral Ghoul - 696's HP.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 708 attacks Feral Ghoul - 696 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 13 Laser damage. (14 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 13 of Feral Ghoul - 696's HP.
Progress! Two ghouls join their fallen brethren while the rest continue to stream into the courtyard, making good time as they rush for the gate. It's anyone's guess as to whether they'll make it or not. Even the guards manage to land their hits home this time around, two laser bolts singing the chest of the same ghoul.
[COMBAT] Karen makes an aimed attack at Feral Ghoul - 696's Torso with Desert Eagle (Mode: Aimed) and critically hits! The attack does 28 Normal damage. (32 raw damage, 4 resisted)
[COMBAT] Feral Ghoul - 696 has died.
[GM] You deduct 28 of Feral Ghoul - 696's HP.
Princess Sixty-Five keeps her spot at the fortifications, continuing to take careful aim for center mass. It's getting easier now, and another loud .44 bang goes out from her Desert Eagle, joining the fire on another ghoul being hit by beams. Her shot is particularly on, blowing out of its back in a fairly messy display and joined by a cry of "Take that, mindless minion of evil!"
Babu turns now, raising his Wattz pistol. Another ka-chunk and another bolt. "Hey, you!" he shouts at Amylynn. "Are you alright?" He seems to have his hands full keeping track of the ghouls and keeping out of eye-gouging range.
Amylynn growls "I will be just great if I can hit something…." she states in a angry voice. "Now…." she calms herself and keeps aimed in. "Where is that sweet spot…" before firing once again.
[COMBAT] Babu attacks Feral Ghoul - 698 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 11 Laser damage. (12 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 11 of Feral Ghoul - 698's HP.
[COMBAT] Amylynn makes an aimed attack at Feral Ghoul - 698's Torso with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Aimed) and misses.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 706 attacks Feral Ghoul - 698 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and misses.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 705 attacks Feral Ghoul - 695 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and misses.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 707 attacks Feral Ghoul - 698 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 14 Laser damage. (15 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 14 of Feral Ghoul - 698's HP.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 708 attacks Feral Ghoul - 698 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and misses.
A flicker and one of the guard's guns would sputter out, requiring a quick field check before it'd be willing to fire again. The rest keep firing, quickly becoming panicked as the translucently-skinned ghouls come within striking distance of their final fortifications.
[OOC] Karen says, "How close is the gate being to closed?"
[OOC] Karen says, "Can she help speed it up?"
[OOC] Neutronium says, "Yes, but she won't be able to fire on the ghouls."
[OOC] Karen says, "As in, won't be able to fire once the gate is closed? Or just for this round?"
[OOC] Neutronium says, "This round."
[OOC] Karen says, "Okay. She helps shut it."
[OOC] Neutronium says, "Roll strength."
[ROLL] Karen rolls her Strength stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[OOC] Neutronium says, "Alright, you get the door closed."
[OOC] Neutronium says, "Pose it up. :]"
Princess Sixty-Five pulls back from her firing routine, realizing just how close the 'monsters' are and that the gate is ponderously slow to close even with two men on it. That's when she runs over to it, delivering a jump-kick while yelling "Sixty-Five KIIICK!" …That nudges it a little, but doesn't help much. More usefully, she stands beside the men and puts her shoulder against it, helping to push it shut.
Babu continues pumping rounds out of the simplistic cheap energy pistol. "Augh, these guys aren't going down!" he says. "This is going to be a problem really soon!" he exclaims.
[COMBAT] Babu attacks Feral Ghoul - 698 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. He critically misses.
[OOC] Neutronium says, "On a 1, you lose your next turn, on a two, expunge your clip."
[ROLL] Neutronium rolls one (1) two-sided (2) dice. RESULT: 1
[OOC] Neutronium says, "K, your gun's light generator peters out, burning your next turn while you slap it back to life."
[OOC] Amylynn says, "hmmm 2 questions, any ghouls in range to be burst and more than one hit, as well is the gate small enough to be covered by a molotov"
[OOC] Neutronium says, "Roll perception."
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Perception stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[OOC] Neutronium says, "You notice that the gate's framing structure is made of wood. A molotov would likely be a bad idea."
[OOC] Neutronium says, "As for the ghouls, no, they each came out of different buildings."
Amylynn watches the others push the gate in "Alright….still trying to cover ya guys…." she looks out and aims again at a ghouls chest "Now….just drop for frag sake…"
[COMBAT] Amylynn makes an aimed attack at Feral Ghoul - 698's Torso with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Aimed) and critically hits! The attack does 18 Normal damage. (21 raw damage, 3 resisted)
[COMBAT] Feral Ghoul - 698 has died.
[GM] You deduct 18 of Feral Ghoul - 698's HP.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 706 attacks Feral Ghoul - 695 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 17 Laser damage. (18 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 17 of Feral Ghoul - 695's HP.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 705 attacks Feral Ghoul - 703 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. It hits. The attack does 15 Laser damage. (16 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 15 of Feral Ghoul - 703's HP.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 707 attacks Feral Ghoul - 695 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. It hits. The attack does 15 Laser damage. (16 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 15 of Feral Ghoul - 695's HP.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 708 attacks Feral Ghoul - 695 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. It hits. The attack does 17 Laser damage. (18 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[COMBAT] Feral Ghoul - 695 has died.
[GM] You deduct 17 of Feral Ghoul - 695's HP.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 704 attacks Feral Ghoul - 703 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. It hits. The attack does 17 Laser damage. (18 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 17 of Feral Ghoul - 703's HP.
[GM] Neutronium rolls Feral Ghoul - 703's Strength stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[GM] Neutronium rolls Feral Ghoul - 702's Strength stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[GM] Neutronium rolls Feral Ghoul - 701's Strength stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 5)
[GM] Neutronium rolls Feral Ghoul - 700's Strength stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[GM] Neutronium rolls Feral Ghoul - 699's Strength stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 4)
[GM] Neutronium rolls Feral Ghoul - 697's Strength stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 6)
[GM] Neutronium rolls Feral Ghoul - 684's Strength stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
[OOC] Neutronium says, "Karen, roll luck."
[ROLL] Karen rolls her Luck stat (2) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 2)
The guards finally get their shit together and manage to drop one of the charging ghouls.. But while they did manage to get the gate closed, the remaining ghouls are nowhere near deterred. They converge almost at the same time, hurling themselves headlong into the metal gate with a resounding slam. The gate jumps out of its track, splitting open just wide enough that one of the gerl ghouls can get its torso through, but not far enough to reach the first living thing it sees: Karen, which it swipes viciously at.
[COMBAT] Karen makes an aimed attack at Feral Ghoul - 703's Torso with Desert Eagle (Mode: Aimed) at a difficulty level of Easy. She critically hits! The attack does 31 Normal damage. (36 raw damage, 5 resisted)
[COMBAT] Feral Ghoul - 703 has died.
[GM] You deduct 31 of Feral Ghoul - 703's HP.
Princess Sixty-Five looks to Babu, yelling some enthusiastic encouragement(?) to him; "The battle for justice is rarely easy! Take heart, we will triumph in the end!" Needlessly dramatic, that. "We will…!" She shrieks as the gate starts to rend, jumping back a step and aiming at one visibly wounded ghoul in the pack, blasting another .44 magnum round to spectacular effect, dropping it as she makes a few more quick backward leaps. They won't get her far, but it's a start.
Babu hustles over to stand near Karen, nodding. "Right right…killing ghouls, it's totally what justice is about," he says. Ka-chunk, another energy blast out of the pistol at the ghoul.
[COMBAT] Babu attacks Feral Ghoul - 702 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 10 Laser damage. (11 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 10 of Feral Ghoul - 702's HP.
[COMBAT] Amylynn attacks Feral Ghoul - 702 with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. She critically hits, bypassing its armor! The attack does 15 Normal damage. (15 raw damage, 0 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 15 of Feral Ghoul - 702's HP.
Amylynn moves from the barrier and raises her rifle "For justice and saving my rear!" she cheers out firing a quick snap shot into the nearest ghoulie she can get a bead on.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 706 attacks Feral Ghoul - 697 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 14 Laser damage. (15 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 15 of Feral Ghoul - 697's HP.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 705 attacks Feral Ghoul - 697 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 14 Laser damage. (15 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 707 attacks Feral Ghoul - 697 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. It misses.
[GM] You deduct 14 of Feral Ghoul - 697's HP.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 708 attacks Feral Ghoul - 697 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. It hits. The attack does 10 Laser damage. (11 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 10 of Feral Ghoul - 697's HP.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 704 attacks Feral Ghoul - 697 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. It misses.
[GM] Neutronium rolls Feral Ghoul - 702's Strength stat (6) and critically fails. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Neutronium rolls one (1) ten-sided (10) dice. RESULT: 10
[GM] You deduct 10 of Feral Ghoul - 702's HP.
[GM] Neutronium rolls Feral Ghoul - 701's Strength stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[GM] Neutronium rolls Feral Ghoul - 700's Strength stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 5)
[GM] Neutronium rolls Feral Ghoul - 699's Strength stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)
[GM] Neutronium rolls Feral Ghoul - 697's Strength stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 3)
[GM] Neutronium rolls Feral Ghoul - 684's Strength stat (6) and fails. (Roll Value: 4)
[ROLL] Neutronium rolls one (1) two-sided (2) dice. RESULT: 1
[GM] Neutronium rolls Mercenary Triggerman - 708's Luck stat (3) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 1)
[GM] Neutronium rolls Mercenary Triggerman - 707's Luck stat (3) and fails. (Roll Value: 1)
[COMBAT] Feral Ghoul - 701 attacks Mercenary Triggerman - 707 with Natural Attacks (Feral Ghoul) (Mode: Swipe) and misses.
The guards are up quickly and move back to join the group in a line-firing position surrounding the breach in the gate. Another ghoul goes down and the one behind it heavily battered, but they keep coming. Then the metal wails and its frame snaps against a particularly brutal rush that sends it creaking open.. The first ghoul is through then and beats it for one of the guards happening to stand a bit two near. A second is in behind it and the ghouls are suddenly breaking through on the defenders.
[PLAYER] Karen restores her Action Points.
[COMBAT] Karen makes an aimed attack at Feral Ghoul - 702's Torso with Desert Eagle (Mode: Aimed) at a difficulty level of Easy. She critically hits! The attack does 26 Normal damage. (30 raw damage, 4 resisted)
Princess Sixty-Five retorts hotly to Babu, "We're protecting the innocent!" Then she sees there is little where else to run, with ghouls finally breaking through. "Monsters, this is as far as you go!" Said just before she fires the massive pistol again, and hits once more to absurd effect on the already wounded ghoul, dropping it as she does a quick cartwheel backwards.
Amylynn watches the ghouls pour in as well… moving back (as far as 2 ap can get her) she levels the rifle at the invading ghoulies and fires another round "Question, is there justice for things that don't understand right and wrong? It's this more for civilization?" she states and fires a round into the nearest meltie…
[COMBAT] Amylynn attacks Feral Ghoul - 697 with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. She hits. The attack does 13 Normal damage. (15 raw damage, 2 resisted)
[COMBAT] Feral Ghoul - 697 has died.
[GM] You deduct 13 of Feral Ghoul - 697's HP.
Babu moves back with the others (4 AP), trying to keep safe and out of the way. "Oh man, oh man," he says, watching the invaders as well. Ka-chunk, the energy pistol pops off again. "This really sucks!" he says.
[COMBAT] Babu attacks Feral Ghoul - 701 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. He hits. The attack does 14 Laser damage. (15 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 14 of Feral Ghoul - 701's HP.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 708 attacks Feral Ghoul - 701 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. It hits. The attack does 14 Laser damage. (15 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 14 of Feral Ghoul - 701's HP.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 707 attacks Feral Ghoul - 701 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. It misses.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 706 attacks Feral Ghoul - 700 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. It hits. The attack does 17 Laser damage. (18 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 17 of Feral Ghoul - 700's HP.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 705 attacks Feral Ghoul - 701 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and critically misses.
[ROLL] Neutronium rolls one (1) two-sided (2) dice. RESULT: 1
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 704 attacks Feral Ghoul - 701 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 10 Laser damage. (11 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 10 of Feral Ghoul - 701's HP.
[OOC] Neutronium says, "Alright, roll luckl."
[OOC] Karen says, "All of us?"
[OOC] Neutronium says, "Yes."
[ROLL] Karen rolls her Luck stat (2) and fails. (Roll Value: 2)
[ROLL] Babu rolls his Luck stat (6) and succeeds. (Roll Value: 6)
[ROLL] Amylynn rolls her Luck stat (9) and fails. (Roll Value: 3)
[COMBAT] Feral Ghoul - 701 attacks Mercenary Triggerman - 708 with Natural Attacks (Feral Ghoul) (Mode: Swipe) and misses.
[COMBAT] Feral Ghoul - 700 attacks Karen with Natural Attacks (Feral Ghoul) (Mode: Swipe) and critically misses.
[COMBAT] Feral Ghoul - 699 attacks Amylynn with Natural Attacks (Feral Ghoul) (Mode: Swipe) and hits. The attack does 4 Normal damage. (5 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 4 of Amylynn's HP.
[ROLL] Neutronium rolls one (1) two-sided (2) dice. RESULT: 2
[COMBAT] Feral Ghoul - 684 attacks Amylynn with Natural Attacks (Feral Ghoul) (Mode: Swipe) and misses.
The rest of the ghouls file in amid the gunfire. One stumbles as it charges forward at Karen, but another manages to just barely catch Amy with an outstretched arm.
[PLAYER] Karen restores her Action Points.
[COMBAT] Karen makes an aimed attack at Feral Ghoul - 701's Torso with Desert Eagle (Mode: Aimed) at a difficulty level of Easy. She hits. The attack does 20 Normal damage. (23 raw damage, 3 resisted)
[COMBAT] Feral Ghoul - 701 has died.
[GM] You deduct 20 of Feral Ghoul - 701's HP.
Princess Sixty-Five continues to debate with Babu even as the enemies are in their faces; "The battle for what's right never 'sucks!' It only tries us, to impro—" She cuts off with a shriek, spinning aside from a claw-swipe that would have missed her anyway. In an incredible show of 'good combat vision', she ignores the fallen ghoul in favor of yet again finishing off a wounded one, the massive bang of her Desert Eagle taking it down.
[COMBAT] Babu attacks Feral Ghoul - 700 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 14 Laser damage. (15 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 14 of Feral Ghoul - 700's HP.
Babu continues to move back some, trying to keep the ghouls at a distance (AP 4, but still keeping close range). Ka-chunk and another laser blast hits a ghoul in the chest. "Take that, ghoulio!"
[COMBAT] Amylynn attacks Feral Ghoul - 700 with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) and hits. The attack does 7 Normal damage. (7.5 raw damage, 0.5 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 7 of Feral Ghoul - 700's HP.
Amylynn backs off as best she can…. firing another shot into the adevancing ghouls she takes a nasty raking of claws "Crap, just a few more hit…" her round strikes but is not very effective. "Damnit why could you be like the normal ghouls and keep yer sanity….just cause yer ugly don't mean to have to hate the world this much!"
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 708 attacks Feral Ghoul - 700 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. It misses.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 707 attacks Feral Ghoul - 700 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. It misses.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 706 attacks Feral Ghoul - 699 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. It hits. The attack does 10 Laser damage. (10 raw damage, 0 resisted)
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 705 attacks Feral Ghoul - 700 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. It hits. The attack does 12
[COMBAT] Feral Ghoul - 700 has died.
[GM] You deduct 12 of Feral Ghoul - 700's HP.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 704 attacks Feral Ghoul - 699 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. It critically misses.
[COMBAT] Feral Ghoul - 699 attacks Karen with Natural Attacks (Feral Ghoul) (Mode: Swipe) and hits. The attack does 7 Normal damage. (8 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 7 of Karen's HP.
[COMBAT] Feral Ghoul - 684 attacks Amylynn with Natural Attacks (Feral Ghoul) (Mode: Swipe) and misses.
"One more down," one of the guards yelps as a lazer cuts a swathe into one of the zombie's brains. The weapon, while spectacular, seems to be giving most who happen to be using it on this night trouble, as yet another light amplifier flickers out. The ghouls keep coming though, staying in stride of their prey. Karen gets hers, at last, one of the gouls dragging a filthy claw across her midsection.
[PLAYER] Karen restores her Action Points.
[COMBAT] Karen makes an aimed attack at Feral Ghoul - 699's Torso with Desert Eagle (Mode: Aimed) at a difficulty level of Easy. She critically hits! The attack does 28 Normal damage. (32 raw damage, 4 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 28 of Feral Ghoul - 699's HP.
Princess Sixty-Five is given much better cause to shriek this time, as a claw rends through her. She pulls back, horrified: "Y… you hit me! You actually hit me!" Shocked, she raises her Desert Eagle again and fires at her attacker, sending a very well placed round through its chest as she hops off to the side, trying to get what little distance she can and clear the shot for others.
[COMBAT] Babu attacks Feral Ghoul - 699 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. He hits. The attack does 13 Laser damage. (14 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[COMBAT] Feral Ghoul - 699 has died.
[GM] You deduct 13 of Feral Ghoul - 699's HP.
Babu keeps running about, keeping out of the way. "He did!" he says, agreeing with Karen. "He did! He hit you! You should totally take it out on him!" he says cheerfully. He seems much more pleasant now that there are very few feral ghouls about, and he is not hurt.
Amylynn calls out "Hey I was hit first ya know! Don't let the grime cover claws of bad guys silence the swift arse kicking of justice and all that!" she looks at the uninjured ghoul "And this is for nicking my favorite armor….and my only armor…." she pops a round off to it's head.
[COMBAT] Amylynn attacks Feral Ghoul - 684 with Colt Rangemaster (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. She critically misses.
[ROLL] Neutronium rolls one (1) two-sided (2) dice. RESULT: 1
[OOC] Neutronium says, "Lose your next turn, Amy."
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 708 attacks Feral Ghoul - 684 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) and misses.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 708 attacks Feral Ghoul - 684 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. It hits. The attack does 17 Laser damage. (18 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 17 of Feral Ghoul - 684's HP.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 707 attacks Feral Ghoul - 684 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. It hits. The attack does 12 Laser damage. (13 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[GM] You deduct 12 of Feral Ghoul - 684's HP.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 706 attacks Feral Ghoul - 684 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. It misses.
[COMBAT] Mercenary Triggerman - 705 attacks Feral Ghoul - 684 with Wattz 1000 (Mode: Single) at a difficulty level of Easy. It hits. The attack does 21 Laser damage. (22 raw damage, 1 resisted)
[COMBAT] Feral Ghoul - 684 has died.
[GM] You deduct 21 of Feral Ghoul - 684's HP.
[OOC] Neutronium says, "Alrighty then, I'm going to close us out here. I'll be running the next part in the next couple of days."